Chigi Palace

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chigi Palace

Address :

Via Chigi, 15, 01100 Viterbo VT, Italy

Website :
Categories :
City : Viterbo

Via Chigi, 15, 01100 Viterbo VT, Italy
don Riccardo Florio on Google

Fernando Marti on Google

Si estas cerca se puede ver de pasada
If you are close you can see it in passing
Elisabetta Merli - Uff. VT on Google

Daniele “danio” Quero on Google

Da vedere di passaggio. Nulla più.
To see in passing. Nothing more.
rosaria sidoti on Google

Non visitabile. Mantenuto.
Not open to visitors. Maintained.
oirad1962 on Google

Palazzo eretto nella seconda metà del '400 dalla famiglia Caetani, divenuto in seguito, proprietà della famiglia Chigi dal 1500 circa.
Palace erected in the second half of the fifteenth century by the Caetani family, which later became the property of the Chigi family from around 1500.
Oleksiy Havrikov on Google

Дворец принадлежавший некогда могущественному роду принцев Киджи. Если вы хотите узнать больше о Риме и его истории, обращайтесь к доктору истории искусств вы найдете меня в Фейсбуке - "Гид экскурсии Рим Алексей" Индивидуальные авторские туры по Риму и его окрестностям.
The palace belonged to the once powerful family of the princes of Chigi. If you want to know more about Rome and its history, contact the Doctor of Art History, you will find me on Facebook - "Rome Alexey Tour Guide" Individual author's tours of Rome and its surroundings.
Albanian Tourist on Google

Uno dei molti possedimenti della famiglia Chigi ne Lazio e anche questo palazzo a Viterbo.
One of the many possessions of the Chigi family in Lazio and also this palace in Viterbo.

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