Basilica Ulpia

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Contact Basilica Ulpia

Address :

Foro Traiano, 1, 00187 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
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Categories :
City : Roma
Description : Remains of a Roman basilica from the 2nd century with granite columns that are illuminated at night.

Foro Traiano, 1, 00187 Roma RM, Italy
Carlo Carlevale on Google

La basilica Ulpia era, all'epoca della sua costruzione, la più grande basilica di Roma, inserita nel complesso del Foro di Traiano e intitolata alla sua famiglia (il suo nome completo era infatti Marcus Ulpius Traianus). Oggi è visibile solo il troncone centrale, con l'abside occidentale nascosta sotto via dei Fori Imperiali (arriverebbe alle pendici del monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II) e quella orientale sotto la scalinata di Magnanapoli e gli edifici adiacenti. La basilica fu costruita tra il 106 e il 113, data dell'inaugurazione del Foro di Traiano, da Apollodoro di Damasco su ordine dell' imperatore  Traiano. Oltre alle funzioni forense e commerciale, nella basilica aveva anche luogo, secondo la Forma Urbis, l'attività di manomissione degli schiavi dell'Atrium Libertatis, che fu distrutto per fare spazio alla basilica stessa. Gli scavi effettuati sotto i crolli delle volte delle navate laterali hanno messo in evidenza che alcune parti della Basilica erano rimaste in piedi fino al XII secolo. L'area della Basilica venne scavata agli inizi del XIX secolo, durante l'occupazione napoleonica di Roma nel settore centrale. L'estremità occidentale delle navate fino all'attacco dell'abside venne scavata negli anni trenta e un settore dell'abside orientale è stato rimesso in luce da scavi condotti dalla Soprintendenza ai beni archeologici di Roma in anni recenti sotto il palazzo Roccagiovine.
The basilica Ulpia was, at the time of its construction, the largest basilica in Rome, inserted in the complex of the Forum of Trajan and dedicated to his family (his full name was in fact Marcus Ulpius Traianus). Today only the central section is visible, with the western apse hidden under Via dei Fori Imperiali (it would reach the slopes of the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II) and the eastern one under the steps of Magnanapoli and the adjacent buildings. The basilica was built between 106 and 113, the date of the inauguration of the Forum of Trajan, by Apollodorus of Damascus on the orders of the emperor Trajan. In addition to the forensic and commercial functions, according to the Forma Urbis, the tampering activity of the slaves of the Atrium Libertatis also took place in the basilica, which was destroyed to make room for the basilica itself. The excavations carried out under the collapse of the vaults of the aisles have shown that some parts of the Basilica had remained standing until the twelfth century. The area of ​​the Basilica was excavated in the early 19th century, during the Napoleonic occupation of Rome in the central sector. The western end of the aisles up to the apse attack was excavated in the 1930s and a sector of the eastern apse was brought to light by excavations conducted by the Superintendence of Archaeological Heritage of Rome in recent years under the Roccagiovine palace.
Maria Tanasa Turism Roma ( on Google

Basilica Ulpia - inaugurată in 113 reprezintă o componenta di complexul Forumul lui Traiane cu dimensiuni impresionante 170 de metri lumgime și 60 metri lățime, absorbit mare parte din activitatea juridică și administrativă a Imperiului Ronam Astazi admiram coloanele in granit griu ale nevatei centrale.
Basilica of Ulpia - inaugurated in 113 is a component of the complex Forum of Trajan with impressive dimensions 170 meters long and 60 meters wide, absorbed much of the legal and administrative activity of the Roman Empire Today we admire the gray granite columns of the central nave.
Игорь Владимирович on Google

Wie lange bleibt es wohl noch alles so stehen? Sehr schöner Ort, vor allem wenn man sieht, wie es früher ausgesehen hat.
How long will things stay like this? Very nice place, especially when you see how it used to look like.
Cesar Garcia de leaniz barcena on Google

La basílica Ulpia (c. 98-112) fue un antiguo edificio cívico romano ubicado en el foro de Trajano, en el centro de Roma. La basílica separa el templo del patio principal en el foro con la columna de Trajano al noroeste. Toma su nombre de la dinastía del emperador Trajano, cuyo nombre completo era Marco Ulpio Trajano. Fue saqueada en la Edad Media, y sus mármoles  fueron arrancados para construir las iglesias y las casas que luego se erigieron encima. Hoy se halla enterrada casi en su totalidad, por lo que poco se puede apreciar de ella.
The Ulpia Basilica (c. 98-112) was an ancient Roman civic building located in the Trajan Forum in central Rome. The basilica separates the temple from the main courtyard in the forum with Trajan's column to the northwest. It takes its name from the dynasty of Emperor Trajan, whose full name was Marcus Ulpio Trajan. It was looted in the Middle Ages, and its marble was gouged out to build the churches and houses that were later erected on top of it. Today it is almost completely buried, so little can be seen of it.
Jordan Warde on Google

It was alreet

Excellent place, very beautiful.
Shubhra Bhattacharjee on Google

it is very beautiful at night
Omar Al Tamimi on Google

A history which will remain forever. It’s good to see how’s they were living and how was their life. Amazing history to keep and teach the world about it.

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