Porta San Ranierino

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Porta San Ranierino

Address :

Via Sant'Ansano, 56126 Pisa PI, Italy

Categories :
City : Pisa

Via Sant'Ansano, 56126 Pisa PI, Italy
Dino Mostacciuolo on Google

Uno degli ingressi di Pisa.
One of the entrances to Pisa.
Alfonso Noto on Google

Ben tenuto
Well kept
leo leo on Google

Importante per andare s vede la torre antica
Important to go s see the ancient tower
Luciano Di Sacco on Google

, posto che immette alla piazza dei miracoli, molto cammina ile evpulito
, since it leads to the square of miracles, a lot of walking and cleaning
Pietro Etna on Google

Se sei allo stadio (entrata ospiti) passala e ti trovi alla "torre"
If you are at the stadium (guest entry) pass it and you are at the "tower"
Walter Giusti on Google

Bellissimo ingresso a piazza dei Miracoli e al suo Campanile Pendente. La porta di San Ranierimo con la sua Bellezza Medioevale ti ricevere e ti accompagna al meraviglioso e incantevole Duomo di Pisa "Republica Marinara".uno deil monumenti più fotografati e visitatati del mondo, orgoglio di Pisa e dei Pisani
Beautiful entrance to Piazza dei Miracoli and its Bell Tower. The door of San Ranierimo with its Medieval Beauty will receive you and take you to the wonderful and enchanting Cathedral of Pisa "Republic of the Sea". One of the most photographed and visited monuments in the world, the pride of Pisa and the Pisans
Carlos Roberto Minossi on Google

A porta de San Ranierino possui uma beleza medieval e se constitui em um portal de entrada para a belíssima Piazza dei Miracoli, onde ficam localizadas alguns dos monumentos mais famosos, visitados e fotografados do mundo, a maravilhosa Catedral, o Batistério e a bela e intrigante Torre inclinada de PISA. Ao longo da muralha existe uma enorme feirinha de artesanato e grande quantidade de lojinhas que oferecem ampla variedade de produtos como camisetas, lembrancinhas, souvenires, esculturas, equipamentos eletrônicos, vestuário, mantas, produtos de decoração e joias, entre outros.
The door of San Ranierino has a medieval beauty and constitutes a gateway to the beautiful Piazza dei Miracoli, where some of the most famous, visited and photographed monuments in the world are located, the wonderful Cathedral, the Baptistery and the beautiful and intriguing Leaning Tower of PISA. Along the wall there is a huge handicraft fair and a large number of shops that offer a wide variety of products such as t-shirts, souvenirs, souvenirs, sculptures, electronic equipment, clothing, blankets, decoration products and jewelry, among others.
Ray Morrell on Google

Do not make the mistake of driving through this roadway unless you are a local resident. It is a limited traffic zone (ZTL) and you will be fined.

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