Church of Saint Mary 'della Porta'

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Contact Church of Saint Mary 'della Porta'

Address :

Via Giuseppe Palmieri, 52, 73100 Lecce LE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +989
Categories :
City : Lecce

Via Giuseppe Palmieri, 52, 73100 Lecce LE, Italy
Fabrizio Pivari on Google

Un una Lecce dove le chiese capolavoro non mancano potrebbe sembrare normale ma ...
A Lecce where there is no shortage of masterpiece churches might seem normal but ...
Alessio Brugnoli on Google

Santa Maria della Porta era inizialmente una piccola cappella al di fuori delle mura che custodiva un'immagine della Vergine considerata miracolosa e dedicata a Maria che trova Gesù a disputare coi Dottori. In occasione del rifacimento delle mura, intorno al 1548, e per la fama del miracolo operato dalla Vergine nel 1567, a favore di una donna di nome Laura Macchia, che guarì dalla paralisi, invece di demolirla fu deciso di trasformarla in una chiesa vera e propria. Inaugurata il 16 marzo 1606, fu ricostruita in forme neoclassiche tra il 1852 e il 1858 dall'architetto Giuseppe Maiola che modificò la facciata, aggiungendo le colonne ioniche e trasformò la pianta in ottagonale, demolendo parte degli antichi altari Nella chiesa, oltre alla facciata neoclassica in pietra leccese, sono da ammirare le cappelle d Sant'Oronzo e al Sacro Cuore di Gesù a sinistra, e quelle a San Luigi e al Crocifisso a destra. Nella cappella centrale di destra, delimitata da una balaustra in marmo, entro una nicchia al di sopra dell'altare è collocata una scultura della Madonna della Porta.In controfacciata sono collocati l'organo e la cantoria dal profilo mistilineo.
Santa Maria della Porta was initially a small chapel outside the walls which housed an image of the Virgin considered miraculous and dedicated to Mary who finds Jesus to argue with the Doctors. On the occasion of the reconstruction of the walls, around 1548, and for the fame of the miracle performed by the Virgin in 1567, in favor of a woman named Laura Macchia, who recovered from paralysis, instead of demolishing it, it was decided to transform it into a real church and own. Inaugurated on March 16, 1606, it was rebuilt in neoclassical forms between 1852 and 1858 by the architect Giuseppe Maiola who modified the facade, adding the Ionic columns and transformed the plan into an octagonal one, demolishing part of the ancient altars In the church, in addition to the neoclassical facade in Lecce stone, there are the chapels of Sant'Oronzo and the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the left, and those of San Luigi and the Crucifix on the right. In the central chapel on the right, delimited by a marble balustrade, within a niche above the altar there is a sculpture of the Madonna della Porta. On the counter-façade there are the organ and the choir with a mixtilinear profile.
Graziano C. on Google

Abbiamo potuto vedere la chiesa soltanto al suo esterno perché non era possibile fare una visita al suo interno in quanto chiusa
We could only see the church from the outside because it was not possible to visit the inside as it was closed
Fabry68 Fabry 1968 on Google

Lecce , città dalle mille chiese , Santa Maria spicca in Porta Napoli per la sua cupola e per la semplicità degli interni.
Lecce, city of a thousand churches, Santa Maria stands out in Porta Napoli for its dome and for the simplicity of the interiors.
Romolo Pranzetti on Google

La Chiesa, a pianta centrale ottagonale, si presenta all'esterno con una volumetria compatta e geometrica. Notevole la cupola della chiesa che è situata attualmente accanto alla Porta Napoli, ma che in origine era fuori le mura.
The Church, with an octagonal central plan, presents itself on the outside with a compact and geometric volume. Noteworthy is the dome of the church which is currently located next to Porta Napoli, but which was originally outside the walls.
Olga Koshcheeva on Google

Первоначально Церковь Санта-Мария-делла-Порта была простой часовней, в которой за городскими стенами находился образ Богородицы, что, согласно распространенному мнению, творила чудеса для тех, кто молился ей от всей души.В 1548 году, когда расширялись городские стены, часовня была разрушена, а священный образ Мадонны перенесен в другое место.Но уже в 1567 году, когда одна женщина, которая не могла ходит, была излечена, было объявлено чудом, и распространился слух, что благодать совершена именно благодаря заступничеству Мадонны, поэтому церковь Санта-Мария делла Порта была перестроена внутри стен города у одного главного входа, а именно Porta Napoli, и ее престиж вырос. Справа от входа, в центральной часовне, над алтарем находится статуя Мадонны-делла-Порта. Архитектурное строение церкви в настоящее время является результатом работы архитектора Джузеппе Майолы да Маддалони, который в период с 1855 по 1858 год реконструировал здание, вдохновленный неоклассическим стилем. Снаружи здание не цепляет взгляд, только купол позволяет задуматься. Но внутри можно найти оригинальность его поверхности, украшенной плиткой майолики, и сходство с Пантеоном. Ранее в церкви была фреска Пресвятой Девы Марии Леуки, что была очень почитаемая жителями Лечче, за эту преданность святая защищала урожай фермеров от засушливости. И каждый год 13 апреля проходила процессия всем духовенством главного Собора в городе в ее честь.
Originally, the Church of Santa Maria della Porta was a simple chapel in which the image of the Virgin was outside the city walls, which, according to popular belief, worked wonders for those who prayed to her with all their hearts. In 1548, when the city walls expanded, the chapel It was destroyed, and the sacred image of the Madonna was moved to another place. But already in 1567, when one woman who could not walk, was healed, was declared a miracle, and the rumor spread that the grace was done thanks to the intercession of the Madonna, therefore the church anta Maria della Porta was rebuilt inside the city walls in one of the main entrance, namely Porta Napoli, and its prestige grew. To the right of the entrance, in the central chapel, above the altar, is the statue of the Madonna della Porta. The architectural structure of the church is currently the result of the work of the architect Giuseppe Maiole da Maddaloni, who in the period from 1855 to 1858 reconstructed the building, inspired by the neoclassical style. Outside the building does not catch the eye, only the dome allows you to think. But inside you can find the originality of its surface, decorated with majolica tiles, and similarities with the Pantheon. Earlier in the church there was a fresco of the Blessed Virgin Mary Leuki, which was very revered by the inhabitants of Lecce, for this devotion the saint protected the harvest of farmers from aridity. And every year on April 13 a procession was held by all the clergy of the main Cathedral in the city in her honor.
Dolce Salato on Google

Chiesa piccola, ma particolare. Potreste notarla con difficoltà, nonostante sia proprio di fianco alla porta Napoli, uno dei luoghi più iconici delle mura del centro storico. Questo non tanto per le dimensioni, quanto perché vista entrando dalla porta Napoli può sembrare il muro di un normale edificio
Small but particular church. You might notice it with difficulty, despite being right next to the Porta Napoli, one of the most iconic places on the walls of the historic center. This is not so much because of its size, but because seen entering through the Napoli gate it can seem like the wall of a normal building
James Whittingham on Google

Somewhat disappointing interior, mainly just the large dome.

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