Bärentalalm - Bärentalalm

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bärentalalm

Address :

39030 San Giacomo Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italy

Phone : 📞 +978
Postal code : 39030
Categories :

39030 San Giacomo Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italy
R. Terwolbeck on Google

Urig gemütlich
Quaint cozy
Paolo Bontempo on Google

Da fare come esperienza
To be done as an experience
David Baier on Google

Schöne Alm mit kleiner Kapelle und schönem Panorama!
Beautiful mountain pasture with a small chapel and a beautiful panorama!
Paola Giacomini on Google

Posto stupendo, molto sporco e puzzolente e con un servizio pessimo. Nel cibo c'e poca scelta come gulas, piatto di spek e piatto misto
Awesome place, very dirty and smelly and with bad service. In the food there is little choice such as goulas, speck dish and mixed dish
Marco Piccinini on Google

Ultima di 3 malghe una in fila all'altra, il gestore si è rivelato piuttosto cordiale e ci ha anche proposto due bei bicchieri di latte fresco appena munto! Il sentiero che parte dalla fermata dell'autobus a San Giacomo è poco conosciuto e frequentato, ma è stato davvero una lieta sorpresa, merita enormemente!
Last of 3 huts one in a row to the other, the manager was rather friendly and even offered us two nice glasses of fresh milk! The path that starts from the bus stop in San Giacomo is little known and popular, but it was really a pleasant surprise, it deserves enormously!
Michael Försch on Google

Einfache Alm mit leckerem Essen. Auf jeden Fall eine grandiose Aussicht. Der "rote" Weg ist richtig anstrengend.
Simple alpine pasture with delicious food. Definitely a great view. The "red" path is really exhausting.
Erica Zerbato on Google

Posto stupendo, escursione poco frequentata. Gestori molto disponibili anche per la preparazione del cibo per la bambina.
Stunning place, little frequented excursion. Managers also very helpful in preparing food for the girl.
Mareike T. on Google

Tolle Alm! Sehr netter Almwirt, urig und gemütlich. Hier kann man entspannen! Leckeres Essen und Trinken zu fairen Preisen. Die Arbeit mit Kühen und Ziegen kann beobachtet werden. Schöne Kapelle. Ein Besuch lohnt sich.
Great Alm! Very nice Almwirt, rustic and cozy. Here you can relax! Delicious food and drinks at fair prices. The work with cows and goats can be observed. Nice chapel. It's worth a visit.

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