Fortezza Michelangelo

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Contact Fortezza Michelangelo

Address :

Calata Cesare Laurenti, 5, 00053 Civitavecchia RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +979
Postal code : 00053
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Categories :
City : Civitavecchia

Calata Cesare Laurenti, 5, 00053 Civitavecchia RM, Italy
Щербатюк Тетяна on Google

Старовинний форт Мікеланджело, який звели на руїнах фортеці, зруйнованої в часи Римської імперії. Вид цієї могутньої цитаделі захоплює та зачаровує. ЇЇ дивовижну силу відчувають усі, хто прибуває у порт Чивітавекії.
The ancient fort of Michelangelo, built on the ruins of a fortress destroyed during the Roman Empire. The view of this mighty citadel is fascinating and enchanting. Its amazing power is felt by all who come to the port of Civitavecchia.
Mariano Corsaro on Google

Mole fortificata a difesa del porto e baluardo militare della città di. Civitavecchia. Iniziata nel 1508 da Papa Giulio II, ha una forma quadrangolare e uno dei torrioni sembra sia stato progettato da Michelangelo ( da qui il nome).Finita nel 1537.
Mole fortified to defend the port and military bulwark of the city of. Civitavecchia. Begun in 1508 by Pope Julius II, it has a quadrangular shape and one of the towers seems to have been designed by Michelangelo (hence the name). Finished in 1537.
Stefano Irish on Google

Tra il X e l'XI secolo, in posizione dominante tra le rovine dell'antica città e del porto devastato, sorse una rocca e lentamente accanto ad essa si formò un piccolo borgo, lungo l'antica strada romana. Già nel Duecento e nel Trecento il porto di Civitavecchia venne usato come approdo, sia pure ancora mal collegato e privo di attrezzature. Con la riorganizzazione dello Stato della Chiesa, iniziata dopo il Concilio di Costanza (1414-18), Civitavecchia riacquistò lentamente un assetto urbano organico e il suo porto venne restaurato e la città si arricchì di pregevoli edifici che le fonti del tempo attribuiscono a Bernardo Rossellino. La riscoperta dell'allume sui monti della Tolfa e l'esigenza di organizzare l'esportazione del prezioso minerale, determinarono la definitiva rinascita del porto. Il restauro venne affidato ai maggiori architetti della corte pontificia, tra cui Giovannino de' Dolci, Baccio Pontelli e Donato Bramante, al quale Giulio II commissionò il progetto della fortezza che ancora oggi domina il bacino portuale. Fra i frequentatori celebri vi fu anche Leonardo da Vinci che studiò accuratamente e disegnò gli edifici romani ancora superstiti.
Between the 10th and 11th centuries, in a dominant position between the ruins of the ancient city and the devastated port, a fortress was built and slowly a small village was formed next to it, along the ancient Roman road. Already in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the port of Civitavecchia was used as a landing place, albeit still poorly connected and devoid of equipment. With the reorganization of the State of the Church, which began after the Council of Constance (1414-18), Civitavecchia slowly regained an organic urban structure and its port was restored and the city was enriched with valuable buildings that the sources of the time attribute to Bernardo Rossellino . The rediscovery of alum on the Tolfa mountains and the need to organize the export of the precious mineral, determined the definitive rebirth of the port. The restoration was entrusted to the major architects of the papal court, including Giovannino de 'Dolci, Baccio Pontelli and Donato Bramante, to whom Julius II commissioned the project of the fortress that still dominates the port basin today. Among the famous visitors there was also Leonardo da Vinci who carefully studied and designed the Roman buildings that still survive.
Maria Josefa Del Rosario Ursua on Google

Historical place
S S on Google

Just visited from outside. Fort by the port
Joel Le on Google

NIce little fortress, easy to go to from the cruise!
Yana Vychavka on Google

Nothing to do, boring place. But nice view
Marcus Hurley on Google

You can't go into the fort as it is in use by the Italian military. It seems well restored though and you can walk a full circuit of the perimiter. It's certainly an imposing building!

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