
4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Schlüichalm

Address :

Unnamed Road, 39030, Predoi BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +979
Postal code : 39030
Website :
Categories :
City : Predoi

Unnamed Road, 39030, Predoi BZ, Italy
Luciana Zorzan on Google

Bel posto e mangiato molto bene complimenti
Nice place and ate very well compliments
Roberto Peretto on Google

Un'ottima cucina, gestita da quattro simpatiche e gentili ragazze. Da non perdere i canederli all'ortica con crema di formaggio e lo strudel! Bisogna fare quattro passi in salita dal fondovalle per raggiungere questa malga ma ne vale assolutamente la pena!
An excellent cuisine, managed by four nice and kind girls. Don't miss the nettle dumplings with cream cheese and the strudel! You have to take a few steps uphill from the valley floor to reach this hut but it is absolutely worth it!
Arno Mayer on Google

Zum ersten Mal diese wunderschöne Hütte besucht. Uns wurde dort die qualitativ beste und optisch perfektionierteste Vesperplatte serviert, die wir in den vergangenen Jahren bestellt haben. Die Freundlichkeit des Betreiberteams, drei junge Damen, muss ebenfalls besonders erwähnt werden! Die Alm liegt nur wenige Minuten vom Hauptwanderweg in Kasern entfernt. Ein Abstecher zu dieser Almhütte lohnt auf jeden Fall!!!
Visited this beautiful cabin for the first time. We were served the best quality and most visually perfect vesper platter that we have ordered in recent years. The friendliness of the operating team, three young women, also deserves special mention! The Alm is only a few minutes away from the main hiking trail in Kasern. A detour to this alpine hut is definitely worth it!
ale sartori on Google

Personale gentilissimo, cibo buono, a gennaio era l'unica malga di Casere soleggiata a mezzogiorno.
Very kind staff, good food, in January it was the only sunny Casere hut at noon.
Paola on Google

Malga dove si mangia molto bene! Da provare assolutamente! Le ragazze che ci lavorano sono molto gentili e attente al cliente. I piatti vengono presentati in maniera originale e ben composti. I fiori nelle portate sono un tocco di originalità! Porzioni abbondanti. Tutto buono Ambiente pulito. Complimenti!!!
Malga where you can eat very well! Absolutely to try! The girls who work there are very nice and attentive to the customer. The dishes are presented in an original way and well composed. The flowers in the courses are a touch of originality! Large portions. All good Clean environment. Well done!!!
Giorgio Severgnini on Google

Piccolo ma decisamente bello. Ottimi piatti, personale gentile. Prezzi onesti. Simpaticissimi i due gattoni che vivono nella malga.
Small but definitely nice. Great dishes, nice staff. Honest prices. The two big cats who live in the hut are very nice.
marcello segato on Google

Special place. In a sunny day you will love it
Ing. Francesco D'Andrea on Google

The majesty of the mountains will fill you with strength and courage!

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