Museo Archeologico dell’Antica Capua - Museo Archeologico dell’Antica Capua

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Contact Museo Archeologico dell’Antica Capua

Address :

81055 Santa Maria Capua Vetere CE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +988
Postal code : 81055
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Categories :

81055 Santa Maria Capua Vetere CE, Italy
Giuseppina Perez on Google

Diciamo non buona, se non peggio. Quasi nessuna vetrina ,in cui sono conservati i reperti era illuminata . Al punto che abbiamo dovuto usare le torce dei telefonini per vedere la bellissima collana ďoro ,lì conservata. Davvero un peccato. Cambiare delle lampadine fulminate costa poco e fa la differenza.
We say not good, if not worse. Almost no showcase, in which the finds are kept, was illuminated. To the point that we had to use cell phone flashlights to see the beautiful ďoro necklace, kept there. Really a pity. Changing burnt out light bulbs is cheap and makes a difference.
Julia on Google

Отличный музей. Археологические находки из храма Дианы Тифатинской, античной Капуи. Жалко не посетили митреум и второй этаж.
Great museum. Archaeological finds from the temple of Diana Tifatinskaya, antique Capua. It is a pity not to have visited the mithraeum and the second floor.
Gnotul R on Google

Compreso nel biglietto alla visita dell'anfiteatro Romano di Santa Maria Capua Vetere era incluso anche l'ingresso al museo che dista poco lontano. Il prezzo è di solo 2,50€, nulla, per vedere due posti veramente spettacolari. All'anfiteatro, chiedono il green pass si va nella sala dei gladiatori, che ha dei pannelli con tante spiegazioni e curiosità. L'anfiteatro è molto bello, certo che avrei messo dei cartelli con spiegazioni , foto e aneddoti. Sarebbe,forse opportuno, tenere l'area circostante libera da erbe infestanti e aggiungere informazioni. Il museo per me è stato qualche cosa di bello. Ho letto tantissime cose ho visto reperti bellissimi. Mi permetto di dire che tutto può essere valorizzato meglio perché sono posti meravigliosi che vale la pena gustare.
Included in the ticket for the visit of the Roman amphitheater of Santa Maria Capua Vetere was also included the entrance to the museum which is not far away. The price is only € 2.50, nothing, to see two truly spectacular places. At the amphitheater, they ask for the green pass to go to the gladiators' hall, which has panels with many explanations and curiosities. The amphitheater is very beautiful, of course I would have put up signs with explanations, photos and anecdotes. It would perhaps be advisable to keep the surrounding area free from weeds and add information. The museum for me was something beautiful. I have read a lot of things I have seen beautiful artifacts. I would like to say that everything can be enhanced better because they are wonderful places that are worth tasting.
luca iorio on Google

Giuseppe Avitabile on Google

Michael Pilgrom on Google

I really enjoyed myself. It was cheap and for an add on to the area I would gladly go again. If you go to the areaa take the 10 walk and go see it.
Calvin Brooks on Google

A hidden gem when visiting the Naples region. Buying a day ticket (2.50€) from the Capua Arena gets you free entry to these places as well. A little bit of a walk from the arena to this museum but if you’re a history buff it’s worth it!
David Adams on Google

Great collection of Ancient artifacts from local sites. For €2,50, you can see nearby Amphitheatre, Gladiator Museum, and this museum. Buy tickets at restaurant adjacent to amphitheatre. Short walk to this museum. This is a great value, especially if you love ancient history.

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