Schöneck - Dosso Bello m 3125

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Schöneck / Dosso Bello m 3125

Address :

Località Solda, 39029 Solda BZ, Italy

Postal code : 39029
Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Solda

Località Solda, 39029 Solda BZ, Italy
Franco G on Google

Bel panorama, ascesa avventurosa dal Rifugio Serristori. Discesa un po' lunga e meno interessante dall'altro lato verso Solda.
Beautiful panorama, adventurous ascent from the Serristori Refuge. A little long and less interesting descent on the other side towards Solda.
Giuseppe Marcello Baglio on Google

Impegnativo partendo da Solda e passando dal rifugio serristori. Un po' troppo esposto ma arrivare alla croce è un gran risultato per chi vive in città ed a quote intorno allo zero. Per gente di mare è una cima importante.
Challenging starting from Solda and passing by the serristori refuge. A little too exposed but getting to the cross is a great result for those who live in the city and at altitudes around zero. For seafarers it is an important peak.
Mario Demo-Stutz on Google

Schoener Berggipfel ueber dem Suldental mit einer tollen Rundumsicht und bei gutem Wetter auf den Ortler. Der schwierige Aufstieg von der Düsseldorfer Hütte erfordert Trittsicherheit und Schwindelfreiheit. Der Rückweg ueber das Vordere Schoeneck ist mit 1300 hm recht deftig. Trotzdem ein tolles Erlebnis.
Beautiful mountain peaks over the Suldental with a great all-round view and in good weather of the Ortler. The difficult ascent from the Düsseldorfer Hütte requires surefootedness and a head for heights. The way back over the Vordere Schoeneck is quite hearty with 1300 m. Still a great experience.
bepi a. on Google

Un tremila abbordabile: occorrono solo buon allenamento e passo fermo. Consiglio la salita dal rifugio Serristori (ripida, molto esposta, presenta brevi tratti con cordino) e la discesa dalla Malga dei Vitelli. Impagabile il panorama sulle vette circostanti! Vista la lunghezza del percorso, occorre impegnare l'intera giornata. Curiosità: abbiamo incontrato degli yak al pascolo.
An affordable three thousand: all you need is good training and a firm step. I recommend the climb from the Serristori refuge (steep, very exposed, has short sections with a rope) and the descent from the Malga dei Vitelli. The panorama of the surrounding peaks is priceless! Given the length of the route, it is necessary to commit the whole day. Trivia: we met some yaks grazing.
Pe La on Google

Sehr tolle Tour von Düsseldorferhütte zum Hinteren Schöneck und Abstieg über Kälberalm.
Very great tour from Düsseldorferhütte to Hinteren Schöneck and descent via Kälberalm.
Yves Zaubitzer on Google

Den Schöneck von der Düsseldorfer Hütte aus zu besteigen war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Den Moment auf 3128m anzukommen und voll mit Adrenalin zu sein werde ich nie vergessen. Der Blick auf die Ortlergruppe ist einfach nur sagenhaft.
Climbing the Schöneck from the Düsseldorfer Hütte was an unforgettable experience. To arrive the moment at 3128m and to be full of adrenalin I will never forget. The view of the Ortler Group is just amazing.
Antonio Pistore on Google

È un facile 3.000 con un panorama strepitoso. Ho completato una magnifica escursione salendo di prima mattina al Rifugio Serristori, in solitaria e splendida posizione panoramica. Da qui seguendo un sentiero ben segnato sono salito alla vetta servendosi delle attrezzature di sicurezza (tratto non difficile ma riservato a chi ha un po' di esperienza e non soffre di vertigini). Sono giunto alla panoramicissima vetta dove è d'obbligo fermarsi anche a lungo ad ammirare sua maestà l'Ortles e molte altre splendide vette tutt'intorno. Sono sceso poi seguendo il sentiero facile che ha chiuso un magnifico anello. Partito alle 3 di notte da Padova e tornato a casa nel tardo pomeriggio: tirata per giovanotti quasi sessantenni...Splendido
It is an easy 3,000 with an amazing panorama. I completed a magnificent excursion by climbing in the early morning to the Serristori refuge, in a solitary and splendid panoramic position. From here, following a well-marked path, I climbed to the top using safety equipment (not a difficult stretch but reserved for those who have a little experience and do not suffer from vertigo). I arrived at the panoramic peak where it is a must to stop for a long time to admire his majesty the Ortles and many other splendid peaks all around. I then went down following the easy path that closed a magnificent ring. He left Padua at 3 in the morning and returned home in the late afternoon: pulled for young men almost 60 years old ...
Niko Heine on Google

Sehr schönes Panorama von oben und auch während der Wanderung bietet sich permanent ein Alpenpanorama. Wir sind von Sulden aus mit dem Kanzellift gefahren (kann auch gelaufen werden) und dann über die Düsseldorfer Hütte hoch zum Schöneck. Rückweg sind wir dann über die Kälberalm komplett gelaufen ohne Lift. Das ist eine sehr schöne Wanderung, kann ich nur empfehlen.
Very nice panorama from above and also during the hike there is a permanent alpine panorama. We took the pulpit lift from Sulden (can also be walked) and then over the Düsseldorfer Hütte up to the Schöneck. On the way back we walked over the Kälberalm completely without a lift. This is a very nice hike, I can only recommend it.

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