Tierklinik Brixen24h-Clinica Veterinaria Bressanone 24h

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tierklinik Brixen24h/Clinica Veterinaria Bressanone 24h

Address :

Via Brennero, 6, 39042 Bressanone BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9777
Postal code : 39042
Website : http://www.tierklinikbrixen.it/
Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday 8AM–1PM
Tuesday 8AM–1PM
Wednesday 8AM–1PM
Thursday 8AM–1PM
Friday 8AM–1PM
Saturday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Bressanone

Via Brennero, 6, 39042 Bressanone BZ, Italy
Crigiulmassi Chiari on Google

Personale gentilissimo e disponibilissimo...dottori bravissimi...al dottor Giorgio, dottor Claudio dottoressa Carmen e dottoressa Dallago non possiamo che dire grazie!...grazie!...grazie! per essersi presi cura del nostro Roy malconcio a causa di un morso subito durante la nostra vacanza. Se andate in Alto Adige e doveste aver bisogno di aiuto loro sono il top!!!
Staff very kind and very helpful ... very good doctors ... to doctor Giorgio, doctor Claudio doctor Carmen and doctor Dallago we can only say thank you! ... thank you! ... thank you! for taking care of our battered Roy from a bite he suffered during our vacation. If you go to South Tyrol and you need help they are the top !!!
Barbara Berche on Google

È stata un'esperienza davvero piacevole, nonostante sia venuta per un'emergenza con la mia cucciola. Il personale è stato davvero molto gentile ed il dottore molto competente oltre che rassicurante. La mia cagnolina è entrata molto agitata, ma è riuscita a tranquillizzarsi grazie al clima sereno che si respira in questa clinica. Per fortuna è una clinica molto attrezzata e hanno potuto fare subito tutti i controlli necessari come la radiografia e le analisi del sangue così da potermi dare subito una terapia e farmi tornare a casa più serena. Vi ringrazio immensamente!
It was a really pleasant experience, despite coming for an emergency with my puppy. The staff was really very kind and the doctor very competent as well as reassuring. My dog ​​came in very agitated, but managed to calm down thanks to the serene climate that reigns in this clinic. Fortunately, it is a well-equipped clinic and they were able to immediately carry out all the necessary checks such as radiography and blood tests so that I could immediately receive therapy and make me go home more serene. I thank you immensely!
Anita Saltuari on Google

Danke für alles und das liebevolle umgehen mit den Tieren was mir persönlich sehr, sehr wichtig ist. Ich kann die Tierklinik nur weiterempfehlen.
Thank you for everything and the loving treatment of the animals, which is very, very important to me personally. I can only recommend the veterinary clinic.
Paolo Cognoli on Google

Bravissimi . La notte prima di ferragosto il nostro cane , un weimaraner, ha avuto la torsione gastrica e lo abbiamo portato d'urgenza da loro . Prontissimi ad intervenire , gentilissimi ed onesti . Anche il post intervento e' stato gestito con la massima attenzione , sia per il cane che per i padroni :-) . Il ns cane adesso per fortuna sta bene . Non posso fare altro che ringraziarli e consigliarli a chiunque in zona ne abbia bisogno
Very good. The night before mid-August our dog, a Weimaraner, had gastric torsion and we rushed him to them. Very ready to intervene, very kind and honest. Even the post surgery was handled with the utmost attention, both for the dog and for the owners :-). Fortunately, our dog is fine now. I can only thank them and recommend them to anyone in the area who needs them
Matthias Becker on Google

Il nostro maschio di Labrado Coco doveva andare in clinica la domenica e un intervento chirurgico d'urgenza il lunedì durante le nostre vacanze. Tutto ciò che la clinica veterinaria promette sul loro sito Web è vero al 100%. Gli animali non sono soggetti a stress. Gli esami vengono eseguiti in modo molto accurato. I medici instaurano un rapporto con gli animali in attenta calma. Puoi davvero sentire che l'attenzione qui non è sui soldi ma sull'animale malato. Si può solo desiderare una simile clinica veterinaria. Mille grazie ancora all'équipe medica per aver permesso al nostro Labrador maschio Coco di guarire completamente! Christiane Guthardt e Matthias Becker
Our male from Labrado Coco had to go to the clinic on Sunday and emergency surgery on Monday during our vacation. Everything the vet clinic promises on their website is 100% true. Animals are not subject to stress. The exams are performed very carefully. Doctors establish a relationship with animals in careful calm. You can really feel that the focus here is not on the money but on the sick animal. One can only wish for such a veterinary clinic. Many thanks again to the medical team for allowing our male Labrador Coco to recover completely! Christiane Guthardt and Matthias Becker
Martina on Google

Dottori bravissimi e gentili. La nostra cucciola di Pinscher è stata morsa da una vipera, sono stati subito pronti ad intervenire e rassicuranti. Una clinica molto attrezzata. Sono riusciti a salvare la nostra piccola Dafne grazie ad un’equipe fantastica con persone competenti e professionali. Consiglio al 100% anche per chi si trova in vacanza lì proprio come è successo a noi.
Very good and kind doctors. Our Pinscher puppy was bitten by a viper, they were immediately ready to intervene and reassuring. A very well equipped clinic. They managed to save our little Daphne thanks to a fantastic team with competent and professional people. I recommend 100% even for those who are on vacation there just like it happened to us.
Nils on Google

Tolle Klinik bei welcher das Tier im Mittelpunkt steht. Wir mussten anhand einer Blasenentzündung des Hundes dringend eine Klinik während unseres Urlaubs aufsuchen. Gebe 6 Sterne !!!
Great clinic where the animal is the focus. We urgently had to go to a clinic during our vacation because of a dog's bladder infection. Give 6 stars !!!
Chiara Fohr on Google

War das erste mal heute da, was soll ich sagen. Das war und ist bis jetzt der „BESTE“ Tierarzt den ich besucht habe. Super liebe nette Ärzte, sehr kompetent!!!! Ich kann es garnicht richtig in Worte fassen. Ihr seit super!!!! ? Rosie geht es schon viel besser und hat auch schon wieder gefressen. Vielen lieben Dank nochmal für die super Betreuung ? Chiara Fohr
Was there for the first time today, what can I say. That was and is so far the "BEST" vet I have visited. Super nice doctors, very competent !!!! I can't really put it into words. You are great !!!! ? Rosie is feeling much better and has already eaten again. Many thanks again for the great support ? Chiara Fohr

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