Palazzo del Seggio (Tourist Information Centre)

3.4/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Palazzo del Seggio (Tourist Information Centre)

Address :

Piazza Sant'Oronzo, 73100 Lecce LE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9899
Categories :
City : Lecce

Piazza Sant'Oronzo, 73100 Lecce LE, Italy
Domingo David Carrasco Lopez on Google

Tiziana Ro on Google

Markus on Google

In meinen Augen keine Touristen Information. Kein kostenloses Infomaterial, sondern lediglich ein Haufen Bücher über Lecce und die Region, die kostenpflichtig angeboten werden. Zusätzlich wird man auf die geführten Stadtrundgänge hingewiesen. Und das traurigste finde ich, dass ein Stadtplan mit Informationen in italienischer Sprache 2,5€ kostet, in anderen Sprachen 50 Cent mehr.
In my eyes no tourist information. No free info material, just a bunch of books about Lecce and the region, which are offered for a fee. In addition, you will be pointed to the guided city tours. And the saddest thing is that a city map with information in Italian costs 2.5 €, in other languages ​​50 cents more.
ana ines Redkwa on Google

en general, no aquí ni en la estación dan información precisa.Todo muy general,muy desordenado.TODOS LOS INFO POINT parecen privados, no públicos. Venden tours, libros y mapas.Los horarios de tren y demás indicaciones son vagas e imprecisas. Cierran al mediodía la mayoría.
In general, neither here nor at the station give precise information. Everything is very general, very messy. ALL THE INFO POINTS seem private, not public. They sell tours, books, and maps. Train schedules and other directions are vague and imprecise. Most of them close at noon.
Paola Cosi on Google

Posizionato su un lato dell'emiciclo intorno all'anfiteatro romano, è una traccia dell' appartenenza della città di Lecce alla Repubblica di Venezia. Accanto sorge infatti la chiesetta di San Marco, oggi in fase di restauro
Positioned on one side of the hemicycle around the Roman amphitheater, it is a trace of the belonging of the city of Lecce to the Republic of Venice. In fact, next to it stands the small church of San Marco, now being restored
Andrea Penzo [PenzoFiore] on Google

Splendido il posto in cui è collocato l'ufficio turistico, meno la persona a cui ho chiesto informazioni questa mattina, a malapena è riuscita a sollevare l'indice dal suo cellulare per indicare la zona in cui sarebbero dovute esserci le brochure con il programma di capodanno. Per fortuna in Puglia l'accoglienza non passa solo attraverso queste strutture e queste persone.
The place where the tourist office is located is splendid, minus the person I asked for information this morning, barely managed to lift the index from his mobile to indicate the area where the brochures with the program should have been. New Year's. Fortunately, in Puglia hospitality does not pass only through these structures and these people.
Dijana on Google

Palazzo del Seggio (Il Sedile) is a magnificent palace from the Gothic-Renaissance age situated in Piazza Sant’Oronzo. It was built on the request of city’s mayor Pietro Mocenigo at the end of 16th century (precisely 1592). The beautiful palace is a cuboid divided into two floors. The lower floor is closed by large pointed arches and on the upper floor is a loggia with three smaller round arches each side. Il Sedile is decorated with a few coats of arms. During the history the palace was a ammunition warehouse, the town hall until 1851, the headquarters of the National Guard, the home of the Civic Museum. Today it houses the Art gallery and Tourist Information Centar. Next to the right of the palace is the tiny Venetian Church of St. Mark, to the left it faces a Roman amphitheater from the 2nd century AD and in front of it is the 30-meter-tall Roman column (taken from the via Appia) with Lecce's patron saint, St. Oronzo, blessing the city from on high.

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