Porta Santa Maria Pisa

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Porta Santa Maria Pisa

Address :

P.za Daniele Manin, 56126 Pisa PI, Italy

Website : http://www.opapisa.it/
Categories :
City : Pisa

P.za Daniele Manin, 56126 Pisa PI, Italy
Jean-louis Masson on Google

C est la porte d entrée aux touristes qui leur permet de découvrir les monuments de la ville de Pise. Les magasins de souvenirs sont situés entre le parking et cette entrée.
It is the gateway to tourists that allows them to discover the monuments of the city of Pisa. The souvenir shops are located between the parking lot and this entrance.
Werner Röder on Google

Ein kurzer Fußweg vom nächsten Parkplatz und man betritt durch dieses Tor ein umwerfend schönes Gesamtkunstwerk...leider gleichzeitig mit tausenden anderen Touristen....unbedigt alle möglichen Eintritte vorher im Internet buchen...sonst kann man alles nur von außen bewundern
A short walk from the next parking lot and you enter through this gate a stunningly beautiful work of art ... unfortunately at the same time with thousands of other tourists .... without reservations all possible entries on the Internet before booking ... otherwise you can admire everything only from the outside
莊智棋 on Google

來到比薩如果是跟團通常就是從這邊進去欣賞比薩斜塔及大教堂,門口前面有攤販市集,價格來說算整個北義很便宜的地方,要買些小紀念品的建議可以在門口左右兩邊市集採買,進去城門後印入眼簾的就是比薩斜塔跟大教堂,散散步感受一下當地氣氛,比薩斜塔可以上去,可惜這次的行程沒有安排,逛完整個教堂園區後,右手邊小路進去有各種餐廳可以吃頓午餐或晚餐,小憩一下,整個比薩大概就這個區域比較熱門的景點,大約可以待上幾小時到半天,加上用一餐,行程安排可以搭配南邊的san gimignano百塔之城一起安排,剛好一天的行程。
If you come to Pisa with a group, you usually go in from here to admire the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Cathedral. There is a street vendor market in front of the door. The price is very cheap in Beiyi. It is recommended to buy some small souvenirs on the left and right sides of the door. To buy at the market, you can see the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Cathedral after you enter the city gate. Take a walk to feel the local atmosphere. The Leaning Tower of Pisa can go up. Unfortunately, there is no arrangement for this trip. After visiting the entire church complex, go in on the right side of the road. There are various restaurants where you can have lunch or dinner and take a break. The whole Pisa is probably the most popular spot in this area. You can stay for a few hours to half a day. With one meal, the itinerary can be matched with the one hundred towers of San Gimignano in the south. The city arranges together, just one day's itinerary.
Kathy ten Broeke on Google

Martin Pippen Vrbata on Google


Since I used the closest station "Pisa S. Rossore" to the leaning tower, I will walk around this area before entering the leaning tower area of Pisa. I like it because it is a different route from people coming by a large sightseeing bus etc and using central station. Anyway I was able to purchase memory cards at a common price with a small kiosk like a kiosk at the square in this neighborhood! (I was in trouble because of memory shortage. Bitter smile)
Mladen Panov on Google

Amazing place! Just like the Venice's gondolas or the coliseum in Rome the leaning tower of Pisa belongs to the most important land marks of Italy. The place is really crowded. We arrived in later in the afternoon had a walk around the site just before closing. There were less tourists and we manage to make some really nice evening pictures.
lbunny Gordon on Google

Entrance gate to see tower baptistry cathedral and more .. Pisa was a place I never wanted to see but ended up a wonderful day. With guide was so much better humour and legends learned so much more. Just try it out ... worth the trip .. special LAM RED bus buy ticket at tabac in station and goes straight there .. cathedral magnificent surprise ...

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