Cascate Gola Di Sottoguda

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cascate Gola Di Sottoguda

Address :

Serrai, 32020 Sottoguda BL, Italy

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City : Sottoguda

Serrai, 32020 Sottoguda BL, Italy
Joan Palleja on Google

Lloc molt maco de visitar, amb una cascada molt espectacular. Es pot fer l'excursió caminant tranquil·lament, ja que es molt sesilla i sense cap dificultat. El poble de Sottoguda també es molt bonic i pintoresc. Sortida totalment recomenable.
Very nice place to visit, with a very spectacular waterfall. You can make the excursion walking calmly, as it is very quiet and without any difficulty. The village of Sottoguda is also very beautiful and picturesque. Totally recommended departure.
Bryan Gottardo on Google

In inverno una fiaba a cielo aperto tra la neve e tante cascate ghiacciate.... Una esperienza interiore sicuramente bella da vivere
In winter, an open-air fairy tale between the snow and many frozen waterfalls .... An interior experience that is certainly beautiful to live
Antonietta De Vettor on Google

Canyon fra Malga Ciapela e Sottoguda. Piacevole e non faticosa passeggiata in compagnia del rumore del torrente. Sottoguda è uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia. Merita una visita.
Canyon between Malga Ciapela and Sottoguda. Pleasant and not tiring walk in the company of the sound of the stream. Sottoguda is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Worth a visit.
T. G. on Google

Percorso magnifico, di circa 2,5 km. Attenzione, per l'ingresso al percorso sono richiesti €2,50 o €3,50 andata e ritorno
Magnificent route, about 2.5 km. Attention, € 2.50 or € 3.50 round trip is required for entry to the route
Anna Calandri on Google

Tho Mas on Google

Great in winter time
Daniël Spierings on Google

It's a very busy, tourist and crowded place where busses full of people are dropped of every now and then. There is a smelly tourist train which rides up and down the canyon, while it's not so wide, so you have to keep an eye on your kids when it passes. It's a nice place but not wonderful or spectaculair. So paying 10 euro (3,50 for adults and 1,50 for kids) for our family to visit this place, seems very over priced to me to have a walk down a stream. Overall I would not recommend going here since there are more places that offer the same or better experience with less people and totally free.
Ariel Averbukh on Google

Wondefull place. A lot of nature. Nice attractions for kids all over the way. Very clean. Big parking lot nearby ,after 14:00 it's free of charge. Attractive for kids till 8 years old but adults also will enjoy.

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