Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption

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Contact Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption

Address :

Piazza Duomo, 82019 Sant'Agata Dé Goti BN, Italy

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City : Sant'Agata Dé Goti

Piazza Duomo, 82019 Sant'Agata Dé Goti BN, Italy
Stefano Cancelliere on Google

Chiesa con un ingresso bello con colonne in granito di riuso romano e anche una colonna d marmo Lucille verde, l'interno rifatto ma poco significativo.
Church with a beautiful entrance with granite columns of Roman reuse and also a green Lucille marble column, the interior redone but not very significant.
Pasquale Sommella on Google

Da visitare assolutamente ed ammirare la raffigurazione del giudizio universale sulla parete d,'ingresso pregevoli anche le opere sulle navate laterali.
To visit absolutely and to admire the depiction of the universal judgment on the entrance wall, also the works on the side aisles are valuable.
Domenico dls on Google

Bellissima. Chiesa posta in una piazza incantevole.
Gorgeous. Church located in a lovely square.
Domenico Iannotta on Google

Sehr schönes romanisches Gotteshaus aus dem XII. Jahrhundert. Zu beachten sind die Krypta sowie die Säulen und Bauteile aus der Römerzeit, diese wurden damals in den Dombau integriert. Früher war Sant'Agata ein bedeutender Bischofssitz und wichtiges religiöses Zentrum. Unter den Bischöfen besonders erwähnenswert Felice Peretti, der später als Papst gekürte und berühmte Sixtus V. sowie der heilige Alfons de Liguori, Gründer des weltweit bekannten Redemptoristen Ordens.
Very beautiful Romanesque church from the XII. Century. Note the crypt as well as the columns and components from Roman times, which were then integrated into the cathedral building. In the past, Sant'Agata was an important bishopric and an important religious center. Particularly noteworthy among the bishops was Felice Peretti, the famous Sixtus V, who later became Pope, and Saint Alfons de Liguori, founder of the world-famous Redemptorist Order.
Antonella Cariota on Google

Bellissima Cattedrale.Affreschi divini,e,le statue dei Santi,la rendono molto adatta al culto,e,alla preghiera.Si celebrano Messe molto sentite,sicuri che Gesù ci ascolterà.
Beautiful Cathedral. Divine frescoes, and the statues of the Saints, make it very suitable for worship, and for prayer. Masses are celebrated very heartfelt, sure that Jesus will listen to us.
caro Town on Google

Il Duomo sorge nell'omonima piazza nel centro storico di Sant'Agata de' Goti. La costruzione dell'edificio risale all’anno 970, ma è stato notevolmente modificato nel corso dei secoli. La facciata conserva colonne con capitelli di epoca romana. L'interno è a tre navate con otto cappelle laterali. Sull’altare si possono ammirare le statue di Sant’Agata e di Santo Stefano, patroni della città. Sul soffitto tavole di legno dipinte con scene dei martiri di S. Stefano, e di S. Agata.
The Cathedral is located in the homonymous square in the historic center of Sant'Agata de 'Goti. The construction of the building dates back to the year 970, but has been significantly modified over the centuries. The façade retains columns with capitals from the Roman era. The interior has three naves with eight side chapels. On the altar you can admire the statues of Sant’Agata and Santo Stefano, patrons of the city. On the ceiling wooden panels painted with scenes of the martyrs of S. Stefano and S. Agata.
Tin Nguyen on Google

pts pts on Google

Beautiful Cathedral center of town. If possible visit crypt!

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