Fatebenefratelli Opthalmic Hospital Emergency Room

1.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fatebenefratelli Opthalmic Hospital Emergency Room

Address :

Via Castelfidardo, 14, 20121 Milano MI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Milano

Via Castelfidardo, 14, 20121 Milano MI, Italy
Francesca Giannitrapani on Google

Sono andata perché mi si è gonfiato un dito del piede senza sapere perché. Non riesco quasi a camminare e il dottor Marzocchi che mi ha preso in carico… non solo mi ha guardata da lontano (1metro e mezzo di distanza), ma in più mi ha fatto fare un tampone che non avrei dovuto fare ed infine mi ha detto che non avevo nulla. Quando gli ho chiesto cosa dovevo fare visto che lavoro in un nido e sollevo bimbi tutto il giorno senza stare ferma un secondo…mi ha detto “vada a lavoro, si compri un paio di scarpe comode e larghe come il suo piede largo come mamma l’ha fatta”… rispetto? Dove? Senza contare che mi ha mandata a casa senza dirmi di pagare il tiket che sono tornata dopo tre ore a pagare solo perch casualmente avevo visto la nota nel foglio di dimissione !! Senza parole!!! Senza contare come era trattata e collocata la gente dentro!!
I went because my toe swollen without knowing why. I can hardly walk and Dr. Marzocchi who took charge of me ... not only looked at me from a distance (1 meter and a half away), but also made me swab that I shouldn't have done and finally told me that I had nothing. When I asked him what I had to do since I work in a nursery and lift children all day without standing still for a second ... he said "go to work, buy a pair of comfortable shoes that are as wide as your foot as wide as mom l 'has made ”… respect? Where is it? Not to mention that he sent me home without telling me to pay the tiket that I returned after three hours to pay just because I had accidentally seen the note on the discharge sheet !! Without words!!! Not to mention how people were treated and placed inside !!
Leonardo Motta on Google

Pronto soccorso oftalmico non all'altezza della struttura di cui fa parte. Tempi d'attesa lunghi e massacranti, si sa quando si entra ma non si sa quando si esce, soprattutto se si ha un codice bianco. Non è meglio anche se il codice è verde, alcuni momenti il tempo passa e non chiamano nessun paziente, anche se sul monitor fa vedere che i pazienti visitati vanno avanti. Scarso personale per le visite. Peccato.
Ophthalmic first aid not up to the structure of which it is part. Long and exhausting waiting times, we know when we enter but we don't know when we leave, especially if we have a white code. It is not even better if the code is green, some times the time passes and they do not call any patient, even if on the monitor it shows that the patients visited go on. Poor staff for visits. Sin.
Giada Battaglia on Google

Personale àccettazione maleducata e arrogante. Con un ulcera corneale senza occhiali miope astigmatica, in più con fatica a tenere gli occhi aperti mi hanno impedito di entrare con mia madre VACCINATA COVID. Mi hanno fatto perdere tempo dicendo che dovevo prenotare la visita, mi hanno mandato in un altro reparto ospedaliero dove ho incontrato un altrettanto operatore maleducato e arrogante, da denuncia. Una volta entrata dei dottori mi hanno rimandata al Pronto soccorso e grazie al cielo loro si sono allarmati e arrabbiati del mio trattamento dato che non vedevo! E gentilmente mi hanno riaccompagnata al PS. Mi visita! E la fantastica dottoressa Chiama Marina sbaglia a farmi l'impegnativa, scrivendo nella richiesta l'esito. Quindi non mi veniva accettata. Dalle 10 di mattina fino le 17 dopo svariate telefonate ci comunicano che l impegnativa non é corretta ed essendo urgente dovevamo tornare in PS quindi fare 40 minuti di viaggio per un errore. UNA VERGONGA LA SANITÀ ITALIANA
Rude and arrogant acceptance staff. With a corneal ulcer without myopic astigmatic glasses, plus with difficulty keeping my eyes open they prevented me from entering with my COVID VACCINATED mother. They wasted my time saying that I had to book the visit, they sent me to another hospital ward where I met an equally rude and arrogant operator, to be reported. Once I got in the doctors sent me back to the ER and thank goodness they were alarmed and angry about my treatment since I could not see! And they kindly took me back to the PS. Visit me! And the fantastic doctor Chiama Marina is wrong to make me the referral, writing the result in the request. So I was not accepted. From 10 in the morning until 17 after several phone calls they tell us that the assignment is not correct and being urgent we had to go back to the PS and therefore make 40 minutes of travel due to a mistake. ITALIAN HEALTHCARE A SHAME
Tiziana Baggi on Google

Durante visita preoperatoria la dottoressa di turno, certa S.C.A., non trova punto del distacco retina da indicare sulla cartella per intervento da eseguire il giorno dopo...??@@! Sarebbe da LICENZIAREEE in TRONCO...Per fortuna non opera leiii...Ammammeteee
During the preoperative visit the doctor on duty, certain S.C.A., does not find a point of the retinal detachment to indicate on the folder for surgery to be performed the next day ... ?? @@! It would be to LICENZIAREEE in TRUNK ... Fortunately she does not work ... Ammammeteee
Flavio Bolongaro on Google

Imbarazzante 1 solo dottore, i pazienti vengono chiamati ogni 30/40 minuti. Con codice verde l'attesa minima è di 3/4 ore se si è fortunati. Pochissimi posti a sedere, quindi bisogna stare in piedi parecchie ore, i parenti devono aspettare fuori.
Embarrassing only 1 doctor, patients are called every 30/40 minutes. With the green code the minimum wait is 3/4 hours if you are lucky. Very few seats, so you have to stand for several hours, relatives have to wait outside.
Sofia Patricia Gabuyo on Google

Accoglienza pessima. Con il codice verde, dopo 4 ore di attesa, il medico del PS non è intervenuto almeno ad alleviare il prurito e il dolore dell'occhio infiammato ed arrossato, ma ha suggerito di andare dal medico di base non specializzato in oftalmologia. Inoltre, invece di dare almeno 2/3 giorni di prognosi, per evitare che l'occhio peggiori, ha suggerito di cambiare il lavoro. Infine gli accompagnatori son costretti ad aspettare sotto freddo fuori in piedi per tante ore.
Bad reception. With the green code, after 4 hours of waiting, the PS doctor did not intervene at least to relieve the itching and pain of the inflamed and red eye, but suggested going to the general practitioner not specialized in ophthalmology. Also, instead of giving at least 2/3 days of prognosis, to prevent the eye from getting worse, he suggested changing the job. Finally, the companions are forced to wait in cold weather standing outside for many hours.
Paolo Rosa on Google

I tempi di attesa lunghi in codice bianco. Ma nulla di più di altri servizi del genere. La bassa valutazione è per l'accoglienza del medico che mi ha visitato. Indisponente e supponente. Dopo aver atteso 4 ore, mi aspettavo tutto ma non questo atteggiamento. Per fortuna la guardia all'entrata era molto simpatica e così anche la donna delle pulizie. Per lo meno, l'attesa è stata più leggera.
Long waiting times in white code. But nothing more than other such services. The low rating is for the reception of the doctor who examined me. Indispensable and opinionated. After waiting 4 hours, I was expecting everything but this attitude. Fortunately, the guard at the entrance was very nice and so was the cleaning lady. At the very least, the wait was lighter.
love u on Google

Some days ago while in vacation in Milan my friend had something like a panic attack and she was also drunk. We couldn't move her to our hotel so an ambulance came and rushed her to this hospital. When I went to the emergencies, I gave her name and expected an update or something but they just pointed to the left where was the waiting room so I thought I should wait there until they call her name. Somewhere around 2 hours passed and there was no update, I was crying because they didn't know English and nobody was helping me and I didn't know their system. So I was asking them again and again and it happened that some of the people working there knew English and they told me that my friend was left in the floor of the waiting room. I was shocked that they didn't give her anything and she was left in the floor! I was asking them to do something and they said the sleeping room is full so I told them ok can you call a taxi to pick us? And they said that my friend shouldn't leave in this state and that no taxi would pick us up. So I was left there with no battery on my phone, not knowing what to do in a foreign country. Eventually I picked my friend up and we left by foot for 1 hour. The only people that helped me was a man (I think he was security) he was asking in Italian the doctor for information and he let me use his phone to call my other friend to find us. Also, a nurse was helpful trying to call our hotel. Other than these 2 people the others were ignoring me and didn't help me at all. I was shocked by this bad experience, they didn't do anything to my friend and instead we had the inconvenience of walking so much afterwards.

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