Negozio WindTre Firenze Gioberti

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Negozio WindTre Firenze Gioberti

Address :

Via Vincenzo Gioberti, 121/red, 50121 Firenze FI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9778
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City : Firenze

Via Vincenzo Gioberti, 121/red, 50121 Firenze FI, Italy
DARIAtheBEAST on Google

Ringrazio infinitamente e di cuore il ragazzo dello staff, che oltre le aspettative si é rivelato gentile, disponibile e mi ha aiutato a risolvere una situazione concisamente e rapidamente. Se mai dovrò rivolgermi ad un centro wind sarà sicuramente questo. Buon lavoro!
I thank the staff guy infinitely and heartily, who beyond expectations proved to be kind, helpful and helped me to resolve a situation concisely and quickly. If I ever have to go to a wind center it will certainly be this. Good job!
Erika on Google

Purtroppo mi vedo costretta a confermare le recensioni negative che ho letto. Gli operatori non sono chiari rispetto ai contratti che vendono e alla fine la cifra da pagare è sempre più alta di ciò che viene detto. Noi inoltre abbiamo dovuto richiedere copia del contratto perché non ce ne avevano fornita neanche una. Per cambiare offerta (ero già cliente windtre) mi hanno fatta uscire dalla compagnia, passare ad una compagnia mai sentita "ho" con la quale mi sono trovata malissimo per problemi continui di linea e perché la tariffa era A PAGAMENTO e, dopo UN MESE, mi hanno fatta tornare alla tre. Ma dove esiste dover fare tutte queste peripezie, oltretutto se ero già cliente windtre e volevo solo cambiare offerta!?? Il tutto senza neanche esplicitarlo!! Mi dispiace ma sono MOLTO DELUSA.
Unfortunately, I am forced to confirm the negative reviews I have read. Traders are not clear about the contracts they sell and in the end the amount to pay is always higher than what is said. We also had to request a copy of the contract because they hadn't given us even one. To change the offer (I was already a windtre customer) they let me leave the company, switch to a company I had never heard of "I" with which I found myself very bad for continuous line problems and because the rate was PAID and, after ONE MONTH, they made me go back to three. But where is there having to do all these ups and downs, moreover if I was already a windtre customer and I just wanted to change the offer! ?? All without even making it explicit! I'm sorry but I am VERY DISAPPOINTED.
Dario Cesare on Google

Pessimo servizio!!!! Sconsiglio questo punto vendita!!! Ho sottoscritto un nuovo contratto in questo negozio per l'attivazione della fibra più due numeri mobili, ho avuto dei problemi in fase di attivazione e non è mai stato possibile avere da loro informazioni chiare e precise, sempre tutto molto nebuloso, non sembrano competenti. Inoltre, in fase di attivazione, ho chiesto più volte quale sarebbe stato il costo totale mensile addebitato e quanto da loro detto non si è rivelato corretto. Alla richiesta di chiarimenti della cifra più alta, mi hanno liquidato per email dicendomi è tutto scritto in fattura.
Bad service !!!! I do not recommend this store !!! I signed a new contract in this shop for the activation of the fiber plus two mobile numbers, I had problems in the activation phase and it was never possible to have clear and precise information from them, always very nebulous, they do not seem competent. In addition, during the activation phase, I asked several times what the total monthly cost would be and what they said was not correct. When asked for clarification of the higher figure, they liquidated me by email saying it was all written on the invoice.
Rossella Scafa on Google

Professionalità, cordialità e disponibilità! Se cercate questo in un negozio di telefonia andate da questi ragazzi! Sono diventati i miei fornitori sia per il mobile che per casa, e se ho avuto problemi sono sempre stati professionali e hanno risolto il tutto in tempi brevi! Consigliatissimo.
Professionalism, friendliness and availability! If you are looking for this in a phone shop go to these guys! They have become my suppliers for both furniture and home, and if I have had any problems they have always been professional and have solved everything in a short time! Highly recommended.
foto happyway on Google

Per i nostri tre punti vendita abbiamo scelto loro come fornitori della Fibra e della telefonia mobile. Ci troviamo molto bene da più di due anni ormai! Disponibili e professionali e ottime offerte con prezzi reali e mai maggiorazioni in fattura.
For our three stores we have chosen them as fiber and mobile phone suppliers. We have been getting along very well for more than two years now! Available and professional and excellent offers with real prices and never surcharges on the invoice.
L'acca A on Google

いつも空いてる事が多いです。なのでSaponettaの解約に行たのですが、平日の午前中の予約が必要と言われました。「では予約を」というと「何時でもいい」「名前もよかったら聞くけど」と(予約とは言えない)。 案内によると、この手続きをするのに10ユーロ、もちろん予約までの間の料金もかかり、それからまた不明の期間の料金もかかる。その概算も濁った答えしかもらえず態度もあからさまで不信感を覚えて他店へ行きました。 (オーナーらしき非制服もいて言わされてる従業員がかわいそうでした) 他店では明解な説明をしてくれ、店舗での手数料なし(windの闇は後程)で解約できたので、この店は本来のwindtreでは支払わなくていい代金請求ぼったくりの可能性があります。windの中でもチェーンの分岐があるらしく、この店は特に有名とのことです。 ただ契約するだけならいいんでしょうね。空いてますし。空いてる理由も今なら解ります。 Windtreについて 契約するときは積極的に言われなかったコストや2年縛りなどあります。このsaponettaも本体買取り金額はないものの、解約受理までの1ヶ月、現在のプランにはない高額の月額を無駄に払わねばなりません。デメリットも突っ込んで聞かないと話してはくれないし、それが解約した理由の一つでもあります。 最後になりましたが、解約は本来、店舗でもらう書類(無料手続)と身分証明書のコピーを書留でミラノに送って、消印から1ヶ月後に受理(連絡なし)、その間の料金引き落としだそうです。 今回調べた中での解約の一番簡単な方法(他店で薦められた)は、解約金なしの携帯会社に鞍替えsim買って1ヶ月払って切る方法でした。
It's often vacant all the time. So I went to cancel Saponetta, but I was told that I needed to make a reservation in the morning on weekdays. "Then make a reservation" means "anytime" and "I'll ask if you like the name" (not a reservation). According to the guide, it costs 10 euros to complete this procedure, and of course there is a charge until the reservation, and then there is also a charge for an unknown period. I got a muddy answer to the estimate, and I felt distrust in my attitude and went to another store. (I felt sorry for the employee who was said to have a non-uniform that seems to be the owner) Other stores gave a clear explanation, and I was able to cancel without a fee at the store (the darkness of wind will be later), so there is a possibility that this store will not have to pay with the original windtre and will be charged. It seems that there is a branch of the chain in the wind, and this shop is especially famous. It would be nice if you just signed a contract. It's free. Now I understand why it's free. About Windtre When signing a contract, there are costs that were not positively mentioned and two-year ties. Although this soap does not have a purchase price, you have to pay a large monthly amount, which is not in the current plan, for one month until the cancellation is accepted. If you don't ask about the disadvantages, it's one of the reasons why you canceled the contract. Last but not least, the cancellation is supposed to be done by sending a copy of the documents (free procedure) and ID card received at the store to Milan by registered mail, accepting it one month after the postmark (without contact), and withdrawing the fee during that time. am. The easiest way to cancel the contract (recommended by another store) was to buy a sim and pay a month to cut it off at a mobile phone company without a cancellation fee.
Rino Cavasino on Google

Cliente Wind da molti anni e mai trattato con tanta scortesia e assoluta mancanza di rispetto e professionalità. Risposte vaghe ed evasive a ogni domanda. Per disattivare un servizio occorre fissare un "appuntamento" (per il quale non chiedono un nome e non danno un'ora precisa, ma ci tengono a informarci che costerà 10 euro ). Benché siano in due (uno dei quali, nel frattempo, fa ancor meno dell'altro), non si degnano nemmeno di verificare brevemente nel sistema la mia situazione, rinviando tutto - incluse le "mille domande" moleste - al fatidico appuntamento. Infine, il colmo della villania: sgarbatamente invitano più volte me e mia moglie a togliere il disturbo, cedendo il posto agli altri clienti in attesa, come se fossimo degli scocciatori, senza diritto a un degno servizio di assistenza (per il quale loro sono pagati, e che gli stessi clienti pagano). Un comportamento inqualificabile. Persino in altri punti Wind di Firenze, gli operatori cui abbiamo riferito la nostra disavventura ci hanno confermato con appena velata ironia la vergogna - a quanto pare, dunque, risaputa - di questo negozio! È senz'altro il caso di far giungere ai loro capi - se non ne sono già al corrente - le rimostranze dei numerosi, malcapitati clienti, affinché provvedano al più presto. Noi segnaleremo tutto, e con indignazione, alla "casa madre" Wind.
Wind customer for many years and never treated with such rudeness and absolute lack of respect and professionalism. Vague and evasive answers to every question. To deactivate a service you need to make an "appointment" (for which they do not ask for a name and do not give a precise time, but they are keen to inform us that it will cost 10 euros). Although there are two of them (one of whom, in the meantime, does even less than the other), they do not even deign to briefly check my situation in the system, postponing everything - including the troublesome "thousand questions" - to the fateful appointment. Finally, the height of rudeness: they rudely invite my wife and I several times to remove the disturbance, giving way to other waiting customers, as if we were annoying, without the right to a worthy assistance service (for which they are paid , and that the customers themselves pay). An unspeakable behavior. Even in other Wind points in Florence, the operators to whom we reported our misadventure have confirmed with just veiled irony the shame - apparently, therefore, well known - of this shop! It is undoubtedly the case to let their bosses - if they are not already aware of it - reach the grievances of the numerous, unfortunate customers, so that they can act as soon as possible. We will report everything, and with indignation, to the "parent company" Wind.
Archisman Sen on Google

Helpful guys, very fast to serve customers with a hurry but with accuracy

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