Sweetness Sicilian Srl

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sweetness Sicilian Srl

Address :

Piazzale Immacolatella Vecchia, 80133 Napoli NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9899
Website : http://www.dolcezzesiciliane.it/
Categories :
City : Napoli

Piazzale Immacolatella Vecchia, 80133 Napoli NA, Italy
Ольга Б. on Google

Здесь продаются традиционные сицилийские сладости (кассаты и трубочки канноли), которые ежедневно доставляются по морю прямиком из Палермо. Я, конечно, не знаток, но по-моему они ничем особенно не отличаются ни по вкусу ни по виду от таких же сладостей в любой неаполитанской кондитерской. Поэтому, учитывая месторасположение в порту вдали от популярных туристических троп, я бы не советовала специально сюда идти. Разве только если вам ну очень сильно хочется попробовать аутентичные сицилийские канноли))
It sells traditional Sicilian sweets (cassatas and cannoli tubes), which are delivered daily by sea directly from Palermo. Of course, I am not a connoisseur, but in my opinion they do not particularly differ in taste or appearance from the same sweets in any Neapolitan confectionery. Therefore, given the location in the port away from popular tourist trails, I would not recommend going here specifically. Unless you really really want to try authentic Sicilian cannoli))
Gianmarco Beato on Google

Prodotti Siciliani originali al 100%. Davvero squisiti. I prodotti arrivano giornalmente freschi da Palermo. Vi consiglio caldamente di acquistare qui se siete amanti, come me, delle specialità siciliane. Altri negozi non sono a questo livello. Vi allego anche il prezzario che è esposto fuori al negozio.
100% original Sicilian products. Really yummy. The products arrive daily fresh from Palermo. I highly recommend you to buy here if you are a lover, like me, of Sicilian specialties. Other stores are not at this level. I am also attaching the price list that is displayed outside the shop.
Екатерина М on Google

Самые свежие сицилийские канноли! Специально пошли сюда за ними, десерты привозят прямо из Сицилии на пароме. Располагается заведение на территории порта, народу не было. Мы выбрали канноли фисташковый и шоколадный. Было очень вкусно, хрустящая трубочка и сладкая начинка. Они действительно очень сладкие. Я сластена и мне было хорошо, а вот муж не доел, ему было очень сладко, даже с кофе. Так что, лучше начать знакомство с этим десертом с маленьких порций.
The freshest Sicilian cannoli! Specially went here for them, desserts brought directly from Sicily by ferry. The institution is located on the territory of the port, there were no people. We chose cannoli pistachio and chocolate. It was very tasty, crispy tube and sweet filling. They are really very sweet. I am sweet and I was fine, but my husband did not finish, he was very sweet, even with coffee. So, it is better to start exploring this dessert with small portions.
Ciro Corbo on Google

H r on Google

A little treasure
Maxim Van Migerode on Google

Do not leave Napoli without eating this canoli!!! I would give it 10 stars if I could :)
Kilyan Tal on Google

We found here randomly and god this is the best canolli I have ever eaten. After that I have tried many canollies but no canolli matched this one. I just wish I have bought a box to get it home. If I go to Naples ever again this will definetly be the place to go.
Katie Angelova on Google

Hands down the best cannoli I've ever had (I have had many all over the world). Creamy, crispy, perfect. So glad to have found this little gem in Naples. Highly recommend it!

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