Приход Украинской Православной Церкви во имя святителя Амвросия Медиоланского

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Приход Украинской Православной Церкви во имя святителя Амвросия Медиоланского

Address :

Largo Corsia dei Servi, 4, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +999
Website : http://milano.cerkov.ru/
Categories :
City : Milano

Largo Corsia dei Servi, 4, 20122 Milano MI, Italy
Настя Васильєва on Google

Скажіть будь ласка чи буде пасхальне Богослужінняз 18на 19-тео квітня! Дуууже важливо,бо мені ти далеко їхати,я б хотіла знати!
Please tell me if there will be an Easter service from April 18 to 19! It is very important, because I have a long way to go, I would like to know!
Поёт Максим on Google

Это наш Храм..наш Батюшка- архимандрит Амвросий!!! наши братья и сестры!!! Слава Богу,что у нас есть этот дом Божий здесь в Милане!!!
This is our Temple .. our Father, Archimandrite Ambrose !!! our brothers and sisters !!! Praise God that we have this house of God here in Milan !!!
Aliona Iabangi on Google

Un posto sacro nel cuore di Milano ?
A sacred place in the heart of Milan ?
katya nowak on Google

Это единственный православный храм в Милане. Дорога к нему по средствам навигатора немного запутана, по этому советую проходить через магазин нижнего белья "Tezenis".Заходите в магазин со стороны corso Vittorio Emanuele и пройдите его насквозь. В конце магазина будет второстепенный вход, через который можно будет выйти прямо на улочку, где находится храм.
This is the only Orthodox church in Milan. The road to it through the means of the navigator is a bit confusing, so I advise you to go through the Tezenis lingerie store. Go to the store from the side of the corso Vittorio Emanuele and go through it. At the end of the store there will be a secondary entrance through which you can go directly to the street where the temple is located.
Elena on Google

Очень красивая служба была сегодня. Батюшка молодец ,!!!Спасибо большое и низкий поклон Вам. Всех с праздником Христовым Воскресеньем.!!!
The service was very beautiful today. Father, well done, !!! Thank you very much and bow to you. All with the holiday of Christ's Resurrection. !!!
Mykhaylo Pozharskyy on Google

TOP Очень благодатный храм, песнопения, батюшки!!!
TOP Very fertile temple, hymns, fathers!!!
Musicisti Russi on Google

Il giorno di Pasqua ortodossa: il numero della gente in 5 volte (almeno) supera la capienza della chiesetta minuscola. 15 minuti prima del inizio non si fanno entrare più - siamo troppi... la gente indaffarata entra e esci incontinuo anche durante la Messa Pasquale, cancelando un minimo senzazione della festa che e' ancora rimasto. Peccato vedere messi per terra i capolavori delle donne - il dolce tradizionale pasquale e le uova colorate, tutti aperti in attesa del benedizione. Il vento porta polvere, puzza dei sigaretti e il virus. Ma i russi (anche ucraini, bielorussi, moldovani, giorgiani) resistono: donne, bel vestiti con le teste coperte e scarpe eleganti, davanti; e uomini - fumano dietro. La liturgia fanno in 3 lingue (russo e italiano, la terza non conosco). Magari per la prossima Pasqua potrebbero procurare i tavolini per appoggiare le cesti con il cibo aperto in attesa di benedizione?
The day of Orthodox Easter: the number of people in 5 times (at least) exceeds the capacity of the tiny church. 15 minutes before the start they are no longer allowed to enter - there are too many ... busy people go in and out endlessly even during the Easter Mass, canceling a minimum feeling of the party that is still left. Too bad to see the women's masterpieces on the ground - the traditional Easter cake and colored eggs, all open waiting for the blessing. The wind brings dust, the smell of cigarillos and the virus. But the Russians (also Ukrainians, Belarusians, Moldovans, Georgians) resist: women, beautiful dresses with covered heads and elegant shoes, in front; and men - smoke behind. The liturgy they do in 3 languages ​​(Russian and Italian, the third I don't know). Maybe for next Easter they could get the tables to place the baskets with the food open waiting for blessing?
duskos20 on Google

Very nice church... visit it!

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