Pfarrkirche | Chiesa Parrocchiale | Parish Church St. Martin

4.5/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Pfarrkirche | Chiesa Parrocchiale | Parish Church St. Martin

Address :

Str. Martin, 14, 39030 San Martino BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97987
Postal code : 89029
Website :
Categories :
City : San Martino

Str. Martin, 14, 39030 San Martino BZ, Italy
Niccolò Vergassola on Google

Florian Wasserer on Google

Wunderschöne Kirche
Beautiful church
Daniela Štucková on Google

Pekný kostolík stojaci v nádhernom prostredí Južného Tirolska v údolí Gsies obkolesený majestátnymi horami, dvojtisícovkami. Je dominantou obce St. Martin / San Martino.
A nice church standing in the beautiful surroundings of South Tyrol in the Gsies valley, surrounded by majestic mountains, two thousand. It is a dominant feature of the village of St. Martin / San Martino.
Riccardo Furgoni on Google

Chiesa molto bella e luminosa nel bel mezzo della Val Casies. Architettura elegante e caratteristica. Una Pietà lignea di fattura notevole ha decisamente attirato la mia attenzione così come il lacerto d'un antico affresco. Merita una visita.
Very beautiful and bright church in the middle of the Val Casies. Elegant and characteristic architecture. A wooden Pietà of remarkable workmanship has definitely attracted my attention as well as the fragment of an ancient fresco. Worth a visit.

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