Passeggiata del Guncina

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Passeggiata del Guncina

Address :

Via Michael Pacher, 22, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy

Postal code : 39100
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Categories :
City : Bolzano

Via Michael Pacher, 22, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy
LaGott! on Google

Passeggiata che parte dal quartiere di gries e sale leggermente in pendenza! In pochi minuti ci si trova immersi nel verde e nella pace della natura! Sembra quasi di stare in un giardino botanico vista la quantità di piante che costellano il percorso! Sono numerosi i balconcini, panchine e punti panoramici nei quali ci si può fermare per una sosta o per godersi la vista panoramica della città! Un piccolo paradiso praticamente!!!
Walk that starts from the district of gries and climbs slightly on a slope! In a few minutes you are immersed in the greenery and peace of nature! It almost seems to be in a botanical garden given the amount of plants that dot the path! There are numerous balconies, benches and panoramic points where you can stop for a break or to enjoy the panoramic view of the city! A little paradise practically !!!
Daniele Pellegrini (Dlizard28) on Google

Bellissima passeggiata, molto semplice, non affatica per niente. C'è la possibilità di accorciare il percorso proseguendo per la vecchia strada, molto più ripida e sassosa. Consiglio
Beautiful walk, very simple, not tiring at all. There is the possibility of shortening the route by continuing along the old road, much steeper and stony. Advice
Ghena Clubov on Google

A wanderful panorama
Hannes von chAos on Google

Love it. Always and forever.
Rudy Rensink on Google

Very nice walk!
Peer Scheepers on Google

Easy walk up hill, beautiful sights!
Elizabet Dimitrova on Google

Fantastic views of Bolzano! Great morning run and gets better the higher you go! Very safe and calm
Arif Rahman on Google

Passeggiata del Guncina is a very beautiful trek which is easily accessible from the center of the city. It may be better to do it early in the morning in the summers and on a nice day in the winter. The trek is covered by trees and there are benches to take rest. It would be better to have some simple equipment for exercise.

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