Church of the Sacred Heart

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Church of the Sacred Heart

Address :

Via della Roggia, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97977
Postal code : 39100
Website :
Categories :
City : Bolzano

Via della Roggia, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy
Giulia Bedeschi on Google

Piccola chiesa di Bolzano con sontuose decorazioni interne.
Small church in Bolzano with sumptuous interior decorations.
renato cento on Google

Facciata rossa con rosone e doppio campanile. Interno ricco ma non sfarzoso. Belli i finti nalconcini.
Red facade with rose window and double bell tower. Rich but not lavish interior. The fake nalconcini are beautiful.
Almulkdaewatan Farashatqazam on Google

Ein wahnwitziges Projekt aus roten Molukkenkacheln gebaut, die im Haber-Bosch-Verfahren gefertigt wurden. Kalksoda vermischt mit Sockelmarmor ergeben zwar ein historistisch verzwackeltes Gebäude, aber nur zum Schein. Beim durchschreiten fällt mir ein, dass ich eigentlich gerne Pfannkuchen hätte, oder Krebb, wie man hier sagt. Also wieder raus und erstmal eine gequalmt. Am besten mir Nutella (SuperCrema) drauf, weil Haselnüsse gesund sind, wegen der Fettsäuren.
A crazy project made of red Moluccan tiles, which were manufactured using the Haber-Bosch process. Although lime soda mixed with base marble gives a historically distorted building, but only to the appearance. As I walk through, it occurs to me that I would really like to have pancakes, or Krebb, as they say here. So out again and first a smoke. Best of all Nutella (SuperCrema) on it, because hazelnuts are healthy, because of the fatty acids.
Jakub Hais on Google

Nice place
MattU2B on Google

It is a beautiful church in the center of Bolzano
Gion-Andri Derungs on Google

A real gem. It's a very special church. A must see in my opinion.
sonnet corner on Google

Very good one and timings for 2020 for holy mass
Karlo Šunjo on Google

Has very nice frescoes. It's very calm church

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