Grotto della Sibilla

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Grotto della Sibilla

Address :

Via Lago Averno Lato Destro, 1, 80078 Pozzuoli NA, Italy

Postal code : 80078
Categories :
City : Pozzuoli

Via Lago Averno Lato Destro, 1, 80078 Pozzuoli NA, Italy
Alfredo Martino on Google

Ha un fascino particolare peccato sia un luogo chiuso da tanti anni
It has a particular sinful charm be a place closed for so many years
Francesco Cavallo on Google

Uno dei tanti gioielli della nostra città umiliato dall’incuria e da una gestione assente e miserabile.
One of the many jewels of our city humiliated by neglect and by an absent and miserable management.
Francesco Brasiello on Google

Storico collegamento, scavato nella roccia, tra il lago d'averno e il lago lucrino. È possibile vederlo solo dall'esterno, dovrebbero renderlo visitabile.
Historic connection, carved into the rock, between the winter lake and the Lucrino lake. It is possible to see it only from the outside, they should make it visitable.
Diego M on Google

Un luogo magico, come tanti altri nei Campi Flegrei, circondato di leggende e miti, ma purtroppo non è facilmente accessibile. Spesso è chiusa. Potrebbe essere valorizzato di più. Un peccato.
A magical place, like many others in the Phlegraean Fields, surrounded by legends and myths, but unfortunately it is not easily accessible. It is often closed. Could be enhanced more. A shame.
Андрей Лисичкин on Google

Можешь  в Италию  плыть, покинув Тринакрии  берег. В Кумы ты попадешь, лишь  только в край  тот  прибудешь; Там  у священных  озер,  у  Аверна  средь  рощи  шумящей Ты под скалою  найдешь  пророчицу,  что в исступленье Людям вещает  судьбу,  письмена  же  листьям  вверяет; Все  предсказанья свои  записав на  листьях  древесных, Дева  их  в гроте глухом  оставляет, сложив по порядку, Должной  чредою  они  до тех  пор лежат  неподвижно, Не  повернется пока  дверная ось  и  не  сдвинет Листья с  мест  ветерок,  отворенной  поднятый  дверью. Но не  желает  ловить  по пещере  летящие  листья, Ни  разложить  по местам, ни  собрать  вещания  дева, Все  уходят  ни  с  чем, Сивиллы приют  проклиная. Так писал об этом месте в I веке до нашей эры античный поэт Вергилий. Впрочем, грот и сейчас производит сильное впечатление. Узкая тропинка длиной около 50 метров ведёт к нему от берега озера. В летнее время густые заросли смыкают свои ветви над тропой. В траве под ногами шуршат бесчисленные ящерицы, разбегающиеся в стороны при каждом шаге. И вот в конце этой естественной галереи открывается заросший мхом и лишайником портал во тьму. Кажется, где-то там в этой темноте вечности прорицательница Сивилла всё ещё произносит свои бессмысленные пророчества.
You can sail to Italy, leaving the Trinacria coast. You will get to Kumas, as soon as you arrive at that land; There, by the sacred lakes, by the Avern, among the rustling grove Under the rock you will find a prophetess who is in a frenzy Fate broadcasts to people, but entrusts letters to the leaves; Writing all my predictions on the leaves of the trees, The Virgin leaves them deaf in the grotto, putting them in order, They lie motionless until then, Will not turn until the door pivot and move Leaves from the places of the breeze, open raised by the door. But does not want to catch flying leaves in the cave, Neither decompose nor collect broadcast maidens, Everyone leaves with nothing, cursing the Sibyls. This is how the ancient poet Virgil wrote about this place in the 1st century BC. However, the grotto still makes a strong impression. A narrow path about 50 meters long leads to it from the lake shore. In the summertime, dense thickets close their branches over the path. In the grass underfoot countless lizards rustle, scattering to the sides with every step. And at the end of this natural gallery, a portal overgrown with moss and lichen opens into the darkness. It seems that somewhere in this darkness of eternity, the soothsayer Sibyl is still uttering her meaningless prophecies.
Andrea Romano on Google

È inconcepibile che un sito archeologico di enorme importanza, citato nelle grandi opere degli autori di epoca romana sia chiuso al pubblico. Andrebbe assolutamente reso fruibile ai turisti aiutando a valorizzare il nostro territorio.
It is inconceivable that an archaeological site of enormous importance, mentioned in the great works of Roman authors, is closed to the public. It should absolutely be made accessible to tourists by helping to enhance our territory.
Giuseppe Mandarano on Google

Inconcepibile sia chiuso un luogo tanto ricco di storia. In qualsiasi altro posto del mondo sarebbe attrazione turistica principale!
It is inconceivable that a place so rich in history is closed. Anywhere else in the world it would be a major tourist attraction!
Mette Korsholm on Google

The path seems to be used as a garbage area and i overgrown. I did not go in there.

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