2.1/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Via Chiavari, 15, 43125 Parma PR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Website : http://questure.poliziadistato.it/it/Parma
Opening hours :
Monday 8:30AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–1:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–1:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–1:30PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :
City : Parma

Via Chiavari, 15, 43125 Parma PR, Italy
soufiane mahmoudi on Google

Non merita ne anche una stella
It does not even deserve a star
F M on Google

Occorre arrivare prima dell'apertura alle 8 (almeno alle 7.30) per sperare di ricevere un numero, consegnato a mano da una sgarbatissima addetta. Evidentemente il rotolo di numeri che si trova dal macellaio per fare la fila è una tecnologia troppo avanzata. Non parliamo poi di un appuntamento via internet, vera fantascienza per la questura di Parma. Non c'è sportello informazioni ed è vietato chiedere agli agenti. Al telefono non risponde mai nessuno. Per parlare finalmente con qualcuno (e realizzare che il problema era dovuto a un errore commesso dall'ufficio) siamo dovuti andare all'ufficio informazioni in borgo della posta, dall'altra parte della città. Perdendo il numero e dovendo rifare la fila ovviamente. Il nostro caso è quello privilegiato nel quale è coinvolto un italiano, che sa la lingua e crede di avere dei diritti. È facile immaginare l'ordalia di chi non ha questo tipo di aiuto e deve affrontare la sgarbatezza, l'incompetenza e la sufficienza degli addetti senza sapere perfettamente la lingua. Perché ovviamente in un ufficio immigrazione nessuno parla altro che italiano. Una vergogna, anche nel confronto con altre questure italiane.
It is necessary to arrive before the opening at 8 (at least at 7.30) to hope to receive a number, delivered by hand by a rude employee. Evidently the roll of numbers that is found by the butcher to queue is too advanced a technology. We are not talking about an internet appointment, a real science fiction for the Parma police headquarters. There is no information desk and it is forbidden to ask agents. Nobody ever answers the phone. To finally talk to someone (and realize that the problem was due to an error made by the office) we had to go to the information office in the Borgo della Posta, on the other side of the city. Of course losing the number and having to redo the line. Our case is the privileged one in which an Italian is involved, who knows the language and believes he has rights. It is easy to imagine the ordeal of those who do not have this type of help and must face the rudeness, incompetence and sufficiency of the staff without knowing perfectly the language. Because obviously in an immigration office nobody speaks other than Italian. A shame, even in comparison with other Italian police headquarters.
Elvana Dervishi on Google

Pessima organizzazione! Alla faccia dell’appuntamento e un sacco di soldi sprecati tra posta ecc per questo servizio scadente! Mi presento in orario alle 9:20e sono rimasti indietro con appuntamenti di un ora fa ! Chiedo la cortesia di anticipare e sollecitare dato il mio stato avanzatissimo di gravidanza e nessuno che ne vuole sapere e dare un po’ di priorità ! Deve aspettare è stata la risposta ! Ma aspettare dove !? In una sala stra piena di gente in piena pandemia ? Fuori piove e non si può stare , non aiuta nemmeno il meteo purtroppo ! Insomma applauso alla DISUMANITÀ E GRAN INCOMPETENZA! Dalla pandemia questa gente non ha imparato niente ! Che schifo ?
Bad organization! So much for the appointment and a lot of money wasted in the mail, etc. for this poor service! I show up on time at 9.20am and are left behind with appointments an hour ago! I ask the courtesy to anticipate and solicit given my very advanced state of pregnancy and no one who wants to know and give a little priority! Must wait was the answer! But wait where !? In a room full of people in the middle of the pandemic? It's raining outside and you can't stay, unfortunately the weather doesn't help either! In short, applause to the inhumanity and great incompetence! These people have learned nothing from the pandemic! How disgusting ?
Aysemelis Öztürk on Google

Çalışanlar işlerini iyi yapıyor. Gerçekten yoruldukları belli çünkü her türden insan geliyor ve çook kalabalık . Sadece randevu saat uyuşması yok 10.18 de olan randevum için içeriye 11.18 de girdim ve işim 12.20 de bitti.
Employees are doing their job well. It's obvious they're really tired because all kinds of people are coming and it's so crowded. There is no match of appointment time only. For my appointment, which was at 10.18, I went in at 11.18 and my work was finished at 12.20.
Anastacia Dzyubich on Google

Оформлення тимчасового захисту для українців відбувається так. Треба приїхати рано, щоб зайняти живу чергу (люди приїжджають з 4 ранку) і підготувати всі документи. О 8:30 відкривають ворота, і починають видавати по 10-15 талонів, а там як піде. Бажано щоб з вами була людина, що знає італійську. Документи для permesso di soggiorno - 4 фотокартки 3,5х4,5 (там ж фотобудка, 5 євро за 4 фото); - оригінал і копія закордонного паспорту (вкл сторінку зі штампом про перетин кордону); в кого немає або прострочений - їдете до консульства України в Мілані і робите все там: продовжуєте паспорт або робите тимчасовий документ замість паспорту. Цей документ треба буде легалізувати в Префетурі в Пармі (купити marca da bollo за 16 евро і поставити штампи там). Відповідно, в кого укр.паспорт ще робите копію документу з кордону, де зазначена дата перетину кордону. - заява про присутність на території Італії; Dichiarazione di #presenza se è già presentata; - Декларація про тимчасовий притулок -Dichiarazione di #ospitalità; КОПІЯ його + копія паспорту власника житла, який дав притулок + копія контракту на аренду житла/ або копія договору власника житла на це житло; - документи, які підтверджують родинні зв’язки для дітей: або в Мілані вклеюєте фото дитини в закордонний паспорт матері/батька, або перекладаєте свідоцтво про народження на італійську і затверджуєте це в Трибунале/Префетурі. - кажуть, що можуть спитати STP код (медичний код який ви маєте вже мати, оформлюється поруч у тенті).
Registration of temporary protection for Ukrainians is as follows. You need to arrive early to take the live queue (people arrive from 4 am) and prepare all the documents. At 8:30 the gates are opened, and 10-15 coupons are issued, and there it goes. It is desirable that you have a person who knows Italian. Documents for permesso di soggiorno - 4 photos 3,5x4,5 (there is a photo booth, 5 euros for 4 photos); - the original and a copy of the passport (including the page with the stamp of the border crossing); If you do not have or are overdue - go to the Consulate of Ukraine in Milan and do everything there: renew your passport or make a temporary document instead of a passport. This document will have to be legalized in the Prefecture in Parma (buy marca da bollo for 16 euros and put stamps there). Accordingly, who still has a Ukrainian passport, make a copy of the document from the border, which indicates the date of crossing the border. - statement of presence in Italy; Dichiarazione di #presenza se è già presentata; - Declaration on temporary asylum -Dichiarazione di # ospitalità; A COPY of it + a copy of the passport of the homeowner who gave asylum + a copy of the contract for rent of housing and / or a copy of the contract of the landlord for this housing; - documents proving family ties for children: either in Milan you paste a photo of the child in the mother's / father's passport, or you translate the birth certificate into Italian and approve it in the Tribunal / Prefecture. - they say that they can ask for an STP code (the medical code you already have is issued next to it in the awning).
bindhu boinepally on Google

Very good staff offered me a consultant
-- on Google

Very rude, unprofessional and abusive staff. Very shameful
Anjali on Google

Update 04/19: Okay, I don't know if it's been through a change of organisation, but the staff this year are much more polite, helpful and cheerful, even! Makes all the difference! The processing time is not any shorter, but its nicer to talk to happy people. This is the office to issue/renew residence permits (permesso di soggiorno). You need to visit by appointment and I'd recommend you do your research online and bring ALL your documents (original and copies) and more. Do not expect to get information from here. Also bring a couple of books and all the patience you can possibly muster. Oh, and don't expect anybody to speak English. You are expected to communicate in Italian. This makes perfect sense of course, since obviously only Italians immigrate to Italy.

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