Castello Reale di Don Pietro d'Aragona

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Castello Reale di Don Pietro d'Aragona

Address :

Noto Antica, 96017 Noto SR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9987
Postal code : 96017
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Categories :
City : Noto

Noto Antica, 96017 Noto SR, Italy
Vincent Black on Google

Un posto meraviglioso con tanta storia, peccato per la sua non valorizzazione, completamebte abbandonato a se stesso.
A wonderful place with so much history, a pity for its non-valorization, completely abandoned to itself.
Michele Pecoraro on Google

Molto bello ma da curare
Very nice but to care
Sergio T on Google

Rudere bella ma un po di cura?
Beautiful ruin but a bit of care?
Antonio C. on Google

Luogo della storia. Una fotografia del grande e terrificante terremoto che distrusse nel 1693 le città siciliane del sud est Dell isola. Panorami sulle valli circostanti che hanno fatto scrivere fiumi di parole ai letterati di ogni epoca storica.
Place of history. A photograph of the great and terrifying earthquake that destroyed the Sicilian cities of southeastern Dell island in 1693. Views of the surrounding valleys that have caused rivers of words to be written by scholars of all historical periods.
Ele Paderi on Google

Imponente castello quattrocentesco che domina dal monte Alveria, bel preambolo quale inizio del giro turistico. Venne edificato agli inizi dell'anno 1000 ed ampliato da Pietro D’Aragona nel 1400. Si dice che nelle prigioni vennero rinvenute le scritte sui muri degli esiliati. È un peccato sia lasciato a sé stesso...
Imposing fifteenth-century castle that dominates from Mount Alveria, a nice preamble as the beginning of the tour. It was built at the beginning of the year 1000 and enlarged by Pietro D'Aragona in 1400. It is said that the writings on the walls of the exiles were found in the prisons. It's a shame he's left to himself ...
rosario catania on Google

Storia e natura in questo luogo che la Sicilia ricorda per il grande terremoto del 1693. Archeologia, Natura, Torrentismo, Storia, Cultura, Tradizione. Più in basso a valle si trova il torrente Carosello e l'omonima cava con laghetti e cascate. Forte pendenza, sentiero per la cava scosceso, irregolare, scivoloso se ha piovuto, per scendere, se avete bambini solo se autonomi. Giù lungo il letto del fiume incastonate nella roccia antiche concerie medievali e mulini.
History and nature in this place that Sicily recalls for the great earthquake of 1693. Archeology, Nature, Torrentism, History, Culture, Tradition. Further downstream is the Carosello torrent and the homonymous quarry with ponds and waterfalls. Strong slope, path to the steep, irregular, slippery, if it has rained, to go down, if you have children only if they are self-employed. Down along the river bed set in the rock ancient medieval tanneries and mills.
Wasyl pl. on Google

Olbrzymi, niewykorzystany potencjał. Chyba mają zbyt wiele zabytkòw by chronić je wszystkie jak należy. To wręcz niewiarygodne, ale to jest opuszczone, zapomniane miejsce. Nikt o to nie dba, ruiny nie są zabezpieczone, niszczeją i zarastają chwastami. Wielka szkoda bo miejsce jest niesamowite.
Huge untapped potential. They probably have too many relics to protect them all properly. It is almost unbelievable, but it is a deserted, forgotten place. Nobody cares about it, the ruins are not secured, they are decaying and overgrowing with weeds. It's a shame because the place is amazing.
Michael Jefferson on Google

The drawings and inscriptions made by prisoners in the dungeon are worth travelling to this site for. We spent 10 days visiting historical sites in Sicily and this castle along with the other ruins was my personal favourite.

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