5/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Calata dei Voltoni, 36, 57038 Rio Marina LI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97997
Postal code : 57038
Website :
Categories :
City : Rio Marina

Calata dei Voltoni, 36, 57038 Rio Marina LI, Italy
Ermes Rizzotto on Google

Mi immergo con Beppe e il suo staff da qualche anno e ci ritorno con grande piacere. Lui è un grande maestro che sa farti scoprire il bello ad ogni immersione
I have been diving with Beppe and his staff for a few years and I return with great pleasure. He is a great teacher who knows how to make you discover the beauty with every dive
megamao69 on Google

Posto comodo,personale attento e presente. Nelľimmersione avevo un problema ed erano pronti a risolverlo. In questa settimana ho fatto tutti i giorni immersioni e mi hanno sempre stupito con relitti e tanti pesci come:murene,polpi,occhiate,castagnole,ecc..
Comfortable place, attentive and present staff. In the dive I had a problem and they were ready to solve it. In this week I have been diving every day and have always amazed me with wrecks and many fish such as: moray eels, octopus, looks, castagnole, etc.
Elodie MOLLOT on Google

Super expérience pour un baptême de plongée. Cadre magnifique avec une équipe très sympa et professionnelle. À bientôt j’espère !
Great experience for a first dive. Beautiful setting with a very friendly and professional team. See you soon, I hope !
Mastro Zambo on Google

Sono anni che mi immergo con Beppe ed il suo staff e mi trovo sempre bene! Mitiche anche le barche principali Africhella e Menandro sempre attrezzate adeguatamente per portare turisti di tutto il mondo nei siti di immersione più belle della zona... PIANOSA compresa. Beppe è un vero lupo di mare, gentile, spiritoso e con grande esperienza, sempre pronto a farsi in quattro per i sui ospiti. Anche se ultimamente mi immergo meno, un paio di uscite con loro le faccio tutti gli anni.
I have been diving with Beppe and his staff for years and I always feel good! The main boats Africhella and Menandro are also legendary, always adequately equipped to bring tourists from all over the world to the most beautiful dive sites in the area ... including PIANOSA. Beppe is a true sea dog, kind, witty and with great experience, always ready to go out of his way for his guests. Although I have been diving less lately, I go out with them every year.
Barbara Kalus on Google

Excelent und sehr lustig, trotz Sprachbarriere. Die Planung etwas chaotisch, aber das ist italienisch. Auf Wünsche und das Erfahrungsniveau wurde eingegangen.
Excellent and very funny, despite the language barrier. The planning is a bit chaotic, but that's Italian. Wishes and the level of experience were taken into account.
Mohamed Ibrahem (Mó) on Google

Bellissimo davvero e il Giosepe e un grande e la Michele e davvero unica ❤️
Really beautiful and Giosepe is great and Michele is truly unique ❤️
Massimiliano Vagnetti on Google

Rio diving What else!
Richard Roberts on Google

Great diving, great guys and great place !

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