Terme Romane

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Terme Romane

Address :

Via Brisa, 20123 Milano MI, Italy

Categories :
City : Milano
Description : Stone & brick remains of the bath structures at the Palazzo Imperiale Romano archaeological site.

Via Brisa, 20123 Milano MI, Italy
Il Dino on Google

BEA on Google

David on Google

A Del on Google

Luogo interessante
Interesting place
Piotr Kalkowski on Google

Jhonny Pérez on Google

Non se vede niente
Not if he sees anything
Zaccheroni Tre on Google

Le terme romane sono molto belle, perché queste pietre, raccontano molto bene la vita della città di Milano nell'epoca romana imperiale.
The Roman baths are very beautiful, because these stones tell very well the life of the city of Milan in the Roman imperial era.
Roberto Soriano Doménech on Google

Difíciles de ver desde la calle. Entre algunas claraboyas en el suelo encontramos restos de los mosaicos de las Termas
Hard to see from the street. Among some skylights on the floor we find remains of the mosaics of the Baths

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