Torre Civica

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Contact Torre Civica

Address :

Via S. Paolo, 24067 Sarnico BG, Italy

Phone : 📞 +999
Postal code : 24067
Categories :
City : Sarnico

Via S. Paolo, 24067 Sarnico BG, Italy
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La Torre Civica è la Torre dell'Orologio (visibile a distanza) nonché campanaria, pertinente alla chiesa staccata di San Paolo, situata nel punto più alto del paese, dove si ergeva nel Medioevo il castello Marenzi. Non va confusa con la Torre Medievale di via Parigi (detta anche Torretta Civica). La Torre conserva la base in muratura in grosse pietre bugnate originali del tempo in cui era una torre fortificata. Appartenne infatti al castello, demolito nel 1521. Rimasta solo la base, fu sopraelevata con tre corpi di fabbrica dimensionalmente digradanti verso l'alto. Quello di mezzo ospita la cella campanaria, sormontata dall'orologio pubblico. Una terrazza con balaustra corona il monumento.
The Civic Tower is the Clock Tower (visible from a distance) as well as the bell tower, pertaining to the detached church of San Paolo, located at the highest point of the town, where the Marenzi castle stood in the Middle Ages. It should not be confused with the Medieval Tower of via Parigi (also known as the Civic Tower). The Tower retains the masonry base in large ashlar stones original from the time when it was a fortified tower. In fact, it belonged to the castle, which was demolished in 1521. Only the base remained, it was raised with three buildings dimensionally sloping upwards. The middle one houses the belfry, surmounted by the public clock. A terrace with a balustrade crowns the monument.

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