Forte Batteria Castello

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Contact Forte Batteria Castello

Address :

32044 Pieve di Cadore BL, Italy

Postal code : 32044
Categories :
City : Pieve Di Cadore

32044 Pieve di Cadore BL, Italy
C C on Google

Diese Fort ist leider nicht zugänglich, die Wege sind versperrt und man sieht sehr wenig. Die Bilder zeigen meist das andere Fort
Unfortunately, this fort is not accessible, the paths are blocked and you can see very little. The pictures mostly show the other fort
gameraw w on Google

Dario Da corte on Google

Vecchio fortino della guerra mondiale restaurato e divenuto museo di pieve di Cadore. Dove nacque tizziano. Vecellio il famoso pittore
Old fort of the restored world war and became a museum of the parish church of Cadore. Where Tizziano was born. Vecellio the famous painter
Giovanni Marturano on Google

La Batteria Castello, aveva una facciata diritta lunga circa 25 m., delimitata da due traverse vuote e dotata di parapetto dello spessore di 8 m. La piattaforma originaria della facciata, larga più di 9 m. e collegata mediante scale al terrapieno, era sufficiente per la postazione di due pezzi di medio calibro, mentre i fianchi, perpendicolari alla facciata e alla gola, venivano a racchiudere uno stretto cortile, dal quale due rampe di scale salivano prima al camminamento superiore, dal quale le sentinelle sorvegliavano fossato e fianchi, e successivamente alla stessa piattaforma dei cannoni. Sotto il terrapieno della facciata, come pure sotto quello dei fianchi, erano state ricavate casematte organizzate dappertutto su di un piano, ad eccezione del terrapieno della gola, dove si era potuto ricavare lo spazio per due piani. Costruita nel periodo tra il 1885 e 1895. Armamento principale: Due cannoni da 120 mm. o 150 mm. a retrocarica ( secondo altre fonti due obici da 210 G ). Armamento secondario: Due pezzi a tiro rapido per coprire il fossato. oggi è stata in parte trasformata in abitazione privata The Castello Battery, had a straight facade about 25 m long, bordered by two empty crosspieces and equipped with a parapet of 8 m thick. The original platform of the façade, more than 9 m wide. and connected by stairs to the embankment, it was sufficient for the location of two medium-caliber pieces, while the sides, perpendicular to the façade and the throat, came to enclose a narrow courtyard, from which two flights of stairs climbed first to the upper walkway, from the which sentries guarded the moat and sides, and subsequently to the same platform as the cannons. Under the embankment of the façade, as well as beneath that of the flanks, casemates had been created all over on one floor, with the exception of the embankment of the gorge, where it had been possible to make space for two floors. Built in the period between 1885 and 1895. Main armament: Two 120 mm cannons. or 150 mm. a back-loading (according to other sources, two 210 g. Secondary armament: Two quick-throw pieces to cover the moat.
The Battery Castello, had a straight facade about 25 m long, delimited by two empty crosspieces and equipped with an 8 m thick parapet. The original platform of the facade, more than 9 m wide. and connected by stairs to the embankment, it was sufficient for the position of two medium-sized pieces, while the sides, perpendicular to the facade and the throat, enclosed a narrow courtyard, from which two flights of stairs first went up to the upper walkway, from the which the sentinels guarded the moat and flanks, and subsequently on the same platform as the cannons. Under the embankment of the facade, as well as under that of the sides, casemates had been created organized everywhere on one floor, with the exception of the embankment of the gorge, where space for two floors had been obtained. Built in the period between 1885 and 1895. Main armament: Two 120mm cannons. or 150 mm. with retroloader (according to other sources, two 210 G howitzers). Secondary armament: Two quick-pull pieces to cover the moat. today it has been partially transformed into a private home The Castello Battery, had a straight facade about 25 m long, bordered by two empty crosspieces and equipped with a parapet of 8 m thick. The original platform of the façade, more than 9 m wide. and connected by stairs to the embankment, it was sufficient for the location of two medium-caliber pieces, while the sides, perpendicular to the façade and the throat, came to enclose a narrow courtyard, from which two flights of stairs climbed first to the upper walkway, from the which sentries guarded the moat and sides, and subsequently to the same platform as the cannons. Under the embankment of the façade, as well as beneath that of the flanks, casemates had been created all over on one floor, with the exception of the embankment of the gorge, where it had been possible to make space for two floors. Built in the period between 1885 and 1895. Main armament: Two 120 mm cannons. or 150 mm. a back-loading (according to other sources, two 210 g. Secondary armament: Two quick-throw pieces to cover the moat.
Daniel D'osualdo on Google

Struttura restaurata e che gode di una posizione invidiabile ospita una mostra d'arte contemporanea ma sembra dimenticare le sue radici storiche, compeltamente priva di foto e cenni storici. La totale mancanza di collegamento tra le informazioni riportate dalla "guida cartacea" che viene fornita all'ingresso e le varie sale che si visitano non permette di apprezzare le funzioni del fortino stesso.
Structure restored and enjoying an enviable position hosts a contemporary art exhibition but seems to forget its historical roots, completely lacking in photos and historical notes. The total lack of connection between the information reported by the "paper guide" that is provided at the entrance and the various rooms that you visit does not allow you to appreciate the functions of the fort itself.
Andrea Angelini on Google

Fascino e mistero, peccato non sia accessibile
Charm and mystery, sin is not accessible
Maddalena Coccagna on Google

Non visitabile ma vale la pena arrivare fino lì e poi scendere a Pieve attraverso i sentieri nel bosco
It cannot be visited but it is worth getting there and then descending to Pieve through the paths in the woods
Diana Eksteen on Google

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