
4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Stegeralm

Address :

39030 Predoi BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9778
Postal code : 39030
Categories :
City : Predoi

39030 Predoi BZ, Italy
Doris Roder on Google

Wir lieben diese Alm, und wenn ihr lieb fragt, spielt euch Erich viel. etwas aif seiner Zitter vor
We love this Alm, and if you ask nicely, Erich plays you a lot. something before his tremors
Haiste on Google

Schöne Alm mit schönem Ausblick. Nur weiss man hier leider nicht was 0,4 Liter sind, und verlangt für weniger den Preis für 0,4. Darauf angesprochen bekommt man dann die Antwort, "doch, das sind 0,4" Egal, war lustig.
Beautiful Alm with a beautiful view. Unfortunately, one does not know what 0.4 liters are, and asks for less the price for 0.4. Then you get the answer, "yes, that's 0.4" Anyway, it was funny.
Viviana T on Google

D'inverno, passeggiata fantastica in mezzo alla neve. Il gestore è molto simpatico. Per noi appuntamento annuale immancabile ?
In winter, fantastic walk in the snow. The manager is very nice. For us an inevitable annual appointment ?
Andrea Paganini on Google

posto molto bello; malga con panorama eccezionale; si raggiunge in circa 2 ore da Predoi, su strada sterrata sempre larga. ampi prati attorno.
very nice place; hut with an exceptional panorama; it can be reached in about 2 hours from Predoi, on an always wide dirt road. wide lawns around.
Stefano Cagol on Google

Piccola malga aperta anche durante l'inverno. Vi si accede attraverso una strada forestale che parte da Predoi vicino al campo sportivo. Salita di 100 minuti. Alla malga si mangia bene, anche se i piatti sono veramente pochi. Vi consiglio la salsiccia con patate.
Small hut also open during the winter. It is accessed via a forest road that starts from Predoi near the sports field. Ascent of 100 minutes. At the hut you can eat well, even if the dishes are very few. I recommend the sausage with potatoes.
Martin Feichter on Google

Freundliche Bedienung,schöner Ausblick
Friendly service, nice view
Fridtjof R on Google

Spitzen Alm selten so freundlich und herzlich empfangen worden. Sennerin Biggi ist die Herzensdame, „Almchef“ Ossi ein gastfreundlicher Pfundskerl und Erich, der 91 jährige Exkapellmeister ein Virtuose auf der Zitter. Grandioser Nachmittag in toller Umgebung mit grandiosem Ausblick.
Spitz Alm seldom received such a warm and friendly welcome The dairymaid Biggi is the lady of the heart, “Almchef” Ossi is a hospitable pound guy and Erich, the 91-year-old exkapellmeister, is a virtuoso at the Zitter. Great afternoon in great surroundings with a great view.
Ross Ricc on Google

Passeggiata semplice, meravigliosa se fatta in una giornata di sole, perché all'arrivo c'è un bellissimo panorama e potete godervi il sole e mangiare qualcosa di buono
Simple walk, wonderful if done on a sunny day, because upon arrival there is a beautiful view and you can enjoy the sun and eat something good

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