Moreschi Roma Via Frattina

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Moreschi Roma Via Frattina

Address :

Via Frattina, 47, 00187 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +999
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Categories :
City : Roma

Via Frattina, 47, 00187 Roma RM, Italy
Roberto Palmieri on Google

Negozio con scarpe di buona qualità a un prezzo abbastanza alto.
Shop with good quality shoes at a fairly high price.
Angelika Kirchhofer on Google

Acquistiamo scarpe Moreschi da 30 anni in famiglia, ma questo negozio è da evitare per la scortesia e manzanza di professionalità dei commessi, forse prima impiegati in una merceria di periferia e non certo al livello Moreschi a cui siamo abituati. Mio marito ha chiesto in negozio tempo fa suggerimento su un calzolaio in zona per piccole riparazioni e siamo stati inviati da un signore anzianissimo, sordo, che purtroppo ha danneggiato ben due paia di scarpe tagliando pezzi di suola. Mio marito ha fatto presente loro con garbo che l'indirizzo suggerito ha comportato queste problematiche, un feedback doveroso per evitare che venga segnalato ad altri. La risposta del commesso è stata assai scortese, accusandoci di venire a fare lagnanze e via dicendo. Al di là del merito, certi toni maleducati, indisponenti ed arroganti dei commessi nei confronti dei clienti fanno passare la voglia di entrare ancora. Continueremo ad acquistare Moreschi, ma online, certo non in questo negozio!
We have been buying Moreschi shoes for 30 years with the family, but this shop is to be avoided due to the rudeness and lack of professionalism of the shop assistants, perhaps previously employed in a haberdashery in the suburbs and certainly not at the Moreschi level to which we are used. My husband asked in the shop some time ago for a suggestion on a shoemaker in the area for minor repairs and we were sent by a very old, deaf gentleman, who unfortunately damaged two pairs of shoes by cutting pieces of sole. My husband politely pointed out to them that the suggested address led to these problems, a proper feedback to avoid being reported to others. The clerk's response was very rude, accusing us of coming to complain and so on. Beyond the merit, certain rude, disgraceful and arrogant tones of the salesmen towards the customers make the desire to enter still pass. We will continue to buy Moreschi, but online, certainly not in this shop!
Alexey Davydenko on Google

Люблю эту марку. Выбор хороший. Особенно нравиться обувь. Носиться долго. Проблем нет.Если попасть на скидки , можно получить отличную цену. Недалеко от Испанской лестницы, где еще много разных брендовых магазинов и вкусных ресторанов.
I love this brand. The choice is good. Especially like shoes. Worn for a long time. There are no problems. If you get a discount, you can get a great price. Not far from the Spanish Steps, where there are still many different brand shops and delicious restaurants.
最後の審判 on Google

コンドッティー通りの1本裏手の通りにお店は在ります。入り口はとても洗練された綺麗なお店です。おしゃれな靴がたくさん並んでいて行った頃はブルー系の靴がたくさんありました。私もブルー系の靴を購入しました。ラインも履き心地もさすが伝統のモレスキー 良いです。靴箱には靴が合わさったモレスキーマークの靴ベラとお手入れのセットが入っていて、とても頑丈な引き出さ非式の靴箱でした。とても重い 帰国後 何回か吐きましたがやはりブルーの靴は日本では目立つようで、電車内では皆、私の足元に注目です。サント―二の同じブルー系の靴を履いていますが、シルエットがモレスキーの方がシャープなので目立つのかもしれません。でも、私は全く気にしていません。自分の好きな色の靴を履けてハッピー 1 共有
There is a shop just behind Condotti Street. The entrance is a very sophisticated and beautiful shop. There were lots of fashionable shoes lined up, and when I went there, there were lots of blue shoes. I also bought blue shoes. Both the line and the comfort are good, but the traditional moreskey is good. The shoe box contained a shoeless spatula with a pair of shoes and a set of care, and it was a very sturdy pull-out shoe box. Very heavy after returning to Japan, I vomited a few times, but the blue shoes still stand out in Japan, and everyone on the train pays attention to my feet. I am wearing the same blue shoes of Santo-Ni, but it may be noticeable because the silhouette of Moreskey is sharper. But I don't care at all. Happy to wear shoes of your favorite color 1 share
silvia mosetti on Google

Ottime scarpe che durano anni cortesia e disponibilità per riparazioni stivali, una chiusura rotta dopo ben 5 anni senza pagare nulla. Spero di tornare presto e trovare vasta gamma di scarpe
Excellent shoes that last for years courtesy and availability for boot repairs, a broken closure after 5 years without paying anything. Hope to come back soon and find great range of shoes
Emeka Emerald Emelogu on Google

Superb,quality and precision.
Mirgim Jusufi on Google

Comfortable shoes, a bit pricey, but lady behind the counter was rather rude. Plenty of other shoe stores on the street. Would recommend any of those!
Kreighton Reed on Google

Really amazing shoes. I was just window shopping and ended up getting 4 pairs of shoes and a belt. Staff were helpful and professional and even helped me save €258 by filling out the sale tax refund form.

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