Museo di Lucignano

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Museo di Lucignano

Address :

Piazza del Tribunale, 22, 52046 Lucignano AR, Italy

Postal code : 52046
Website :
Categories :
City : Lucignano

Piazza del Tribunale, 22, 52046 Lucignano AR, Italy

Un'opera d'arte unica, custodita in un luogo altrettanto unico, Lucignano.
A unique work of art, kept in an equally unique place, Lucignano.
giulio on Google

Buon museo, anche se in un piccolo paese, interessante l'albero d'oro
Gianmarco Pisati on Google

Museo nel palazzo comunale. Pregevoli opere d'arte. Un tantinello esiso nei 5 euro del ticket
Museum in the town hall. Valuable works of art. One tantinello in the 5 euros of the ticket
Ombretta Pasetti on Google

Sempre un'esperienza emozionante visitare i piccoli Borghi splendidi del nostro paese! Molto bella la croce d'oro e la sua storia!
Always an exciting experience to visit the small splendid villages of our country! The golden cross and its history are very beautiful!
Gabriella De Cesare on Google

Museo piccolo ma molto ben curato in uno dei borghi più belli d'italiano. L'albero della vita è un vero capolavoro di arte orafa, che da solo merita una visita
Small but very well maintained museum in one of the most beautiful Italian villages. The tree of life is a true masterpiece of goldsmith's art, which alone is worth a visit
Mauro Giannelli on Google

Museo interessante di livello si spazia con affreschi o trittico dal CC al CD con la custode Elena talmente professionale da farti vivere emozioni meravigliose con passione e competenza veramente grazie da Mauro e Gabriella
Interesting level museum ranges with frescoes or triptych from CC to CD with the caretaker Elena so professional that you can experience wonderful emotions with passion and competence, really thanks from Mauro and Gabriella
Samuel Koo on Google

A lovely small musum with an ornate frescoed meeting room upstairs
Mark Bitton on Google

At 5 Euro per person, it's overpriced considering the entire museum consists of 4 rooms total and UT looks like they've thrown in a couple small African exhibits because they ran out of other stuff to show.That said, my guess is that most persons who visit here come specifically to see their tree 9f love, which doesn't disappoint. Slightly overpriced? Yes, but hopefully the increased love thereafter apportioned to your life will have significant dividends. If so... Maybe it was exceptionally well priced. ?

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