Santa Maria in Monticelli

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Santa Maria in Monticelli

Address :

Via di S. Maria in Monticelli, 29, 00186 Roma RM, Italy

Categories :
City : Roma

Via di S. Maria in Monticelli, 29, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
Cesar Cervellini on Google

Muy linda!!! Para volver a verla.
Very cute!!! To see her again.
Franco Ottavianelli on Google

Per una visita meglio il tardo pomeriggio. Alla chiusura quando si spengono le luci. Quasi al buio si agita una magica atmosfera.
For a better visit late in the afternoon. At closing when the lights go out. Almost in the dark there is a magical atmosphere.
Augusta Dottor on Google

Bellissima chiesa...
Beautiful church ...
Enricro Cro on Google

Molto bella
Very nice
Vittoria Mar on Google

Маленькая красивая церковь в тихом переулке
Small beautiful church in a quiet side street
Giralquivir on Google

Iglesia poco conocida y muy decorada como casi todas en Roma. Pinturas de vivos colores en verdes y azules decoran techos y paredes. Bonitas capillas laterales lo más significativo el altar mayor y la pintura que lo corona con el árbol de Jesé acabado en un icono del rostro de Cristo. Merece la pena acercarse a verla cuando se está por la zona.
Little known and very decorated church like almost all in Rome. Brightly colored green and blue paintings decorate ceilings and walls. Beautiful side chapels, most significant the main altar and the painting that crowns it with the tree of Jesé finished in an icon of the face of Christ. It is worth going to see it when you are in the area.
Maria Tanasa Turism Roma ( on Google

Biserica Sfânta Maria în Monticelli ale cărei existență este menționată încă din secolul al XII, fiind consacrată de papa Inocenzo II in 1143,.pasteaza încă clopotnița medievală, stilul intern Cosmantesc - secolul XII-XIII, iar restul lăcașului de cult catolic a fost reconstruit in 1716 de arhitectul Matteo Sassi, iar în 1860 ultimul restyling a fost realizat de arhitectul Frabcesco Azxurri
The Church of St. Mary in Monticelli, whose existence is mentioned since the twelfth century, being consecrated by Pope Innocent II in 1143,. 1716 by the architect Matteo Sassi, and in 1860 the last restyling was done by the architect Frabcesco Azxurri
Kuala Bound on Google

My low rate is due to the actual state of this building. This church of medieval origin, was given in 1725 to the congregation of priests devoted to the catechesis, the Fathers of Christian Doctrine (Dottrinari). Originally they were from Avignon, but the convent attached to this church became their headquarters till nowadays. The congregation was founded in 1592 in France by the Blessed César de Bus (of italian origin from Como, like Saint Francesca Romana belonging to the Bussi noble family). His body lies in a modern side chapel of the church.

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