Museo d'Arte di Chianciano Terme

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Museo d'Arte di Chianciano Terme

Address :

Viale della Libertà, 280, 53042 Chianciano Terme SI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 53042
Website :
Categories :
City : Chianciano Terme

Viale della Libertà, 280, 53042 Chianciano Terme SI, Italy
Mauro Peroni on Google

Un bel percorso nell'arte che parte dalla preistoria fino al arte contemporanea nella suggestiva cornice del borgo medievale di Chianciano,da visitare con calma.
A beautiful journey through art that starts from prehistory to contemporary art in the evocative setting of the medieval village of Chianciano, to be visited calmly.
Sabrina Pepe on Google

Un museo ben curato. Opere dal neolitico fino all'età contemporanea, con uno spazio dedicato all'epoca del risorgimento italiano. Esperienza davvero piacevole.
A well-kept museum. Works from the Neolithic to the contemporary age, with a space dedicated to the time of the Italian Risorgimento. Really nice experience.

???? The international Art Museum in Chianciano Terme is a must see. Many artists operas from around the world, Very interesting. Un museo citatissimo, opere pregevoli di datazione varia fino ad oggi, curato e illuminato in maniera eccellente. Un palazzo antico restaurato finemente con pavimento d’epoca accoglie con stile ,grande stile, tantissime opere speciali di artisti di tutto il mondo. Ciclicamente aperto durante l’anno per mostre private o occasioni. Apertura per appuntamento anche. Temporaneamente chiuso per situazione Covid. Un Museo da vedere.
???? The international Art Museum in Chianciano Terme is a must see. Many artists operas from around the world, Very interesting. A much cited museum, valuable works of dating varies up to today, well-kept and illuminated in an excellent way. A finely restored ancient building with a period floor welcomes with style, great style, many special works by artists from all over the world. Cyclically open throughout the year for private exhibitions or occasions. Also open by appointment. Temporarily closed due to Covid situation. A museum to see.
Maisie Briggs on Google

Very interesting and a lot to see!
Gagliardi Gallery on Google

We are associated with this museum and warmly recommend it.
Peter Gagliardi on Google

Beautiful museum, lovely reception by the staff and impressive artworks. An absolute must in Chianciano!
Lorenzo Pederzoli on Google

Amazing art gallery with amazing pieces, worth the visit in Chianciano by itself. The staff is very knowledgeable and very helpful! 10/10
Lonnie Schlein on Google

Simply a Tuscan dream for great contemporary art, wonderful atmosphere and warm and friendly people. Unique on the European continent!

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