Monumento A Silvio Pellico

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Contact Monumento A Silvio Pellico

Address :

Piazza Liderico Vineis, 10, 12037 Saluzzo CN, Italy

Postal code : 12037
Categories :
City : Saluzzo

Piazza Liderico Vineis, 10, 12037 Saluzzo CN, Italy
Claudio Tomatis on Google

Dona un tocco di classe alla piazza
It gives a touch of class to the square
Mattia Ghione on Google

Bellissimo spiazzo sull'isola pedonale Saluzzese.
Beautiful open space on the pedestrian area of ​​Saluzzo.
Tamara Cavaliere on Google

Uno dei punti di riferimento di Saluzzo. Il verde intorno è sempre molto curato.
One of the landmarks of Saluzzo. The greenery around is always well cared for.
Francesco Cotroneo on Google

Ottimo punto di ritrovo. Si trova proprio nella via centrale dei negozi e passaggio. Diversi bar in zona.
Excellent meeting point. It is located right in the central shopping street and passageway. Several bars in the area.
Angelo on Google

In Zona pedonale, sabato mattina mercato. Silvio Pellico Scrittore Silvio Pellico è stato uno scrittore, poeta e patriota italiano, noto soprattutto come autore di Le mie prigioni. Wikipedia Data di morte: 31 gennaio 1854, Torino
In the pedestrian zone, Saturday morning market. Silvio Pellico Writer Silvio Pellico was an Italian writer, poet and patriot, best known as the author of My Prisons. Wikipedia Date of death: January 31, 1854, Turin
Giancarlo Amadio on Google

Silvio Pellico. Silvio Pellico nacque a Saluzzo in provincia di Cuneo il 24 giugno1789 e morì a Torino il 31 gennaio 1854. È sepolto nel Cimitero monumentale di Torino. Pellico e gran parte degli amici facevano parte della setta segreta dei cosiddetti "Federati". Scoperti dalla polizia austriaca che era riuscita ad intercettare alcune lettere compromettenti di Piero Maroncelli, il 13 ottobre 1820, Pellico, lo stesso Maroncelli, Melchiorre Gioia e altri furono arrestati. Da Milano Pellico fu condotto alla prigione dei Piombi di Venezia, e poi in quella dell'isola di Murano, dove rimase fino al 20 febbraio 1821. A Venezia fu letta pubblicamente il 21 febbraio 1821 la sentenza del celebre Processo Maroncelli-Pellico. I due imputati furono condannati alla pena di morte. Per entrambi, poi, la pena fu commutata: venti anni di carcere duro per Maroncelli, quindici per Pellico. Nella sua vita scrisse molti libri tra cui le mie prigioni, è un libro di memorie scritto da Silvio Pellico e pubblicato nel 1832. Saluzzo è una località molto bella, nella sua zona ci sono grandi distese di frutteti ed è molto interessante da visitare. Silvio Pellico. Silvio Pellico was born in Saluzzo in the province of Cuneo on 24 June 1789 and died in Turin on 31 January 1854. He is buried in the monumental cemetery of Turin. Pellico and most of the friends were part of the secret sect of the so-called "Federati". Discovered by the Austrian police who had managed to intercept some compromising letters by Piero Maroncelli, on October 13, 1820, Pellico, Maroncelli himself, Melchiorre Gioia and others were arrested. From Milan, Pellico was taken to the prison of the Piombi of Venice, and then to that of the island of Murano, where he remained until February 20, 1821. In Venice the sentence of the famous Maroncelli-Pellico trial was publicly read on 21 February 1821. The two defendants were sentenced to the death penalty. For both, then, the sentence was commuted: twenty years of hard prison for Maroncelli, fifteen for Pellico. In his life he wrote many books including my prisons, it is a memoir written by Silvio Pellico and published in 1832. Saluzzo is a very beautiful resort, in its area there are large expanses of orchards and is very interesting to visit.
Silvio Pellico. Silvio Pellico was born in Saluzzo in the province of Cuneo on 24 June 1789 and died in Turin on 31 January 1854. He is buried in the Monumental Cemetery of Turin. Pellico and most of his friends were part of the secret sect of the so-called "Federati". Discovered by the Austrian police who had managed to intercept some compromising letters from Piero Maroncelli, on 13 October 1820, Pellico, Maroncelli himself, Melchiorre Gioia and others were arrested. From Milan Pellico was taken to the Piombi prison in Venice, and then to that of the island of Murano, where he remained until February 20, 1821. In Venice the sentence of the famous Maroncelli-Pellico trial was publicly read on February 21, 1821. The two defendants were sentenced to the death penalty. For both, then, the sentence was commuted: twenty years of hard prison for Maroncelli, fifteen for Pellico. In his life he wrote many books including my prisons, it is a memoir written by Silvio Pellico and published in 1832. Saluzzo is a very beautiful place, in its area there are large expanses of orchards and it is very interesting to visit. Silvio Pellico. Silvio Pellico was born in Saluzzo in the province of Cuneo on 24 June 1789 and died in Turin on 31 January 1854. He is buried in the monumental cemetery of Turin. Pellico and most of the friends were part of the secret sect of the so-called "Federati". Discovered by the Austrian police who had managed to intercept some compromising letters by Piero Maroncelli, on October 13, 1820, Pellico, Maroncelli himself, Melchiorre Gioia and others were arrested. From Milan, Pellico was taken to the prison of the Piombi of Venice, and then to that of the island of Murano, where he remained until February 20, 1821. In Venice the sentence of the famous Maroncelli-Pellico trial was publicly read on 21 February 1821. The two defendants were sentenced to the death penalty. For both, then, the sentence was commuted: twenty years of hard prison for Maroncelli, fifteen for Pellico. In his life he wrote many books including my prisons, it is a memoir written by Silvio Pellico and published in 1832. Saluzzo is a very beautiful resort, in its area there are large expanses of orchards and is very interesting to visit.
Eros B on Google

Nasce il 24 giugno 1789 a Saluzzo, oggi in provincia di Cuneo, secondogenito del commerciante piemontese Onorato Pellico (1763-1838) e della savoiarda Margherita Tournier (1763-1837), originaria di Chambéry. Sia Silvio che i quattro fratelli ricevono un'educazione cattolica dalla devota madre. Uno dei suoi fratelli, Francesco, divenne gesuita; le sorelle Giuseppina e Maria Angiola presero i voti. Il primogenito Luigi (1788-1841) tentò la carriera politica, condividendo le idee di Silvio e le sue stesse passioni letterarie. Dopo gli studi a Pinerolo, dove suo padre nel 1792 aveva rilevato la gestione di un negozio, nel 1799 in seguito al fallimento dell'attività paterna andò a vivere con la famiglia a Torinoe in seguito fu inviato dai genitori in Francia, a Lione, per fare pratica nel settore commerciale. Nella città francese Pellico dimostrò scarsa inclinazione per gli affari appassionandosi invece agli studi classici, alle lingue e agli autori contemporanei, quali Foscolo e Vittorio Alfieri di cui diventò un fervente ammiratore. Al rientro in Italia, nel 1809, si stabilì con la famiglia a Milano, dove il padre aveva trovato un impiego pubblico al Ministero della Guerra del Regno d'Italia. A Milano il Pellico fu insegnante di francese presso il collegio militare. Giovane entusiasta della poesia neoclassica, frequenta Vincenzo Monti e Ugo Foscolo legando in particolare con quest'ultimo. Cominciò a scrivere tragedie in versi di impianto classico, come Laodamia (1813) ed Eufemio di Messina. Alla caduta del regime napoleonico (1814) perse la cattedra di francese. Il 18 agosto 1815 a Milano viene rappresentata la sua tragedia Francesca da Rimini. La tragedia reinterpreta l'episodio dantesco alla luce delle influenze romantiche e risorgimentali del periodo lombardo.
He was born on 24 June 1789 in Saluzzo, today in the province of Cuneo, second son of the Piedmontese merchant Onorato Pellico (1763-1838) and of the Savoyard Margherita Tournier (1763-1837), originally from Chambéry. Both Silvio and the four brothers receive a Catholic upbringing from their devoted mother. One of his brothers, Francesco, became a Jesuit; the sisters Giuseppina and Maria Angiola took their vows. The eldest son Luigi (1788-1841) attempted a political career, sharing the ideas of Silvio and his own literary passions. After his studies in Pinerolo, where his father had taken over the management of a shop in 1792, in 1799 following the failure of his father's business he went to live with his family in Turin and was later sent by his parents to France, to Lyon, to practice in the commercial sector. In the French city Pellico showed little inclination for business, becoming passionate instead for classical studies, languages ​​and contemporary authors, such as Foscolo and Vittorio Alfieri of whom he became a fervent admirer. Upon returning to Italy, in 1809, he settled with his family in Milan, where his father had found a public job at the Ministry of War of the Kingdom of Italy. In Milan Pellico was a French teacher at the military college. A young enthusiast of neoclassical poetry, he frequents Vincenzo Monti and Ugo Foscolo, bonding in particular with the latter. He began writing tragedies in classical verse, such as Laodamia (1813) and Eufemio di Messina. At the fall of the Napoleonic regime (1814) he lost the French professorship. On 18 August 1815 in Milan his tragedy Francesca da Rimini was performed. The tragedy reinterprets the Dantesque episode in the light of the romantic and Risorgimento influences of the Lombard period.
Dario Milanese on Google

La statua rappresenta lo scrittore (1789 - 1854) che in questa città ha avuto i natali e ha vissuto la giovinezza. L'immagine lo ritrae nei quindici anni del periodo di prigionia nel carcere di Spielberg, nell'odierna Brno, in Moravia: ai piedi di Pellico una catena e alla base la Bibbia e la Divina Commedia, letture di quel duro periodo. Il monumento è in marmo di Carrara.
The statue represents the writer (1789 - 1854) who was born in this city and lived his youth. The image portrays him in the fifteen years of his imprisonment in the Spielberg prison, in today's Brno, in Moravia: at Pellico's feet a chain and at the base the Bible and the Divine Comedy, readings from that hard period. The monument is in Carrara marble.

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