Roman Basilica

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Contact Roman Basilica

Address :

Piazzetta Giovanni Labus, 3, 25100 Brescia BS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +999
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Categories :
City : Brescia

Piazzetta Giovanni Labus, 3, 25100 Brescia BS, Italy
Iwona Druzgała on Google

Pozostałości rzymskiej cywilnej bazyliki z I wieku n.e. odzyskane podczas prac konserwatorskich pod koniec XX wieku. Chwała za to.
Remains of a Roman civil basilica from the 1st century CE recovered during conservation works at the end of the 20th century. Praise for it.
arcellix c on Google

Oltre al capitolium ed al teatro romano un'altra bellezza di brixia romana inoltre l'ingresso é gratuito. I resti nn sono moltissimi perché purtroppo hanno costruito vicino, peró una visita la merita.
In addition to the capitolium and the Roman theater, another beauty of Roman brixia is also free. The remains are not many because unfortunately they built nearby, but a visit is worth it.
Sergio Gandellini on Google

La basilica romana non è altro che l'edificio meridionale (destinato ad un utilizzo civile) di una enorme e maestosa piazza lunga 120 metri e larga più di 40 donata da Vespasiano alla città bresciana per ringraziarla del sostegno garantitogli in battaglia. La piazza iniziava dal foro romano ed era delimitata da un colonnato con portici in marmo di Botticino. Nella piazza si svolgeva la vita quotidiana tra le tante botteghe aperte sotto i portici, le offerte a Giove, Giunone e Minerva, adorate nel foro romano e la soluzione delle dispute civili nella basilica romana. Attualmente è sede della sovrintendenza bresciana ma mantiene intatta la struttura originaria identificabile nelle colonne di sostegno all'edificio visibili nella piazzetta a sud dell'edificio.
The Roman basilica is none other than the southern building (intended for civilian use) of a huge and majestic square 120 meters long and more than 40 wide donated by Vespasiano to the Brescia city to thank it for the support guaranteed in battle. The square started from the Roman forum and was bordered by a colonnade with Botticino marble arcades. In the square, daily life took place among the many shops open under the arcades, the offerings to Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, worshiped in the Roman forum and the solution of civil disputes in the Roman basilica. Currently it is the seat of the Brescia superintendency but keeps intact the original structure identifiable in the supporting columns of the building visible in the square to the south of the building.
DaleInUniverse on Google

Dell'antica basilica romana non rimane molto; i suoi resti sono stati inglobati dai nuovi edifici. Delimitava il lato sud del foro, opposta al tempio capitolino, ed era utilizzata per attività politiche e giuridiche. La sua visita è stata l'ultima tappa di un percorso meraviglioso attraverso la Brescia romana.
Not much remains of the ancient Roman basilica; its remains have been incorporated into the new buildings. It delimited the south side of the forum, opposite the Capitoline temple, and was used for political and legal activities. His visit was the last stop on a wonderful journey through Roman Brescia.
NINJA CHAO on Google

good places
Crystal Chuang on Google

Paolo Saccone on Google

Original part of ancient Rom! An fantastic example of never ending roman history!
Pauline Yoong on Google

Can’t see much if you are expecting the see the entire basilica. We asked a local passerby. She said only some remains can be seen as new housing was built. The building on the northern side of Piazza Labus, which preserves the remains of Brescia Roman origins, was founded in the 17h century. In this period the building was renovated, and were also reorganised all the architectural elements from the Middle Ages that covered the then degraded Roman remains, still clearly recognizable on the palace façade.

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