Chigi Chapel

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Contact Chigi Chapel

Address :

Piazza del Popolo, 12, 00187 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
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Categories :
City : Roma
Description : Domed 1500s chapel designed by Raphael, with elaborate mosaics & frescoes, plus statues by Bernini.

Piazza del Popolo, 12, 00187 Roma RM, Italy
Sérgio Veludo on Google

A Capela Chigi fica do lado esquerdo na Basílica de Santa Maria del Popolo. Foi iniciada em 1513, encomendada por Agostino Chigi a Rafael Sanzio, e concluída, por Gian Lorenzo Bernini, em 1656. Para a construção da capela, Rafael se inspirou na arquitetura da Basílica de São Pedro e na do Panteão. Como destaques podemos citar a cúpula com seus mosaicos, o piso em marchetaria com A morte Alada, o altar e as estátuas de Bernini, nos nichos laterais, dos profetas Daniel e o Leão e Habacuque e o Anjo. A capela teve recentemente maior visibilidade por conta do livro Anjos e Demônios de Dan Brown, publicado em 2000.
The Chigi Chapel is on the left side in the Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo. It was started in 1513, commissioned by Agostino Chigi to Rafael Sanzio, and completed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini in 1656. For the construction of the chapel, Rafael was inspired by the architecture of St. Peter's Basilica and that of the Pantheon. As highlights, we can mention the dome with its mosaics, the marquetry floor with The Winged Death, the altar and the statues of Bernini, in the side niches, of the prophets Daniel and the Lion and Habakkuk and the Angel. The chapel recently had greater visibility due to the book Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, published in 2000.
Stefano Manzo on Google

La cappella Chigi è la seconda cappella della navata sinistra e si trova basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo nel Rione IV di Campo Marzio. Una piccola premessa sulla Basilica che si può definire uno scrigno d’arte, poiché come poche altre è ricca di significative e importanti opere d’arte, cito alcuni artisti: Caravaggio, Raffaello Sanzio, Carracci, Bramante, Pinturicchio, Sansovino e molti altri. Il nome di questa cappella deriva dal nobile banchiere papale Agostino Chigi, che commissionò nel 1513 l’esecuzione del mausoleo per la propria famiglia a Raffaello Sanzio, che ne disegnò l’architettura, progettando un’opera che per vederla nella sua totalità si deve entrarci dentro e girarsi a 360 gradi. I lavori furono completati soltanto nel 1656 da un altro grande artista il Bernini. Splendida anche la cupola, a cassettoni e mosaici, anch’essa disegnata da Raffaello al centro è visibile l’affresco Dio creatore del firmamento. La Pala dell’altare raffigura la “Nascita della Vergine” XVI secolo. A tutto tondo, sono presenti in modo alternato i monumenti funebri dei Chigi e le nicchie con quattro splendide statue in marmo, eseguite dal XVI al XVII secolo: 1.Quella di Abacuc e l'angelo e quella di Daniele e il leone del Bernini. 2.Quella Giona che esce dalla balena e quella di Elia, del Lorenzetto. Un grande sfarzo, che doveva rendere visibile a tutti la grandezza e l’importanza della nobile famiglia Chigi..
The Chigi chapel is the second chapel in the left nave and is located in the basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo in the district IV of Campo Marzio. A small introduction to the Basilica that can be defined as a treasure chest of art, since like few others it is rich in significant and important works of art, I quote some artists: Caravaggio, Raffaello Sanzio, Carracci, Bramante, Pinturicchio, Sansovino and many others. The name of this chapel derives from the noble papal banker Agostino Chigi, who commissioned the execution of the mausoleum for his family in 1513 by Raffaello Sanzio, who designed the architecture, designing a work that you must enter to see it in its entirety. inside and turn 360 degrees. The works were completed only in 1656 by another great artist Bernini. Also splendid is the dome, coffered and mosaics, also designed by Raphael in the center, the fresco God creator of the firmament is visible. The altarpiece depicts the "Birth of the Virgin" 16th century. In the round, there are alternately the funerary monuments of the Chigi and the niches with four splendid marble statues, made from the 16th to the 17th century: 1. That of Habakkuk and the angel and that of Daniel and Bernini's lion. 2. That Jonah coming out of the whale and that of Elias, by Lorenzetto. A great pomp, which was supposed to make the size and importance of the noble Chigi family visible to everyone.
Christopher Sepúlveda on Google

Que impresionante capilla, al interior de la Iglesia de Santa María del Popolo, es una maravilla, sobre todo la escultura de Bernini De Habacuc y el Angel.
What an impressive chapel, inside the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo, is a marvel, especially Bernini's sculpture of Habakkuk and the Angel.
István Munkácsy S. on Google

Gyönyörű kápolna a szerény külsejű Santa Maria del Popolo bazilika bal első sarkában rengeteg okkultista, és szabadkőműves szimbólummal a katolikus környezet közepén. A reformizmus hajnalán épült, ezért is változatos a belseje amit barokk motívumok is részben lecseréltek. Több filmben szerepelt. Talán a leghíresebb az Inferno című filmben is szerepelt Robert Langdon nyomozásában. A Chigi Kápolna más néven Loreto Madonna Kápolna az 1470-es években épült egy 11. századi római kápolna helyén többszöri átalakítás után. Itt volt közvetlenül a városfal amit a mai napig álló Flaminia Kapu is bizonyít. Egyes források szerint a templom építését a nép állta, ezért is Popolo a tér neve a mai napig. A metró, és busz gyalogosan másfél percre. Közeli látványosság a Borghese Park, vagy közvetlen mellette a Michanangelo élménymúzeum. Indulás előtt nézzük meg a nyitvatartást, nehogy szieszta közben érkezzünk! A kápolna világítása a jobb oldalon kapcsolható fel másfél percre - ideális esetben a perselyt is használva.
A beautiful chapel in the left front corner of the modest-looking Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo with plenty of occult and Masonic symbols in the middle of the Catholic environment. It was built at the dawn of reformism, which is why its interior was varied and partly replaced by Baroque motifs. He has appeared in several films. Perhaps the most famous was also starring in Inferno’s investigation into Robert Langdon’s investigation. The Chigi Chapel, also known as the Loreto Madonna Chapel, was built in the 1470s on the site of an 11th-century Roman chapel after several alterations. Here was the city wall directly, as evidenced by the Flaminia Gate that still stands today. According to some sources, the construction of the church was by the people, which is why Popolo is the name of the square to this day. The metro and bus are within walking distance. Nearby attractions include Borghese Park or the Michanangelo Adventure Museum. Check out the opening hours before you leave so we don't arrive during a siesta! The lighting in the chapel can be switched on for a minute and a half on the right - ideally using the bushing as well.
Angelo Valzano on Google

Hayden FONG on Google

It was amazing so much fine art.
Aydin on Google

Marvellous place.. thanks to Angels & Demons movie.. Its very suprising to see lack of visitors to such a masterpiece filled by great art of Raphael, Lorenzetti and Bernini.. ah that dome ceiling !
Laura K. on Google

Free entrance to the chapel insode the basilica. Especially if you watched the movie illuminati. Easy to reach by bus or metro. Piazza del popolo next to it is worth your time after the visite to the chapel. It is closed over the midday and reopens at 4pm

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