Greek Arsenal of Syracuse

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Greek Arsenal of Syracuse

Address :

Via dell'Arsenale, 60, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy

Categories :
City : Siracusa

Via dell'Arsenale, 60, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy
Véronique Kizilian on Google

Syracuse et ses monuments - fabuleux
Syracuse and its monuments - fabulous
Rosanna Messina on Google

Risale al IV secolo a.C. ma è stato completamente dimenticato dalle istituzioni.
It dates back to the 4th century BC. but it has been completely forgotten by the institutions.
Aldo Damiano on Google

Dentro il recinto dimenticato da tutti ci sono gli avanzi dell' Antico Arsenale Greco uno dei più grandi e importante dell' epoca, in cui venivano tirate in secca le navi per le riparazioni. Verso Ovest sono i resti di un edificio termale risalente al VI sec. a. C. che conserva ancora il tepidarium e il calidarium, venuto in luce non molti anni or sono.
Inside the fence forgotten by all there are the leftovers of the Ancient Greek Arsenal one of the largest and most important of the time, in which ships were pulled up for repairs. To the west are the remains of a thermal building dating back to the 6th century. to. C. which still preserves the tepidarium and calidarium, which came to light not many years ago.
Giovanni Risalvato on Google

Davvero suggestivo. Per i miei figli, un passaggio obbligato. Sarebbe, di per se stesso, da 10 e lode. Dispiace tantissimo che, a causa dei soliti luridi, risulti impraticabile a causa di rifiuti maleodoranti. Si dovrebbe ricordare a questi "signori", dopo averli multati come meriterebbero, che il suddetto arsenale, uno dei più grandi dell'antichità, fu edificato da Dionisio mentre si apprestava a muovere guerra contro i Cartaginesi. E che Diodoro Siculo, parlando di esso, non lo definì mai come una latrina a cielo aperto, nè come ricovero d'urina animale. Davvero un peccato come la miserabile storia di oggi voglia riscrivere, mortificandola, quella gloriosa del nostro passato.
Really suggestive. For my children, a forced passage. It would be, by itself, 10 and praise. I am so sorry that, due to the usual sewage, it is impractical due to smelly waste. It should be remembered to these "gentlemen", after having fined them as they deserve, that the aforementioned arsenal, one of the greatest of antiquity, was built by Dionisio while he was preparing to wage war against the Carthaginians. And that Diodorus Siculus, speaking of it, never defined it as an open-air latrine, nor as a shelter for animal urine. Truly a pity how the miserable history of today wants to rewrite, mortifying it, the glorious one of our past.
olivier olive on Google

Vraiment un détour inutile. Le site est à l’abandon envahit de lauriers et d’herbes sauvages . Utilisez votre temps pour voir autre chose à Syracuse.
Really an unnecessary detour. The site is abandoned, overgrown with laurels and wild grasses. Use your time to see something else in Syracuse.
Giorgio Garofalo on Google

In questo luogo si trova quello che resta di uno tra i più grandi arsenali del mondo greco classico, costruito dal tiranno Dionigi in tutto l’arco del Porto Piccolo, agli inizi del IV secolo a.C.
In this place there is what remains of one of the largest arsenals of the classical Greek world, built by the tyrant Dionysius throughout the arc of the Porto Piccolo, at the beginning of the fourth century BC.
Gill Pascall on Google

Overgrown with trees and weeds. We wouldn't have known it was there if it hadn't been pointed out to us.
Phillip Spencer on Google

Difficult to find, these are ruins overgrown with weeds and grass. Inaccessible so you can only see them through railings at the side of a busy residential road. In dire need of love and attention, especially clearing up the litter, they are not worth a detour but only a look if you are nearby. A real shame.

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