
4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sportgarage

Address :

Via Max Valier, 7, 39012 Merano BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +977
Postal code : 39012
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 7:30AM–12PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–12PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–12PM
Thursday 7:30AM–12PM
Friday 7:30AM–12PM
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Categories :
City : Merano

Via Max Valier, 7, 39012 Merano BZ, Italy
andrea premolin on Google

Ho avuto un problemi ai freni del camper domenica sera. Il lunedì successivo ho portato il mezzo in officina. In giornata hanno risolto il problema. Sono stati gentilissimi e cordiali. Consiglio di rivolgersi a questa officina.
I had a problem with the brakes on the camper on Sunday night. The following Monday I took the vehicle to the workshop. In the day they solved the problem. They were very kind and friendly. I recommend that you contact this workshop.
Lorenzo Dellepiane on Google

Avuto problema meccanico al mio camper, chiesto aiuto a questa officina. Che dire ci hanno ospitato nel loro piazzale in attesa dell'arrivo del pezzo di ricambio permettendoci di campeggiare nella notte e fornendoci addirittura la corrente e l'utilizzo dei loro bagni. Professionali, ospitali....Non ho parole per ringraziarli.
I had a mechanical problem with my camper, asked this workshop for help. What can I say they hosted us in their square waiting for the arrival of the spare part, allowing us to camp in the night and even providing us with electricity and the use of their bathrooms. Professional, hospitable .... I have no words to thank them.
Katja Hein on Google

Wir hatten während unseres Urlaubs mit dem Wohnmobil eine Fehleranzeige. Die Werkstatt hat uns trotz ihres vollen Terminplans geholfen. Wir konnten unsere Reise am gleichen Tag fortsetzen. Die Mitarbeiter waren alle sehr freundlich, vielen Dank nochmal an alle
We had an error during our vacation with the mobile home. The workshop helped us despite their busy schedule. We were able to continue our journey the same day. The staff were all very friendly, thanks again to all
Lewis One on Google

Personale scostante, sembra quasi che ti facciano loro un favore a venderti una vettura. Forse per ottenere l'attenzione e la cura che un potenziale acquirente merita bisognerebbe entrare con una Americanexpres platino tra i denti, rimane il fatto che dal rivenditore ho avuto anche informazioni non esatte. Direi proprio di evitare se volete acquistare una nuova auto. Fortunatamente ci sono altre concessionarie.
Unfriendly staff, it seems like they do you a favor by selling you a car. Perhaps to get the attention and care that a potential buyer deserves it would be necessary to enter with an Americanexpres platinum in the teeth, the fact remains that from the retailer I also had incorrect information. I would say to avoid if you want to buy a new car. Fortunately, there are other dealerships.
Mathias Tribus on Google

Super. Habe hier mein zweiten Neuwagen gekauft und war vom Kauf bis zum Service immer voll zufrieden. Alle sind freundlich und entgegenkommend. Sei es beim Preis als auch beim Umgang mit den Kunden. Garantiefälle waren nie ein Problem und wurden schnell erledigt. Einige Dinge könnte man aber verbessern, jedoch würde ich hier meinen Wagen wieder kaufen :)
Super. I bought my second new car here and was always completely satisfied from purchase to service. Everyone is friendly and accommodating. Be it in terms of price or when dealing with customers. Warranty cases were never a problem and were dealt with quickly. Some things could be improved, but I would buy my car here again :)
Daniele Genchi on Google

Una volta e mai più. Spia di controllo iniezione e antinquinamento accesa, ed un problema di accensione motore col freddo. Nessuno dei problemi risolto e fattura di €165 ?giro risposta della mia officina di fiducia, che purtroppo non si trova in alto Adige, alla mia richiesta di un confronto: "Santo cielo ? 165 euro solo per fare dei controlli e caricare la batteria!!! Noi per un lavoro simile, senza aver individuato e risolto il problema, non chiediamo nulla, salvo eventuali spese x ricambi (che nel tuo caso non ci sono). Non so se a Merano usino farsi pagare tutti alla stessa maniera, ma da noi sarebbe poco corretto chiedere dei costi simili. Certo c'è del lavoro, dispendio di tempo e uso di attrezzature specifiche, e questo a loro basta per farsi pagare. Inoltre noi abbiamo un costo orario di manodopera pari alla metà della loro ( € 53,00 h è troppo)" Ah.. Dimenticavo avevo preso appuntamento dieci giorni prima ed ho portato l'auto la mattina alle 7.30, mi era stato detto che mi avrebbero richiamato per decidere eventualmente il da farsi, alle 16 nessuno mi aveva ancora fatto sapere nulla, ho chiamato due volte per chiedere notizie e nessuno mi ha saputo dire nulla finché un po' arrabbiato ho detto che mi sarei andato comunque a riprendere l'auto. Allora il capofficina mi dice che non sono riusciti ad individuare il problema di accensione e che per le spie dovevo portare l'auto in 4 marcia per 10 minuti sulla mebo, cosa che la sa anche un bambino, infatti l'unico motivo per cui sono andato in assistenza era il problema di accensione. Ah la batteria inoltre ricaricata solo al 50%. Mi sono sentito derubato....
Once and never again. Injection and anti-pollution control light on, and an engine starting problem with cold. None of the problems solved and invoice of € 165 ? round the reply from my trusted workshop, which unfortunately is not located in South Tyrol, to my request for a comparison: "Good heavens ? 165 euros just to check and charge the battery !!! For a similar job, without having identified and solved the problem, we do not ask for anything, except for any expenses for spare parts (which in your case there are not). I don't know if in Merano they use everyone to be paid the same way, but it would be unfair to ask for similar costs with us. Of course there is work, waste of time and the use of specific equipment, and this is enough for them to get paid. In addition, we have an hourly labor cost equal to half of theirs (€ 53.00 h is too much) " Ah .. I forgot I had made an appointment ten days before and I brought the car in the morning at 7.30, I was told that they would call me back to decide what to do, at 16 no one had yet let me know anything, I called twice to ask for news and no one was able to tell me anything until a bit angry I said that I would go to take the car anyway. Then the foreman tells me that they could not identify the ignition problem and that for the warning lights I had to bring the car in 4 gear for 10 minutes on the mebo, which even a child knows, in fact the only reason why I am went to service was the ignition problem. Ah the battery is also only 50% recharged. I felt ripped off ....
Mike Giangreco on Google

Wir sind mit überhitzten und defekten Bremsen auf dem Campingplatz angekommen und konnten spontan am nächsten für eine Reparatur vorbei kommen. Sehr freundlich und schnelle Reparatur. Christian am Telefon hat direkt und freundlich für eine Termin geschaut. Top!
We arrived at the campsite with overheated and defective brakes and could spontaneously come by the next one for a repair. Very friendly and quick repair. Christian on the phone looked directly and friendly for an appointment. Top!
Luca Romeo on Google


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