Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo al Celio

Address :

Via Santo Stefano Rotondo, 7, 00184 Roma RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
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Categories :
City : Roma
Description : 5th-century church known for its circular plan, vibrant frescoes & chair of Pope Gregory the Great.

Via Santo Stefano Rotondo, 7, 00184 Roma RM, Italy
Chad Griffiths on Google

Beautiful and off the main tourist lists. Definitely worth a visit if you have already seen the big monuments. Went for a wedding and it was beautiful.
Felipe Santarelli on Google

Basilica located on the Cellian Hill. Construction started on 5th century. It's the first church in Rome to have circular plan. There is a 2nd-century mithraeum under the church. This is related to presence of barracks of Roman soldier nearby.
Milen Dimitrov on Google

The only round church we saw in Rome. It was hard to get there from the San Giovanni in Laterano, as there is no proper pedestrian walkway. Nevertheless, the rotunda is gorgeous, the murals are very impressive. The church is vary old - the first structue there being built in the 4th century AD, at time of Emperor Constantine, and is to be found on the Celian hill. It is commemorating the first Christian martyr - Saint Stefan and now the church is given to Hungary. Inside, one can find fine cosmatesque flooring and 34 frescoes of Christian martyrs, with captions explaining the scenes.
biancafurii on Google

The only round church in Roma. Is near to Colosseo district. I hope they will restore the nice painting. It is also free and very undertourism
dylayla Noreth “Tourleadertourism” quintero on Google

near the ruins of the Neronian aqueduct there is one of the oldest circular churches of the fifth century where frescoes of the martyrology are preserved, 34 panels frescoed by Pomarancio, Antonio Tempesta and aids, some paintings belong to the period of the nineteenth century. Immediately to the left, against a pillar, an episcopal seat known as San Gregorio Magnio, a marble chair from the imperial period to which the armrests and the dosale were chiseled. Archaeological excavations have revealed the presence, under the church, of a Mithraeum of the II-III century, which preserves part of the rich fake decoration. marble inlays, and the Castra Peregrina, barracks of the provincial auxiliaries. près des ruines de l'aqueduc néronien se trouve l'une des plus anciennes églises circulaires du cinquième siècle où sont conservées des fresques du martyrologe, 34 panneaux peints à fresque par Pomarancio, Antonio Tempesta et des aides, certaines peintures appartiennent à la période du XIXe siècle. Immédiatement à gauche, contre un pilier, un siège épiscopal connu sous le nom de San Gregorio Magnio, une chaise en marbre de la période impériale à laquelle les accoudoirs et la dosale étaient ciselés. Des fouilles archéologiques ont révélé la présence, sous l'église, d'un Mithraeum du II-III siècle, qui conserve une partie du riche faux décor. des incrustations de marbre et la Castra Peregrina, caserne des auxiliaires de province. Cerca de las ruinas del acueducto neroniano hay una de las iglesias circulares más antiguas del siglo V, donde se conservan frescos de la martirología, 34 paneles pintados al fresco por Pomarancio, Antonio Tempesta y ayudas, algunas pinturas pertenecen al período del siglo XIX. Inmediatamente a la izquierda, contra un pilar, un asiento episcopal conocido como San Gregorio Magnio, una silla de mármol del período imperial en la que se cincelaron los reposabrazos y el dosale. Las excavaciones arqueológicas han revelado la presencia, debajo de la iglesia, de un Mithraeum del siglo II-III, que conserva parte de la rica decoración falsa. incrustaciones de mármol, y la Castra Peregrina, cuarteles de los auxiliares provinciales. vicino alle rovine del acquedotto neroniano si nasconde una delle chiese piú antiche del V secolo a pianta circolare dove si preservano affreschi del martirologio, 34 riquadri affrescati dal Pomarancio, da Antonio Tempesta e da aiuti, alcuni dipinti apartengono al periodo del ottocento. Subito a sinistra, contro un pilastro, seggio episcopale detto si San Gregorio Magnio, sedia marmorea del periodo imperiale alla quale vennero scalpellati i braccioli e il dosale. Scavi archeologici hanno rilevato la presenza, sotto la chiesa, di un Mitreo del secolo II-III, che conserva parte della ricca decorazione a finte. tarsie in marmo, e dei Castra Peregrina, caserma degli ausiliari provinciali.
Joao Silva on Google

Nice different church. The entrance is a little hidden right next to a health care place and almost looks like a normal house entrance.
pts pts on Google

Very unusual Church- very close to an ancient aquaduct, and with quite old buildings around it. Murals inside are faded, but really graphic scenes of early Christian suffering and Martyrdom. They really need restoration. 5 stars if they are easier to view
Steve P on Google

This church was closed for renovations for a part of my stay in Rome. I almost forgot about it but remembered and ventured out for a visit. A beautiful, unique church def worth a visit. The renovations are still ongoing but looks like they've tightened up and restored some of the frescas on surrounding walls. They are unique from any other church I've been to in Rome for the last two months. They each individually represent the persecution of Christians with various forms of torture... awful, awakening and unusual representation of art in church. As it happens I've crashed an Italian wedding. The church was open and while I was there a wedding happened. Truly special.

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