Colonna dell'Abbondanza

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Contact Colonna dell'Abbondanza

Address :

Piazza della Repubblica, 50123 Firenze FI, Italy

Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Firenze

Piazza della Repubblica, 50123 Firenze FI, Italy
Beck on Google

中世紀時為老市場。柱子上有兩根鏈條,一根用來打開和關閉市場,另一根用來捆綁騙子。 1885年-1895年清理老市場時,圓柱被拆除,組件分別存放在不同地點。直到1956年,重新豎立該柱,雕像為複製品。
It was an old market in the Middle Ages. There are two chains on the post, one to open and close the market, and the other to tie up the scammer. When the old market was cleaned up from 1885 to 1895, the columns were removed and the components were stored in different locations. Until 1956, the column was re-erected and the statue was a replica.
# Riccardo Caverni on Google

Colonna che si staglia in piazza della Repubblica una delle più belle di Firenze.
Column that stands in Piazza della Repubblica one of the best in Florence.
Konstantin Vladimirov on Google

В центре площади Республики находится Колонна Изобилия, авторства Донателло. Колонна на этом месте стояла всегда, с самого основания города. Правда, это были другие колонны. Но изначально колонна на этом месте была установлена, чтобы обозначить центр поселения. Времена менялись, площадь вокруг колонны то застраивалась, то расчищалась. Колонну сносили и она падала, ее восстанавливали. Так до нашего времени дошёл элемент древнеримской Форенции.
In the center of Republic Square is the Column of Abundance, by Donatello. The column at this place has always stood, from the very foundation of the city. True, these were other columns. But originally a column at this place was installed to mark the center of the settlement. Times have changed, the area around the column is now built up, then cleared. The column was demolished and it fell, it was restored. So, an element of the ancient Roman Forentia has reached our time.
Urbe Segreta on Google

Colonna dell'Abbondanza. Piazza della Repubblica. Una statua dalle "mille" vite. Inizialmente l' Abbondanza fu rappresentata già in epoca romana, tale statua fu persa. La Dovizia, opera di Donatello venne a sostituire la statua dispersa, essa era dotata di un campanello per annunciare l'apertura e la chiusura del mercato e di una catena dove venivano legati quei mercanti malandrini. Anche l'opera di Donatello fu distrutta per via di un crollo. Nel 1700 venne commissionata al Foggini la sostituzione della statua, essa poi venne trasportata in altri luoghi della città per poi essere dispersa. Nel 1956 venne collocata la copia delll' Abbondanza dello stesso Foggini, essa si trova ancor oggi nella piazza della Repubblica. Curiosamente la colonna potrebbe considerarsi come "l'ombelico" del centro storico. Infatti è lo sparti acque tra i quartiere: Santa Maria Novella, San Giovanni e Santa Croce.
Column of Plenty. Republic square. A statue with a "thousand" lives. Initially the 'Abundance was already represented in Roman times, this statue was lost. The Dovizia, the work of Donatello, came to replace the lost statue, it was equipped with a bell to announce the opening and closing of the market and a chain where those rogue merchants were tied. Donatello's work was also destroyed due to a collapse. In 1700 Foggini was commissioned to replace the statue, it was then transported to other places in the city and then dispersed. In 1956 the copy of the Abbondanza by Foggini himself was placed, it is still today in the Piazza della Repubblica. Curiously, the column could be considered as the "navel" of the historic center. In fact, it is the watershed between the districts: Santa Maria Novella, San Giovanni and Santa Croce.
Alberto Barbero on Google

Tradizionalmente la colonna segna il centro di Firenze, punto d'incontro tra il Cardo e il Decumano dell'insediamento romano alle origini della città. Era sormontato da una statua coeva, oggi perduta, poi sostituita da quella, in pietra serena, della "Dovizia" di Donatello. Nella seconda metà del Settecento, a causa degli irreparabili danni causati dall'erosione, venne a sua volta sostituita da quella del Foggini (la cui copia ancor oggi possiamo ammirare) Con gli ottocenteschi lavori di "Firenze Capitale" la colonna fu rimossa e solo nel 1956 ritrovò la sua originaria collocazione.
Traditionally the column marks the center of Florence, a meeting point between the Cardo and the Decumanus of the Roman settlement at the origins of the city. It was surmounted by a coeval statue, now lost, then replaced by that, in pietra serena, of the "Dovizia" by Donatello. In the second half of the eighteenth century, due to the irreparable damage caused by erosion, it was in turn replaced by that of Foggini (whose copy we can still admire today) With the nineteenth-century works of "Firenze Capitale" the column was removed and only in the 1956 returned to its original location.
Игорь Бубнов on Google

Колона "Изобилия" была возведена в 1431 году со статуей "Богатство" работы Донателло, на верху крепился колокол , который извещал об открытии и закрытии рынка. Нечестных торговцев приковывали к колонне, как к позорному столбу. В октябре 1721 года из-за сильного ветра статуя упала и разбилась на куски. Новая скульптура работы Фоджини появилась уже в 1722 году. После демонтажа рынка колона была заброшена, только в 1956 году колонна была восстановлена на прежнем месте.
The Plenty Column was erected in 1431 with the Wealth statue by Donatello. A bell was attached to the top, which signaled the opening and closing of the market. Dishonest merchants were chained to a column, as to a pillory. In October 1721, due to a strong wind, the statue fell and broke into pieces. A new sculpture by Foggini appeared in 1722. After the market was dismantled, the column was abandoned, only in 1956 the column was restored to its original place.
Braedon McGrail on Google

Nice enough. But there are nicer places in Florence
Stoyanka Ivanova on Google

This tall Column of Abundance from 1956 is a replica of a statue by Giovanni Battista Foggini that was made in 1721 to replace the original Donatello one from 1431

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