Piazza del Comune

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Piazza del Comune

Address :

Via Piave, 5, 01015 Sutri VT, Italy

Postal code : 01015
Categories :
City : Sutri

Via Piave, 5, 01015 Sutri VT, Italy
Speranza Roma on Google

Очень симпатичная площадь на которой есть всё необходимое. Центральная, место сбора местных жителей, с рестораном домашней пищи и любезным хозяином Гвидо, и приветливый обслуживающий персоналом.
A very nice area with everything you need. Central, a gathering place for locals, with a home-cooked restaurant and a friendly host, Guido, and friendly staff.
J.P. Weisleder on Google

Wir haben 2 Tage direkt an der Piazza gewohnt. Sehr schön lebendiger Ort,der zu jeder Tageszeit zu genießen ist. Italien pur.
We stayed 2 days directly at the piazza. Very nice lively place to enjoy at any time of the day. Pure Italy.
Ottavio Beccegato on Google

Gradevolissima piazzetta! Il piacere di prendere qualcosa al bar.
Pleasant little square! The pleasure of taking something at the bar.
Genny Maccioni on Google

Borgo caratteristico pieno di storia ! Sicuramente in passato poco valorizzato!! Dovrebbero istituzioni e cittadini investire di più sulle sue potenzialità il palazzo vanta una storia interessante e artisti famosi hanno contribuito​ a decorare le stanze e il suo aspetto ! Sarebbe interessante poter far rivivere il magnifico parco con eventi congressi e concerti....... chissà??
Characteristic village full of history! Definitely not appreciated in the past !! Institutions and citizens should invest more on its potential the building boasts an interesting history and famous artists have contributed to decorate the rooms and its appearance! It would be interesting to be able to revive the magnificent park with congresses and concerts ....... who knows ??
irina vikhoreva on Google

Центральная городская площадь старинного этруского города. Примечательны фонтан, из его одного горлышка выходит питьевая вода, и башня с часами. Вокруг площади есть всё необходисое: мэрия, полиция, трактир, аптека, парикмахер, бар, газет5ый киоск, хлебный магазин, мороженое, продуктовый, банк, прачечная, ювелирный, музей, посудный, туристическая информация. Практически, можно жизнь в городе только 5а площади.
The central city square of the ancient Etruscan city. The fountain is noteworthy, from its one neck comes the drinking water, and the clock tower. Around the square there is everything necessary: ​​the mayor's office, the police, the tavern, the pharmacy, the hairdresser, the bar, the newspaper stand, the bread shop, ice cream, grocery, bank, laundry, jewelry, museum, dishware, tourist information. In practice, you can live in the city only 5a square.
Giulia Pietrobattista on Google

Piazza davvero carina e ben tenuta
Really nice and well maintained square
FrancescaViaggio on Google

Piazza molto bella e ben curata, al centro oltre la fontana adesso in periodo natalizio c'è la giostra bellissima e suggestiva.
Very beautiful and well-kept square, in the center over the fountain now in Christmas time there is the beautiful and suggestive carousel.
S Monti on Google

Ho un debole per i borghi, in questo senso la mia valutazione è di parte. Questa piazza non sarà eccelsa, ma ha la sua peculiarità. Con gli addobbi natalizi è ancora più graziosa.
I have a weakness for the villages, in this sense my assessment is biased. This square will not be excellent, but it has its own peculiarity. With the Christmas decorations it is even more graceful.

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