Santa Maria Annunziata in Borgo

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Santa Maria Annunziata in Borgo

Address :

Lungotevere Vaticano, 1, 00193 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9889
Categories :
City : Roma

Lungotevere Vaticano, 1, 00193 Roma RM, Italy
Annalisa Anna on Google

Ci sono entrata per caso questa mattina sono rimasta incantata, piccola chiesa appena entri una statua grande di San Michele arcangelo e poi bellissima immagine della Madonna del Latte, poche sono le immagini della Vergine che allatta il bambino Gesù. Per qualsiasi informazione c'è sempre un frate che può aiutarvi.
I entered by chance this morning I was enchanted, a small church as soon as you enter a large statue of St. Michael the archangel and then a beautiful image of the Madonna del Latte, there are few images of the Virgin nursing the baby Jesus. a friar who can help you.
Edoardo on Google

Deliziosa chiesina quasi sconosciuta e pochissimo frequentata perché vicino a capolavori di ogni genere. Un po' buia, ma vale la pena di entrare per ammirare la Madonna del latte di Antoniazzo Romano! Il piccolo affresco, si pensa una delle prime opera dell'artista, metà del XV secolo, viene da San Michele Arcangelo ai Corridori di Borgo, la chiesa che è stata demolita nel 1939 per allargare Borgo Sant'Angelo e via Transpontina.
Delightful little church almost unknown and very little frequented because it is close to masterpieces of all kinds. A little dark, but it is worth entering to admire the Madonna del Latte by Antoniazzo Romano! The small fresco, thought to be one of the artist's first works, mid-15th century, comes from San Michele Arcangelo ai Corridori di Borgo, the church that was demolished in 1939 to enlarge Borgo Sant'Angelo and via Transpontina.
Francesco Perilli on Google

La chiesa di Santa Maria Annunziata in Borgo, popolarmente chiamata Annunziatina, è un oratorio di Roma, nel rione Borgo, sul lungotevere Vaticano. La chiesa venne costruita in Borgo Santo Spirito tra il 1742 e il 1745 dall'architetto Pietro Passalacqua come oratorio dell'Arciconfraternita dell'Ospedale di Santo Spirito in Sassia. Ma nel 1940, in concomitanza con l'apertura di Via della Conciliazione, l'oratorio fu smontato e ricostruito dieci anni più tardi nella posizione attuale lungo il Tevere. La facciata è uno dei più graziosi esempi di stile settecentesco romano. L'interno si presenta ad unica navata, con decorazioni rifatte in stucco. In essa sono conservate opere della scomparsa chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo ai Corridori di Borgo; in particolare un affresco raffigurante Madonna del latte col Bambino attribuito ad Antoniazzo Romano, e una lunetta con Apparizione di san Michele Arcangelo a papa Gregorio Magno.
The church of Santa Maria Annunziata in Borgo, popularly called Annunziatina, is an oratory of Rome, in the Borgo district, on the Vatican Lungotevere. The church was built in Borgo Santo Spirito between 1742 and 1745 by the architect Pietro Passalacqua as the oratory of the Archconfraternity of the Santo Spirito Hospital in Sassia. But in 1940, coinciding with the opening of Via della Conciliazione, the oratory was dismantled and rebuilt ten years later in its current position along the Tiber. The facade is one of the most graceful examples of the eighteenth-century Roman style. The interior has a single nave, with decorations redone in stucco. It contains works from the disappeared church of San Michele Arcangelo ai Corridori di Borgo; in particular a fresco depicting the Madonna del Latte with Child attributed to Antoniazzo Romano, and a lunette with the Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel to Pope Gregory the Great.
carlo petroselli on Google

A pochi passi dalla Basilica di S.Pietro e Castel S.Angelo si trova la chiesa di S.Msria dell'Annunziata e apparteneva alla confraternita dell'Ospedale adiacente di S.Spirito ma la sua collocazione originaria non era questa fu ricostruita con lo sventramento con la costruzione di via della Conciliazione dove era stata eretta nel 1745. La sua costruzione furono riutilizzati i materiali della precedente facciata che erano stati catalogati e conservati per la sua costruzione in altra sede. Ricostruita in stile settecentesco la facciata presenta un bellissimo portale con una vetrata che rappresenta la Madonna di Lourdes di forma ovale. Al suo interno ad aula rettangolare con la volta a botte con l'affresco Trionfo della Croce di Angelo Urbani del Fabbretto ,splendido il pavimento decorato con marmi policromi con lo stemma dell'Ospedale di S.Spirito,sull'Altare Maggiore l'Annunciazione di Angelo Massarotti , sulle pareti laterali Apparizione di S.Michele Arcangelo a S.Gregorio Magno di Giovanni Montano e la Madonna del Latte con Gesù Bambino di Antoniazzo Romano.
A few steps from the Basilica of S.Pietro and Castel S.Angelo is the church of S.Msria dell'Annunziata and belonged to the brotherhood of the adjacent hospital of S.Spirito but its original location was not this was rebuilt with the gutting with the construction of via della Conciliazione where it had been erected in 1745. Its construction was re-used the materials of the previous facade that had been cataloged and preserved for its construction elsewhere. Rebuilt in eighteenth-century style, the facade has a beautiful portal with a stained glass window representing the Madonna of Lourdes in an oval shape. Inside it has a rectangular hall with a barrel vault with the fresco Triumph of the Cross by Angelo Urbani del Fabbretto, a splendid floor decorated with polychrome marbles with the coat of arms of the Hospital of S.Spirito, on the High Altar the Annunciation of Angelo Massarotti, on the side walls Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel to St. Gregory the Great by Giovanni Montano and the Madonna del Latte with Baby Jesus by Antoniazzo Romano.
Vasili Timonen on Google

An odd little church, demolished by the Fascists and rebuilt on a different site with much of the interior preserved. It's a place to find the Extraordinary Form of the Mass being celebrated.
MissJean FeralCatsRMyLife on Google

+JMJ During my annual pilgrimages (2000 - 2009), this was a Church visited daily for the evening devotions. Though I don't speak Italian, was blessed to cross the path of several Filipino Brothers (Franciscans of the Immaculata) with whom I would briefly chat in English. During a 2001 pilgrimage with a friend, the Brother shown in my photo gave me one of the Community's large Miraculous Medals (called such due to those who wore or were given this Sacramental and then humbly entrusted themselves to Jesus through Mary's intercession ~ recall the Wedding at Cana ~ and were granted extraordinary spiritual and physical healings) which I wear to this day. The Church held great sentiment to my heart because of the evening period of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar (Jesus: Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the humble species of bread), the recitation of the Divine Praises (Blessed be God, etc) and the recitation of the Holy Rosary. Once I concluded my nightly devotions in this small Church, religiously picturesque, I would go out for dinner and then return to my hotel. I love Rome because it is my spiritual home. Anyone making a pilgrimage should visit as many Catholic Churches whether practicing their Catholic faith or not. It is true that God is everywhere, but the gift of Jesus' material Presence is even more evident in the Tabernacle of every Catholic Church. God bless and thanks for reading my review.
Ferraro N on Google

Church Oratory of Santa Maria Annunziata in the Borgo Pio district. It is located on Lungotevere Vaticano, on the Castle Sant'Angelo side. It appears on your front when crossing bridge Vittorio Emanuele II. The church was totally demolished and rebuilt on this site in 1940 using the same materials and modelling of the original Oratory which was erected between 1688 and 1745
Roy Calderon Guarin on Google

A spiritual safe harbor for everyone. There is no better place like this unique kind in Rome, thus, I highly recommend you to visit it.

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