Church of Saint Jerome of Charity

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Contact Church of Saint Jerome of Charity

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Via di Monserrato, 54-84, 00186 Roma RM, Italy

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City : Roma

Via di Monserrato, 54-84, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
Michele Pappalardo on Google

Una piccola chiesa ma ricca di storia. La chiesa è stata la prima dimora e lo resterà fino alla vecchiaia di San Filippo Neri. Fondata, secondo la leggenda, nel IV secolo sull'area della casa che aveva ospitato San Girolamo, la chiesa fu ricostruita verso il 1654 da Domenico Castelli. Nel convento adiacente aveva abitato, tra il 1551 e il 1583, San Filippo Neri. Egli fondò per primo l'oratorio. Vi fu sepolto il pittore Francesco Salviati. In questa chiesa il Santo ha fatto i suoi miracoli e in certi periodi o on occasione della sua Festa è possibile visitare la sua casa le sue stanze dove c'è ancora il suo letto. La chiesa nel tempo ha avuto dei cambiamenti l'altare in stile barocco, ma un barocco pulito essenziale ma quello che colpisce è il suo soffitto ligneo forse uno dei più belli di Roma. Ai lati dell'altare si trovano due cappelle in quella di destra c'è una tela di pregevole fattura, a sinistra troverete la cappella Antamoro (1708), unica opera romana di Filippo Juvarra, ornata dalla statua marmorea di San Filippo Neri di Pierre Legros. La chiesa ha una cappella però che è un gioiello, la prima cappella a destra è la Cappella Spada, opera di Virgilio Spada, realizzata con la collaborazione di Francesco Borromini, decorata da un ricco rivestimento di diaspro e marmi preziosi, che simulano un apparato funebre, con ovali con busti di antenati e una ghirlanda di bronzo che incornicia un prezioso dipinto del XV secolo. Sull'altare maggiore, disegnato da Carlo Rainaldi, è collocata una copia dell'Ultima comunione di San Girolamo del Domenichino, oggi alla Pinacoteca Vaticana, realizzata sull'esempio del celebre dipinto di Agostino Carracci.
A small church but rich in history. The church was the first residence and will remain so until the old age of San Filippo Neri. Founded, according to legend, in the 4th century on the area of ​​the house that had hosted San Girolamo, the church was rebuilt around 1654 by Domenico Castelli. San Filippo Neri lived in the adjacent convent between 1551 and 1583. He was the first to found the oratory. The painter Francesco Salviati was buried there. In this church the saint has performed his miracles and in certain periods or on the occasion of his feast it is possible to visit his house and his rooms where his bed is still there. The church has undergone some changes over time, the baroque altar, but an essential clean baroque but what is striking is its wooden ceiling, perhaps one of the most beautiful in Rome. On the sides of the altar there are two chapels in the one on the right there is a fine workmanship canvas, on the left you will find the Antamoro chapel (1708), the only Roman work by Filippo Juvarra, adorned with the marble statue of San Filippo Neri by Pierre Legros . The church has a chapel, however, which is a jewel, the first chapel on the right is the Spada Chapel, the work of Virgilio Spada, created with the collaboration of Francesco Borromini, decorated with a rich covering of jasper and precious marbles, which simulate a funeral apparatus , with ovals with busts of ancestors and a bronze wreath that frames a precious 15th century painting. On the main altar, designed by Carlo Rainaldi, there is a copy of Domenichino's Last Communion of San Girolamo, now in the Vatican Pinacoteca, based on the example of the famous painting by Agostino Carracci.
Vittorio Maria de Bonis on Google

Capolavoro scenografico Barocco con la celeberrima Cappella Spada - opera di Borromibi - e la raffinata e innovativa Cappella Antamoro, con l'effige di San Filippo Neri, opera dello scultore PierLegros, unica architettura romana del sommo artista messinese Filippo Juvarra...
Baroque scenographic masterpiece with the famous Spada Chapel - the work of Borromibi - and the refined and innovative Antamoro Chapel, with the effigy of San Filippo Neri, the work of the sculptor PierLegros, the only Roman architecture of the great Messina artist Filippo Juvarra ...
Enobong Udoidiong on Google

It's beautiful
Romain F. on Google

Open only on Sunday morning from 10.30 to 12.30
L L on Google

The Spada chapel alone is worth the visit

This church contains, along with other impressive works of art, the exuberant Cappella Spada.
EWTN Vatican on Google

Saint Jerome of Charity is a small church hidden in the back alleys of the historic center of Rome. Although not very well known, this church preserves a unique treasure inside. When Jerome came to Rome to consult with the Pope, he stayed here in this place, where there used to be a house. "In the 16th century, another very important saint, St. Philip Neri, subenters this story. Felipe Neri lived here for 33 years. He was ordained a priest and was assigned to this church, where there was a community dedicated to charitable works. That is why it was called "San Girolamo della Carità". - Fr. Filippo Goyret (Rector of the Church) on EWTN Vaticano But the real treasure of the church is the "Spada Chapel." The chapel is an intimate place where two of the most important members of the family rest: Giovanni Spada, a close collaborator of Pope Innocent IV, and Bernardino Spada, an influential cardinal who lived in the 17th century.
David Lown on Google

The 17th century church of San Girolamo della Carità deserves to be much better known, and not just because it is home to two beautiful chapels: the Cappella Antamoro and the Cappella Spada.

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