San Paolo Hospital Emergency Room

2.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact San Paolo Hospital Emergency Room

Address :

Via S. Vigilio, 24, 20142 Milano MI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +988
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City : Milano

Via S. Vigilio, 24, 20142 Milano MI, Italy
Giusy Alaimo on Google

Mi reco questa sera in pronto soccorso, al triage per sapere di mia zia che è stata ricoverata questa mattina, e mi hanno detto che mi avrebbero fatto sapere qualcosa, cosa che non è avvenuta in più mi trovo una persona straniera all'accettazione triage con scritto sul maglione Sicuritalia , mi sembra che mi ride in faccia e mi dice di andare via, non esiste, che stia lì passava un infermiere e ho chiesto a lui se mi poteva dare notizie e ho dato una borsa contenente un pigiama da dare a mia zia,quella persona non è degna di stare in quel posto,non capisco i l perché non ci sia un infermiere all'accettazione. Poi sì è avvicinata una guardia per capire cosa stava succedendo, ma non ha detto assolutamente niente a quella persona .il che l'infermiere mi ha riferito che più di una persona aveva litigato con .quella persona per lo stesso motivo. Chiedo sì. prenda provvedimento..Grazie
I go to the emergency room tonight, to the triage to find out about my aunt who was hospitalized this morning, and they told me that they would let me know something, which did not happen plus I find myself a foreign person at the triage acceptance with written on the Sicuritalia sweater, it seems to me that he laughs in my face and tells me to go away, it does not exist, that a nurse is passing by and I asked him if he could give me news and I gave a bag containing a pajama to give to my aunt, that person is not worthy to be in that place, I don't understand why there isn't a nurse at admission. Then a guard approached to find out what was going on, but he said absolutely nothing to that person, which the nurse told me that more than one person had argued with that person for the same reason. I ask yes. take action .. Thanks
Julio Turd on Google

一月28号早上,我因为身上皮肤的原因来到了san paolo 急诊室。从我进去门口到轮到我上7楼看医生,整个过程我只等待了15分钟。期间遇到的所有工作人员,不管向他们咨询任何问题,他们都很礼貌的回答你,并且带有微笑。完全不会因为你是一个外国人而区别对待,很满意的一次会诊,谢谢。
On the morning of January 28, I came to the san paolo emergency room because of the skin on my body. From when I entered the door to when it was my turn to go up to the 7th floor to see the doctor, I only waited 15 minutes for the whole process. All the staff encountered during the period, no matter you ask them any questions, they will answer you politely and with a smile. You will not be treated differently because you are a foreigner, a very satisfactory consultation, thank you.
Chichi Savannah on Google

Il personale che risiede nel PS non sa proprio cosa vuol dire empatia, umanità, comprensione e soprattutto sono degli incompetenti. Capisco tutto, capisco il periodo difficile che si sta vivendo MA NON SI PUÒ LASCIARE UNA DONNA DIABETICA IN TERAPIA SENZA CIBO E SENZA INSULINA, MA SCHERZIAMO? Ma cosa vi dice la testa? Roba da denuncia. Gente trattata malissimo, ma fatevi un esame di coscienza e imparate ad essere infermieri migliori. Nulla da dire sui medici che invece visitano, gentili, disponibili e cordiali e che ti SANNO VISITARE.
The staff who reside in the PS do not really know what it means to empathy, humanity, understanding and above all they are incompetent. I understand everything, I understand the difficult period we are going through BUT YOU CANNOT LEAVE A DIABETIC WOMAN IN THERAPY WITHOUT FOOD AND WITHOUT INSULIN, BUT ARE WE KIDDING? But what does your head tell you? Complaint stuff. People treated very badly, but examine your conscience and learn to be better nurses. Nothing to say about the doctors who visit instead, kind, helpful and friendly and who KNOW TO VISIT you.
lucia de filippis on Google

Esperienza pessima. Ho trovato una mancanza di umanità esagerata a partire dall'accettazione in pronto soccorso dove sono stata presa a male parole da un uomo e successivamente dall'internista perché mi sono permessa di richiedere dove dovevo andare visto che non avevo capito, probabilmente non avete mai pensato che se una persona si reca al PS probabilmente non sta bene? Fatto sta che dopo il triage risulto positiva (mercoledì avevo fatto la terza dose) ed entro al reparto covid alle 3 di notte, sapevo che sarei stata lì per diverse ore ma non pensavo di restare lì per 7 ore su una sedia nonostante avessi accanto una letto vuoto (ovviamente questo lo avrei riconsegnato qualora ci fosse stata un'urgenza seria), e nonostante stessi male con cali di pressione. In questa esperienza negativa le uniche due persone più umane ed empatiche sono stati due infermieri giovani di cui non ricordo il nome purtroppo. Sono una farmacista e sono cresciuta in una famiglia di medici da generazioni capisco il peso e lo stress che questi professionisti accumulano soprattutto in questo periodo però, vorrei dire alla dottoressa del turno della mattina alle 8 di non esagerare con il modo pessimo di rispondere a dei pazienti anziani. C'è modo e modo di far capire le cose.
Bad experience. I found an exaggerated lack of humanity starting from the admission to the emergency room where I was badly spoken of by a man and later by the internist because I allowed myself to ask where I should go since I did not understand, you probably never thought that if a person goes to the PS he is probably not well? The fact is that after the triage I am positive (on Wednesday I had the third dose) and I enter the covid ward at 3 am, I knew that I would be there for several hours but I did not think of staying there for 7 hours in a chair despite having a empty bed (obviously I would have returned this if there was a serious urgency), and despite being sick with pressure drops. In this negative experience the only two people who were more human and empathetic were two young nurses whose name I don't remember unfortunately. I am a pharmacist and I grew up in a family of doctors for generations I understand the weight and stress that these professionals accumulate especially in this period however, I would like to tell the doctor on the morning shift at 8 not to overdo the bad way of responding to elderly patients. There is a way and a way to make things understood.
Roshanak Dezyani on Google

Very bad behavior and bad system of health doctors also
Lordana Pillay Sadaseeven on Google

They don't even deserve that one star. Poor service. People wait hours and hours to get checked. The authorities should really look into the matter.
Kseniia Sycheva on Google

7 Hours of waiting and no help!!!! Moreover, when they tried to take my blood analysis the blood was splitting all around the table!! No one even tried to look at me and see what is happening! Just wait for 7 hours and try not to die in between!!!!
Luv Gill on Google

First time I visited for emergency check-up 11:00am in the morning...first thing no have manners over there to speak I waited long time after that they took sample and the they told again for waiting 9hours I was sitted there without eating in the end I asked I receptionist when I will get my turn she said in italy is like this if you wanna go you can go otherwise wait..

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