Il muro della Costituzione Romana

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Il muro della Costituzione Romana

Address :

Passeggiata del Gianicolo, 10, 00165 Roma RM, Italy

Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Roma

Passeggiata del Gianicolo, 10, 00165 Roma RM, Italy
Georgiy Fedorov on Google

Одна из видовых площадок холма Яникулл, со стеной Конституции Римской Республики 1849 года, несколько грязовато. Но мы будем смотреть на лежащий вдалеке внизу Рим, а не себе под ноги, чтобы не портить впечатление.
One of the specific sites of the Janikull hill, with the wall of the Constitution of the Roman Republic of 1849, is somewhat dirty. But we will look at Rome, which lies far below, and not at our feet, so as not to spoil the impression.
Rodolfo Pianello on Google

Visuale stupenda su Roma, raggiungibile salendo a piedi lungo uno scenografico percorso dedicato ai caduti al fianco di Garibaldi per l'unità d'Italia e la difesa di della Repubblica Romana, bello anche il parapetto con incise pagine della costituzione della Repubblica Romana. Nota dolente la pulizia scandalosa, non so se l'ho visitato in un giorno sfortunato o è sempre così, ma erano presenti letteralmente cumuli di spazzatura tra le statue e sotto il parapetto, veramente indecoroso per quello che dovrebbe essere un monumento nazionale e un balcone privilegiato per osservare la città di Roma dall'alto.
Stunning view of Rome, reachable by walking along a scenic route dedicated to the fallen alongside Garibaldi for the unification of Italy and the defense of the Roman Republic, also beautiful the parapet with engraved pages of the constitution of the Roman Republic. A painful note the scandalous cleanliness, I don't know if I visited it on an unlucky day or it is always like this, but there were literally heaps of garbage between the statues and under the parapet, really unseemly for what should be a national monument and a balcony privileged to observe the city of Rome from above.
Maria Tanasa Turism Roma ( on Google

Gianicolo superba colina al carui nume derivă de la Zeul Giano ofere trecatorului panorame superbe ale centrului vechi al Orașului Etern si nenumarate atracții- va recomand o plimbare inainte de prinz pentru a asista la celebra salva de tun ce marchează lor ora 12:00 zi de zi, iar printre cele mai mari atractii este farul, monumentul lui Garibaldi, a lui Anita Garibaldi, aleele cu statui si Fantana arteziana- Acqua Paola, San Pietro in Montorio...
Gianicolo The beautiful hill whose name derives from the god Giano offers the passer-by beautiful views of the old town of the Eternal City and countless attractions - I recommend a walk before noon to witness the famous cannon salvo that marks their time of 12:00 , and among the biggest attractions are the lighthouse, the monument of Garibaldi, Anita Garibaldi, the alleys with statues and the Artesian Fountain - Acqua Paola, San Pietro in Montorio ...
riccardo de aldisio on Google

Maksym Redka on Google

Great view
on Google

Good view
misotam on Google

excellent spot for a sweeping view of Rome and the vatican
Asher Berry on Google

spectacular viewpoint over the centre of Rome. A must!

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