Refuge Aiona - Pratomollo

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Refuge Aiona - Pratomollo

Address :

Località Pratomollo, 16041 Borzonasca GE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98779
Postal code : 16041
Categories :
City : Borzonasca

Località Pratomollo, 16041 Borzonasca GE, Italy
Claudio Fiorini on Google

Bel rifugio, l'avessero gli Austriaci ne farebbero una meraviglia sia come strada che come turismo ciclistico con bici assistite. Ma siamo in Italia e peggio ancora in Liguria. (Politici smettete di fare le larve e datevi da Fare)
Nice refuge, if the Austrians had it they would make it a marvel both as a road and as a cycling tourism with assisted bikes. But we are in Italy and even worse in Liguria. (Politicians stop playing the larvae and get busy)
vera de martino on Google

Siamo stati in tenda, ma abbiamo cenato al rifugio e abbiamo mangiato benissimo! Tagliatelle ai funghi strepitose... coppa al forno morbidissima e squisita... davvero mille complimenti! Signora gentile, sorridente e disponibile.
We stayed in tents, but we had dinner at the refuge and ate very well! Amazing mushroom tagliatelle ... super soft and delicious baked cup ... a thousand compliments! Kind, smiling and helpful lady.
Alessandro Piro on Google

Luogo magico, accoglienza buona! Possibilità di consumare ai tavoli fuori con vista mozzafiato. Una nota , come nuovo cliente mi aspettavo che mi venisse proposto un tavolo con vista e invece nonostante i tanti tavoli vuoti mi è stato chiesto di utilizzare quello vicino all'ingresso del bar nel zona non panoramica. Se faccio tanta strada per salire fi lì non vado certo per guardare il bancone del bar ?
Magical place, good welcome! Possibility to consume at the tables outside with a breathtaking view. A note, as a new customer I expected to be offered a table with a view and instead, despite the many empty tables, I was asked to use the one near the entrance to the bar in the non-panoramic area. If I go a long way to go up there, I certainly don't go to look at the bar counter ?
Irene Anselmi on Google

Siamo arrivati in bicicletta stanchi e affamati. Abbiamo chiesto di poter mangiare e non c’hanno dato la possibilità, (nonostante ci fossero diversi tavoli liberi) solo perché non avevamo prenotato. Eravamo disposti anche ad aspettare. C’è stato negato anche di portar via qualcosa da asporto.
We arrived by bike tired and hungry. We asked to be able to eat and they didn't give us the opportunity (despite the fact that there were several free tables) just because we hadn't booked. We were also willing to wait. We were also denied to take away anything to take away.
giorgio priano on Google

Non posso recensire come si mangi, posso solo dire che quello che dicono di noi liguri è vero. Nonostante ci fossero molti tavolo liberi, anche all'esterno, non avendo prenotato non ho potuto avere neppure un tagliere di salumi. Ci hanno mandati via. Maleducati.
I can't review how it's eaten, I can only say that what they say about us Ligurians is true. Although there were many free tables, even outside, not having booked, I could not even have a platter of cold cuts. They sent us away. Rude.
Daniele Filiberti on Google

Theo Verdecchia on Google

This place pretty much saved my life! I was cycling the Alta Via Dei Monti Liguri and arrived here late, minutes before a massive thunder/lightning/ hail storm arrived. The hosts greeted me, gave me a room and fed me an incredible meal. I met a group of hikers who all were extremely hospitable and friendly. A truly amazing experience at this place, I am so grateful for their help. Rooms are cozy, clean and warm. The location is also absolutely stunning. Worth every penny, don’t think twice about staying here.
Mikhail Bessonov on Google

We did not stay overnight, but the bar was excellent! Tasty home-made cakes, great view.

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