Skischule St. Kassian

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Skischule St. Kassian

Address :

Str. Surega, 34, 39036 San Cassiano BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97899
Postal code : 48013
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 8AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 8AM–12:30PM
Thursday 8AM–12:30PM
Friday 8AM–12:30PM
Saturday 8AM–12:30PM
Sunday 8AM–12:30PM
Categories :
City : San Cassiano

Str. Surega, 34, 39036 San Cassiano BZ, Italy
Алексей Кванин on Google

Хорошая полноценная школа, хоть ты таком маленьком городке. Занятия организованы качественно. Есть школа полного дня и частные инструктора. Ребята вошли в продолжение, когда ребенок заболел, перенесли занятие и даже один урок подарили (мы успели сходить один раз, но потом курс начали заново).
A good high-grade school, even if you are in such a small town. Classes are organized with high quality. There is a full day school and private instructors. The guys went on to continue when the child fell ill, postponed the lesson and even presented one lesson (we managed to go off once, but then the course started anew).
Giacomo Corti on Google

Buona scuola di sci. Noi con due bambini di 7 e 11 anni ci siamo trovati bene. Il corso era di 3 ore al giorno, con gli ultimi due giorni di 6 ore ciascuno. Forse un po' troppo per noi che volevamo sciare un po' con i nostri bambini, ma mi immagino che per molti altri possa essere un aspetto positivo. Ad ogni modo esperienza positiva
Good ski school. We with two children aged 7 and 11 had a good time. The course was 3 hours a day, with the last two days of 6 hours each. Maybe a little too much for us who wanted to ski a bit with our children, but I imagine that for many others it can be a positive aspect. In any case, a positive experience
Andrea Vamerali on Google

Tornato da poco dopo un weekend a San Cassiano dove ho messo per la prima volta gli sci! E questo grazie alla pazienza e bravura del Maestro Sergio, che con il sorriso mi ha permesso di imparare le prime basi!!!?
Just returned after a weekend in San Cassiano where I put on skis for the first time! And this thanks to the patience and skill of Maestro Sergio, who with a smile allowed me to learn the first basics !!! ?
JANJA S on Google

Posto stupendo. Persone gentili e professionali. Mio figlio di 3 anni si è divertito a scuola sci. Maestre di sci Valentina e Andrea sono speciali. Grazie
Stunning place. Kind and professional people. My 3 year old son enjoyed ski school. Ski instructors Valentina and Andrea are special. Thank you
Michael Schmitz on Google

Aufgrund unserer Erfahrungen können wir die Skischule San Cassian nicht weiterempfehlen. Wir hatten ca. 1 Woche vor dem Start des Skikurses für unser Kind im Dezember 2021 per E-Mail angefragt, ob der Skikurs stattfindet. Dazu haben wir die Bestätigung erhalten, dass der Skikurs auf jeden Fall stattfinden wird, woraufhin wir unser Hotel und den Skikurs (21 Stunden über 6 Tage verteilt) für 235 EUR gebucht haben. Nach Ablauf von 11 Stunden Skikurs rief man uns an und sagte, dass der Skikurs ab morgen leider mangels Teilnehmer nicht mehr stattfinden wird. Man hat uns eine Erstattung von ca. 83 EUR oder alternativ 2 Stunden Privatlehrer angeboten. 83 EUR entsprechen dabei keineswegs dem zeitlichen Anteil, man hat großzügig zugunsten der Skischule gerechnet. Wir konnten glücklicherweise für die restliche Zeit einen Platz in der Skischule Dolomiti buchen, die uns freundlicherweise aufgenommen haben (vielen Dank dafür!). Der Kurs für die restlichen Stunden bei der Skischule Dolomiti kostete 105 EUR, was fair war und zeitanteilig von den Kosten her passte. Nach einigen Diskussionen mit der jungen Dame im Büro der Skischule San Cassian hat man uns letztendlich doch die 105 EUR erstattet. Der Gipfel war jedoch die abschließende Bemerkung, es sei von uns respektlos 105 EUR (die dem zeitlichen Anteil der entfallenen Stunden entsprachen und die wir für die Buchung des Ersatzkurses aufbringen mussten) zu fordern. Wir hätten nichts zu fordern! De facto ist die Skischule San Cassian aus unserer Sicht unzuverlässig und nicht service-/kundenorientiert. Weiterhin fanden wir die Einteilung der Gruppe nicht gut. Auf der Website heißt es: „Am ersten Tag, wird ein kleines „Vorfahren“ organisiert (für Kinder und Erwachsene) wo das Ski Level abgeschätzt wird. Je nach dem, werden sie dann der richtigen Gruppe zugeteilt.“ Das war bei uns nicht ansatzweise der Fall. Alle Kinder bis auf eines fuhren beim Vorfahren zum Skilehrer ein Stück nach rechts die Piste runter, manche im Pflug, manche mit Schwüngen. Ein Kind konnte überhaupt nicht Skifahren und fuhr komplett in die falsche Richtung und ein Skilehrer musste hinterherrennen um es an der Kapuze festzuhalten. Dennoch wurden alle Kinder in eine Gruppe gesteckt, obwohl das Leistungsniveau deutlich unterschiedlich war. So war den fortgeschrittenen Kindern schnell langweilig. Positiv erwähnen möchte ich, dass die Skilehrer sehr freundlich und bemüht waren.
Based on our experience, we cannot recommend the San Cassian ski school to others. About 1 week before the start of the ski course for our child in December 2021, we asked by email whether the ski course would take place. We have also received confirmation that the ski course will definitely take place, whereupon we booked our hotel and the ski course (21 hours over 6 days) for 235 EUR. After 11 hours of the ski course they called us and said that the ski course would unfortunately no longer take place from tomorrow due to a lack of participants. We were offered a reimbursement of approx. 83 EUR or, alternatively, 2 hours of private tutoring. 83 EUR does not correspond to the time share, one has calculated generously in favor of the ski school. Fortunately, we were able to book a place in the Dolomiti ski school for the rest of the time, and they kindly welcomed us (thank you very much!). The course for the remaining hours at the Dolomiti ski school cost 105 EUR, which was fair and proportionate to the costs. After some discussions with the young lady in the office of the San Cassian ski school, we were finally reimbursed the 105 EUR. The summit, however, was the final remark that it was disrespectful to demand 105 EUR from us (which corresponded to the proportion of the time lost and which we had to spend on booking the replacement course). We have nothing to ask for! From our point of view, the San Cassian Ski School is de facto unreliable and not service / customer-oriented. Furthermore, we did not find the division of the group to be good. The website says: “On the first day, a small“ ancestor ”is organized (for children and adults) where the ski level is assessed. Depending on that, they are then assigned to the right group. ”That was not the case with us. All the children except one drove a little to the right down the slope to the ski instructor, some in the plow, some with turns. A child couldn't ski at all and was going completely in the wrong direction and a ski instructor had to run after them to hold them by the hood. Nevertheless, all children were put into one group, although the level of performance was significantly different. The advanced children quickly got bored. I would like to positively mention that the ski instructors were very friendly and tried hard.
Alessandro Cairo on Google

Esperienza mozzafiato. Non avendo mai sciato prima, in soli cinque giorni siamo riusciti addirittura a completare delle piste molto difficili. Tutto questo grazie al nostro maestro Massimo che non la sua pazienza e bravura ci ha fatto vivere momenti indimenticabili. Da rifare!!
Breathtaking experience. Having never skied before, in just five days we even managed to complete some very difficult slopes. All this thanks to our teacher Massimo who not his patience and skill made us live unforgettable moments. To redo!!
Luis Gurria Zendrera on Google

Muy profesionales, unos guías expertos y buenísimo nivel. We had Max as a skiing teacher, a San Cassiano local that taught us a lot of ladino words and was nice an very professional skier.
Jason Schapiro on Google

Andy is a great teacher, is able to switch easily between Italian, German and English and gives helpful tips for beginners and intermediate skiers. Would recommend highly!

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