Tempio del Valadier

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tempio del Valadier

Address :

Gola di Frasassi, 60040 Genga AN, Italy

Postal code : 60040
Website : https://amarche.it/prov/ancona/tempio-valadier-eremo-santa-maria-infra-saxa/
Categories :
City : Genga
Description : Domed marble temple built in 1828 in a mountain cave as a pilgrimage site for absolution.

Gola di Frasassi, 60040 Genga AN, Italy
michael bardeggia on Google

Il Tempio Valadier e l’Eremo Santa Maria Infra Saxa sorgono incastonati tra la solida montagna e il rigoglioso bosco del Monte Frasassi. Il Tempio di Valadier, così come l’Eremo, si trova a Genga all’interno del Parco Regionale della Gola della Rossa, in provincia di Ancona. Al Tempio Valadier e all’Eremo si giunge attraverso un percorso di circa 800 metri in salita 15 min si fa tranquillamente , Il Tempio fu costruito nel 1828 a ridosso di un enorme grotta per volere di Papa Leone XII, su disegno dell’architetto Giuseppe Valadier. La struttura architettonica è a forma ottagonale in stile neoclassico, caratterizzata da linee e forme semplici e armoniose. Il tempio è in conci di travertino bianco e sormontato da una grande cupola rivestita a piombo di colore scuro che sfiora la roccia del tetto della grotta. Entrando si viene accolti in una graziosa sala impreziosita da un elegante altare in alabastro, la poca luce rende l’ambiente sommesso e mistico. Al centro dell’altare spicca una scultura raffigurante la Vergine col Bambino una bella copia, perché l’originale attribuito al Maestro Antonio Canova, in marmo bianco di Carrara e finemente scolpito, viene custodito al Museo di Genga. Accanto al Tempio Valadier sorge l’Eremo di Santa Maria Infra Saxa, dimora delle monache di clausura benedettine che dal 1029 abitavano sul vicino Monte Ginguno nel Monasterium Sanctae Mariae Bucca sassorum. La struttura in semplice pietra è in parte scavata nella parete dell’antro roccioso. All’interno un piccolo altare sostiene la scultura in pietra della Madonna col Bambino. Un luogo sacro di profonda spiritualità, venerato da tanti pellegrini.
Acquamarina on Google

Mommy Mo on Google

Benjamin Kryze on Google

Amazing view and place surrounded by nature and mountains. There is a parking at the bottom of the hill which will lead you to the temple. Next to the temple you can find a old little church with a window view to the bottom of the hill. A good experience to add after the Grotte di Frasassi
ma. g. on Google

Nice too see it. It’s really nice and beautiful to see this place.
Barone Ashura on Google

Extraordinary and Unique. It is well worth a stop in case you find yourelf around this area; it is a 2 minutes drive from Frasassi caves; then it will take a 10 minutes uphill walk to reach the temple. You are not likely to find anything quite like this anywhere else. As far as I understand, it can always be reached, although the temple itself might be closed.
Nicola Sadori on Google

Stunning place. It's one of my favourite places. The temple fits inside a natural cave and it looks fantastic. You need to visit this place once in your life.
Alessandro Frati on Google

This place is just amazing, if you're around to see "Frasassi" then add a couple of hours to spend here. A must see. The location is unique as is the way to reach it. I went on a foggy morning and the temple just appeared from nowhere in the middle of the mountain and no one was around. Where else can you see that? Also a Canova statue (a replica) is sitting there. Yes, there is a slope of 700-800mt to reach the summit, count 20 minutes to go up. The road is paved and not too slippery. if you're not 100% just take your time, it's not too difficult. Of course going downhill is much faster. There is a small parking lot near the roadway and the place doesn't charge any fees. During Christmas time the location gets super crowded, avoid if possible (although the procession is cool to see).

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