Zona archeologica di Piazza della Vittoria (Santuario di Demetra e Kore).

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Contact Zona archeologica di Piazza della Vittoria (Santuario di Demetra e Kore).

Address :

Piazza della Vittoria, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy

Website : http://www.antoniorandazzo.it/archeologia/scavi-piazza-della-vittoria.html
Categories :
City : Siracusa

Piazza della Vittoria, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy
Karen Logeais on Google

Aucun entretien réalisé sur ce site, on distingue à peine les pierres. Décevant et très dommage que ces ruines ne soient pas mieux mises en valeur.
No maintenance done on this site, we can hardly see the stones. Disappointing and very unfortunate that these ruins are not better developed.
Giorgio Alessandro on Google

Zona archeologica centrale in città con numerosi testi e reliquie poste al museo p.orsi nelle vicinanze
Central archaeological area in the city with numerous texts and relics placed at the nearby p.orsi museum
Rosanna Messina on Google

Un'ampia superficie ricoperta dai resti e dalle fondamenta di quella che era un'area sacra dedicata a Demetra e Kore.
A large surface covered by the remains and foundations of what was once a sacred area dedicated to Demeter and Kore.
Giorgio Garofalo on Google

Le rovine più antiche che sono presenti nella zona archeologica risalgono al VII secolo a. C. mentre quelle più recenti sono databili al VI secolo d.C.. Si tratta pare di un Tempio che era dedicato a Demetra e Kore e costruito da Gelone in occasione della vittoria di Imera sui Cartaginesi. Bello, ma, purtroppo, trascurato.
The oldest ruins that are present in the archaeological area date back to the 7th century BC. C. while the more recent ones are datable to the sixth century AD. It is apparently a temple that was dedicated to Demeter and Kore and built by Gelone on the occasion of the victory of Hymera over the Carthaginians. Nice, but sadly neglected.
Carlos Dominguez on Google

Frente al santuario de la Madonna de la Lágrima se encuentra todo un sector arqueológico con importantes restos de construcciones de hace cientos o miles de años. En la actualidad no se encuentra terminado su tarea de descubrimiento de los restos y no es posible disfrutarlo en su totalidad. Es un legado importante de la historia de Siracusa.
In front of the Madonna de la Lágrima sanctuary is an entire archaeological sector with important remains of buildings from hundreds or thousands of years ago. At present, his task of discovering the remains is not finished and it is not possible to enjoy it in its entirety. It is an important legacy of the history of Syracuse.
Blasco della Floresta on Google

Situato accanto al Santuario della Madonna delle Lacrime di Siracusa, vi sono i resti della zona archeologica del Tempio dedicato a Kore e Demetra.Sul posto furono trovate molte statuette votive dedicate alle due Dee, le basi del Tempio e di una fontana monumentale. I resti si possono facilmente vedere attraverso il perimetro della cancellata. Il luogo era pulito, con l'erba tagliata e i resti ben visibili.
Located next to the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Lacrime in Syracuse, there are the remains of the archaeological area of ​​the Temple dedicated to Kore and Demeter. Many votive statuettes dedicated to the two Goddesses, the bases of the Temple and a monumental fountain were found on the spot. The remains can be easily seen through the perimeter of the gate. The place was clean, with the grass cut and the remains clearly visible.
Sebastiano Leggio on Google

Archaeological ruins of the Greek Syracuse and the Demetra and Kore temple. In the Paolo Orsi museum, only few minutes walk, it's possible to see the ceramics and statues found in this site. At present the site is closed and visible only from outside.
Phillip Spencer on Google

Not a lot to see but from the road you can peer through railings to look at the ruined foundations of what must have been a spectacular set of buildings in antiquity. Worth a detour if you visit the archeological museum nearby (just walk to the other side of the hideous concrete monstrosity of a church that dominates the area).

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