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Address :

Unnamed Road, 44121, 44121 Ferrara FE, Italy

Categories :
City : Ferrara

Unnamed Road, 44121, 44121 Ferrara FE, Italy
Maurizio Ganzaroli on Google

Piazza Savonarola, anticamente piazza della Pace, custodisce la statua di Girolamo Savonarola. La statua opera di Stefano Galletti e realizzata in marmo bianco nel 1875 una volta deposta, non venne mai più spostata. La piazza è delimitata da un lato dal porticato del palazzo municipale, anticamente Palazzo Ducale; da una "via Coperta" sostenuta da un insieme di archi, e che ospitava i camerini di alabastro di Alfonso I; ed infine dal fossato del castello Estense, dove c'è un piccolo porticciolo d'attracco per le barche per il tour del castello, assolutamente da non perdere durante il periodo natalizio per vedere il famoso presepe delle acque.
Piazza Savonarola, formerly Piazza della Pace, houses the statue of Girolamo Savonarola. The statue by Stefano Galletti and made of white marble in 1875 once laid, was never moved again. The square is bordered on one side by the portico of the municipal building, formerly Palazzo Ducale; from a "via Coperta" supported by a set of arches, and which housed the alabaster dressing rooms of Alfonso I; and finally from the moat of the Estense castle, where there is a small marina for boats for the castle tour, not to be missed during the Christmas period to see the famous water nativity scene.
Toso T on Google

Bella stata ben tenuta a fianco al castello
Beautiful well maintained next to the castle
Antonio Longobardi on Google

Statua del famoso filosofo/prete/politico fiorentino e messo al rogo dopo la scomunica papale di Alessandro VI Borgia.
Statue of the famous Florentine philosopher / priest / politician and burned at the stake after the papal excommunication of Alexander VI Borgia.
Lobelia Callino on Google

La statua è stata appena restaurata si vedono anche ai piedi del Savonarola i pezzi di legno con le venature per bruciarlo come raccontano...
The statue has just been restored, you can also see at the foot of the Savonarola the pieces of wood with the veins to burn it as they tell ...
Alessio Burtone on Google

Girolamo Savonarola nacque a Ferrara nel 1452 e qui compì i suoi studi di filosofia, musica, medicina e disegno, anche se ben presto, più precisamente all’età di 20 anni, si recò a Bologna dove, nel 1474, entrò nell’ordine domenicano.
Girolamo Savonarola was born in Ferrara in 1452 and here he completed his studies in philosophy, music, medicine and drawing, although soon, more precisely at the age of 20, he went to Bologna where, in 1474, he entered the Dominican order .
Maria Stella Romagnoli on Google

Una statua simbolo della città, ora tornata agli albori a seguito di un accurato restauro. Maria Stella
A symbolic statue of the city, now back in its infancy following a careful restoration. Maria Stella
Вероніка Моренець on Google

CАВОНАРО́ЛА (Savonarola) Джи­ро­ла­мо (Ие­ро­ним) (21.9.1452, Фер­ра­ра – 23.5.1498, Фло­рен­ция), итал. ре­лиг. дея­тель, про­по­вед­ник и со­ци­аль­ный ре­фор­ма­тор. Из ста­рин­но­го па­ду­ан­ско­го ро­да. В Бо­ло­нье в 1475 при­нят в до­ми­ни­кан­ский мо­на­стырь, в 1478 ру­ко­по­ло­жен. С 1482 во фло­рен­тий­ском мон. Сан-Мар­ко (Св. Мар­ка). В 1487–88 пре­по­да­вал на бо­го­слов­ском ф-те Бо­лон­ско­го ун-та, за­тем в те­че­ние 2 лет про­по­ве­до­вал в го­ро­дах Лом­бар­дии, про­ро­че­ст­во­вал о на­ка­за­нии по­гряз­шей в по­ро­ке Церк­ви и её гря­дущем об­нов­ле­нии. В 1490 по прось­бе Ло­рен­цо Ме­ди­чи вер­нул­ся во Фло­рен­цию. С 1491 на­стоя­тель мон. Сан-Мар­ко. Уже­сто­чил мо­на­стыр­ский ус­тав: на­сто­ял на стро­гом со­блю­де­нии обе­та не­стя­жа­тель­ст­ва, рас­по­ря­дил­ся про­дать мо­на­стыр­ские име­ния и за­пре­тил лю­бые про­яв­ле­ния рос­ко­ши в оде­ж­де, пи­та­нии, в мо­на­ше­ском оби­хо­де; обя­зал мо­на­хов свои­ми тру­да­ми до­бы­вать сред­ст­ва к жиз­ни, в свя­зи с чем ос­но­вал шко­лы жи­во­пи­си, скульп­ту­ры, ар­хи­тек­ту­ры и книж­ной ми­ниа­тю­ры. С. по­ощ­рял за­ня­тия нау­ка­ми, в осо­бен­но­сти бо­го­сло­ви­ем и фи­лосо­фи­ей; в це­лях луч­ше­го по­ни­ма­ния Свя­щен­но­го Пи­са­ния и про­па­ган­ды хри­сти­ан­ст­ва сре­ди языч­ни­ков на­чал пре­по­да­ва­ние др.-греч., др.-евр. и не­ко­то­рых вост. язы­ков. В чис­ле по­чи­та­те­лей С. бы­ли Дж. Пи­ко дел­ла Ми­ран­до­ла, А. По­ли­циа­но, С. Бот­ти­чел­ли, Ми­ке­ланд­же­ло. Об­ли­че­ние дур­ных обы­ча­ев, рос­ко­ши и раз­врат­ной жиз­ни вер­хов об­ще­ст­ва при­ве­ло к кон­флик­ту С. с Ме­ди­чи. В 1493 С. был уда­лён в Бо­ло­нью. В про­по­ве­дях 1494–95 вы­сту­пил за вос­ста­нов­ле­ние рес­пуб­ли­ки. По его пред­ло­же­нию по­сле из­гна­ния Пье­ро Ме­ди­чи во Фло­рен­ции бы­ли уч­ре­ж­де­ны Боль­шой со­вет в ка­че­ст­ве выс­ше­го ор­га­на гос. вла­сти и Со­вет вось­ми­де­ся­ти как со­ве­щат. ин­стан­ция при синь­о­рии, а так­же про­ве­де­на на­ло­го­вая ре­фор­ма. Вме­сте с тем бы­ли за­пре­ще­ны со­б­ра­ния все­го гор. на­се­ле­ния, ко­то­рые, по мне­нию С., мог­ли стать удоб­ным ору­ди­ем для узур­па­ции вла­сти де­ма­го­га­ми и ти­ра­на­ми. В 1496 по ини­циа­ти­ве С. ос­но­ван лом­бард (за­ём­ный банк с низ­ким про­цен­том), из Фло­рен­ции из­гна­ны рос­тов­щи­ки. По на­стоя­нию С. мо­на­хи мон. Сан-Мар­ко в 1495–98 при­об­ре­ли кол­лек­цию греч. и лат. ру­ко­пи­сей, при­над­ле­жав­шую Ме­ди­чи, для мо­на­стыр­ской б-ки (един­ст­вен­но­го дос­туп­но­го для об­ще­го поль­зо­ва­ния кни­го­хра­ни­ли­ща Ев­ро­пы). Под влия­ни­ем С. во Фло­рен­ции пре­кра­ти­лись азарт­ные иг­ры, мас­ка­ра­ды и кар­на­ва­лы. Пре­об­ра­зо­ва­ния вы­зва­ли не­до­воль­ст­во как при­вер­жен­цев Ме­ди­чи, так и сто­рон­ни­ков ари­сто­кра­тич. прав­ле­ния. В мае 1497 па­па Рим­ский Алек­сандр VI от­лу­чил С. от Церк­ви. Под уг­ро­зой ин­тер­дик­та в мар­те 1498 фло­рен­тий­ская Синь­о­рия за­пре­ти­ла С. вы­сту­пать с про­по­ве­дя­ми. По­сле ря­да про­во­ка­ций, уст­ро­ен­ных про­тив­ни­ка­ми С., разъ­я­рён­ная тол­па за­хва­ти­ла мон. Сан-Мар­ко. С., за­клю­чён­ный под стра­жу, был под­верг­нут пыт­кам и при­го­во­рён к смерт­ной каз­ни как ере­тик. По­ве­шен, а за­тем со­жжён.
Savonarola Girolamo (Jerome) (21.9.1452, Ferrara - 23.5.1498, Florence), Italian. religion activist, preacher and social reformer. From an old Padua family. In Bologna in 1475 he was admitted to a Dominican monastery, in 1478 he was ordained. From 1482 in the Florentine mon. San Marco (St. Mark). In 1487–88 he taught at the theological faculty of the University of Bologna, then for 2 years he preached in the cities of Lombardy, prophesied about the punishment of the Church mired in vice and its future renewal. In 1490, at the request of Lorenzo Medici, he returned to Florence. Since 1491, the abbot of mon. San Marco. He toughened the monastic charter: he insisted on strict observance of the vow of non-covetousness, ordered the sale of the monastic estates and prohibited any manifestations of luxury in clothing, food, in monastic life; obliged the monks to earn a livelihood by their labors, in connection with which he founded the schools of painting, sculpture, architecture and book miniatures. S. encouraged the pursuit of sciences, especially theology and philosophy; in order to better understand the Holy Scriptures and the propaganda of Christianity among the pagans, he began teaching ancient Greek, ancient Hebrew. and some east. languages. Among the admirers of S. were J. Pico della Mirandola, A. Poliziano, S. Botticelli, Michelangelo. The exposure of bad customs, luxury and the depraved life of the upper classes of society led to a conflict with S. Medici. In 1493 S. was removed to Bologna. In sermons 1494–95 he advocated the restoration of the republic. At his suggestion, after the expulsion of Piero Medici in Florence, the Grand Council was established as the supreme body of state. authorities and the Council of Eighty as consult. instance at the Signoria, and a tax reform has been carried out. At the same time, gatherings of the entire mountains were prohibited. population, which, according to S., could become a convenient instrument for the usurpation of power by demagogues and tyrants. In 1496, on S.'s initiative, a pawnshop (a low-interest loan bank) was founded, and the usurers were expelled from Florence. At the insistence of S. monks mon. San Marco in 1495–98 acquired a collection of Greek. and lat. manuscripts, which belonged to the Medici, for the monastery library (the only library available for general use in Europe). Under the influence of S. in Florence, gambling, masquerades and carnivals ceased. The transformations caused discontent among both Medici adherents and aristocratic supporters. board. In May 1497, Pope Alexander VI excommunicated S. from the Church. Under the threat of interdict in March 1498, the Florentine Signoria forbade S. to preach. After a series of provocations staged by S.'s opponents, an angry crowd captured Mon. San Marco. S., in custody, was tortured and sentenced to death as a heretic. Hanged and then burned.
V K on Google

It is inexplicable that this supposed Renaissance city erected a monument to this anti-renaissance, anti-humanist hallucinating fanatic. It may have been forgivable in the XIX century, when the level of education was low. They are still proud of their native son. How ironic that he was a true champion of Firenze instead of Ferrara.

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